Video PC Xbox 360 PS3

Pro Evolution Soccer 2013 is the first football game to arrive this year, so here are a couple of videos of this year's edition. We will try to add more gameplay footage as soon as possible but with Borderlands 2, F1 2012 and the PC version of Sherlock Holmes, we have plenty of things to take care of.

GangStarr - Inhibited Sony Lover
Commented on 2012-09-21 02:56:57
i cant decide whether i want to buy this game

i buy both footy games on launch every year without hesitation but this year the stupid ML changes and no league mode has really made me question whether to get this game. the all spanish league stadiums is a real pull though

but also the gameplay is still nowhere near as good/smooth/responsive as it should be either, its been how many years now on next gen? i expect better from the company that gave us the greatest football game of all time (PES5).
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Commented on 2012-09-21 20:41:40
It's good, but barely good. It still feels stuck in a generation that has long past, and that's the most jarring thing when jumping from Fifa 13 to this. Everything feels so dated. Yes, it's got some nice AI, but so too does Fifa this year, so it's no longer got that carrot to dangle on a stick. The biggest thing is the physicality. Every nudge and kick in Fifa is different. You feel it when you play and you react accordingly and so too do the refs. In PES, you can get smashed clean through on goal and no foul is given. Also every tackle seems to feel the same and when you've put in what seems like a legit tackle winning the ball, the ref always pulls you up on it and gives you a booking. Small things like that really add up and spoil the experience. It's a good improvement over previous games, but I really can't for the life of me understand where these reviewers are pulling their 9/10 scores from. It's a solid 7 out of 10, with maybe an 8 at a push, but a 9? No.
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Commented on 2012-09-22 01:31:14
pc version looks amazing , i played the demo .
played console version too . console version not worth upgrading .
cant believe they are dragging the consoles now 7-8 year old tech .
how is that acceptable
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Commented on 2012-09-22 11:06:26
The demo on PC was not bad but they did it again by making is suck by the time the retail version gets out. Bought it yesterday, already selling it today. Awful. :(
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Commented on 2012-09-22 22:09:40
^^ Typical Konami
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About the game
Published by
Developed by

$135 of $400 per month

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