Movies you watched recently

Inscrit depuis 6681 Jours
Saw The Hobbit yesterday. The White Council is a bad ass team of mage mastery. They alone were worth the price of admission. Seriously they need to just make a movie about The White Council. Screw the One ring, screw the Hobbits and forget about the Dark Lord and let the White Council kick ass for 3hrs.

I know I'd pay to see it.
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Saw The Hobbit: The battle of the 5 armies a couple of days ago.
First point to note; I didn't like The Hobbit and The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug. reasons: too much nonsense put into the story; Thorin being a dick, Bilbo being mistrusted all the time, Ninja Gaiden Legolas edition, etc,etc.
Now I still went to see this movie because despite not liking the first two (Thought the Hobbit was the better one of the 2) I was still interested to see if they could sway my opinion around on the last movie....
Welll low and behold: THEY FAILED AGAIN!

I would say the movie is not that bad up until a couple of minutes into the actual battle of the 5 armies.
Then it's down hill from there: Stupid, retarded action moments mainly involving Legolas defier of physics (crumbling tower scene, ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME, Peter Jackson???), a lot of stuff being added to the story for no fucking reason at all with the most glaring bit: the fucking love story between the elf and the dwarf.

I don't know how the same people that brought us Lord of the Rings (which I found to be awesome, I mean I love those films as much as I love the Back to the future, star wars and indiana jones movies) can fuck up filming this story. I think we all know that the biggest mistake was making three movies out of a small children's book, but a lot of stuff here seems related to not having someone around Peter Jackson that will actually tell him: "No Peter, that's a bad idea"

In the last film we had that horrible golden CGI statue moment and the "river barrel scene" that seemed so far removed from the complete awesome use of CGI in the LotR movies.
Now they somehow do it again by having a "golden floor" swallow up Thorin. It was a scene that really pulled me out of the movie and just got me thinking about how bad the use of CGI was....

If you didn't like the previous one, don't expect to be awed by this one.
It's first half is entertaining but I couldn't careless about the second half/the ending.
I think I'll just consider these films as non existent and I'll be fine (hopefully)
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"First come smiles, then comes lies. Last is gunfire"

Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6675 Jours
The Hobbit movies are decent at best, but nowhere near in the same quality of LOTR, Peter Jackson went George Lucas on our asses with "prequals" lol.

If you watch Hobbit and LOTR back to back you can see majority of the effects even the bloom effect crap is in Hobbit to make everything more "shiny" yet LOTR looked like a realistic living world without any visual effects on anything. Most parts of the Hobbit movies looks like super high quality video game cinematics which i think is dumb, especially all those CGI enemies compared to LOTR having so many humans in costumes and make up.

Lord of the Rings movies are the best movies ever to me, god knows how many times i seen them (though i have tough time going through them again these days without skipping alot of boring scenes, Gollum scenes and Treebeard being a given skip to me lol).

Also about Thorin, i thought he was suppose to become this 50/50 character in Hobbit until the 3rd movie were he becomes greedy and selfish, atleast thats what i have been told will happen in the books.

Its also a shame the music for the Hobbit movies stinks, there is zero memoriable piece like the ones they had in LOTR movies, which was quite alot. Even the composer Howard Shore went lazy lol

PS. Legolas...he went all out action game character on us. I was expecting some QTE buttons showing up on the screen, thats how much they took cues from it. Stabbing a sword into a trolls head and then controlling it...Kratos in God of War 3 does that lol
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Inscrit depuis 6739 Jours
I wouldn't say he went Lucas. I think he genuinely didn't give a shit after all the legal drama Jackson dealt with
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Inscrit depuis 6739 Jours
The new Mission Impossible was pretty great. Although kinda basic. The leading lady was also a baberaham lincoln

I still miss how magical the original Cruise film was
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Taboo 1 and 2. What an close family.
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Inscrit depuis 6681 Jours
Well I'm only a couple hours from traveling to my local IMAX showing of Star Wars The Force Awakens. We only manged 2am tickets. Everything else was sold straight through to the 10am showing tomorrow. Could we have our first $1 Billion Dollar global opening?

I wish there was a way to properly express how excited I am. I haven't read ANYTHING, I even refused to look at the movie's soundtrack for fear that the track names will spoil things for me. So I essentially know nothing about this film and any surprises will be COMPLETE surprises for me. I feel like a kid again.

While none of my friends are dressed in character (thank God, a couple of them are really out of shape and would make odd looking stormtroopers), they are swinging their plastic sabers around rather wildly and really getting their geek on right now. Seriously if one these idiots loses an eye to this nonsense I'm STILL going to the premiere. And I really mean that!

There's a story going around that some jerk from an earlier showing came out of the theater and blabbed the entire film to the people waiting in line for the next showing. The story goes that more than 20 people removed themselves from the line and tried to beat this man unconscious. Now this has actually happened out here on Long Island before during the Gone Girl, The Purge, Deathly Hallows, and Frozen premieres. I KNOW, Frozen absolutely shouldn't have mattered at all so I don't know what the fuck that was all about. But this is the first time I'm hearing somebody really got hurt.

Can't say I'm sorry to hear that. BWHAHAHAHA!!!

Oh man, I'm not going to be able to go to work in the morning.

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The cool kids don't like me and I don't care.

Inscrit depuis 6739 Jours
Yeah I went in with no exposure to anything as well

Star Wars is most definitely back. I saw it at 7pm
Sorry to hear you're getting the 2am hit

You could easily ruin this for so many if you blabbed when exiting the movie. Not surprised by that one

I'm looking forward to seeing this trilogy continue! Although I'm scared others will be directing the next two
I'll have to learn to trust new people all over again
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Inscrit depuis 6739 Jours

dude I'm still sad about Solo, fuck me. It's even worse because he's been a hero for like 40 years because we've all watched the old ones for so long
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Inscrit depuis 6739 Jours
I missed how cool this was because I skipped the trailer
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Inscrit depuis 6681 Jours
Posté par Tinks

dude I'm still sad about Solo, fuck me. It's even worse because he's been a hero for like 40 years because we've all watched the old ones for so long
As soon as a I saw Han walk on that catwalk I knew he was going to be killed. Kylo Ren's tantrums had already proved that he was more than capable of doing the job. It also make perfect sense that Luke couldn't kill the son of his sister and his best friend.

The whole thing is a cliffhanger at this point. For all we know Rey could still be there on that cliff trying to talk Luke back into the fight. Fin is still out of commission, he took a lightsaber to the spine. Ren is probably in no better shape but Snokes told Gen Hux to grab him and get both their butts back to where ever he's hanging out. Maybe Captain Phasma hitched a ride before the Starkiller blew.

My only few grumbles revolve around the fact that TOO MUCH has happened since the events of ROTJ. Luke Skywalker is a myth? He couldn't have been gone that long, Kylo Ren and the Order are too young to have built that kind of history where the events of ANH and ROTJ are forgotten by the galaxy.

LOL! The Republic gets wiped out before we even know what it is. Kylo Ren gets his ass handed to him by a untrained Force sensitive. Captain Phasma looks intimidating but she does absolutely nothing in this film. Why did you put Gwendoline in this film JJ?

SWTFA was one thing that the prequels weren't......................FUN. FUN. FUN!!!
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Inscrit depuis 6739 Jours
the death was obvious

but I thought the timeline seemed fine.
Going into hiding for a few decades would turn your story into a story I think. Or a myth as they say.

Kylo clearly isn't as strong because he's emotionally unstable. He's still conflicted about where he stands good/bad that he can start losing a fight to someone who's just learning their way. They're almost on equal ground and you could also make the case that she just has more midiclorian(sp) and is destined to be more skilled.
Both are immature but she's further along with who she is to herself than he is.
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Inscrit depuis 6739 Jours
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Inscrit depuis 6681 Jours
Posté par Tinks
Kylo clearly isn't as strong because he's emotionally unstable. He's still conflicted about where he stands good/bad that he can start losing a fight to someone who's just learning their way. They're almost on equal ground and you could also make the case that she just has more midiclorian(sp) and is destined to be more skilled.
Both are immature but she's further along with who she is to herself than he is.
I'm only nit-picking over Skywalker being a myth, but it's clear that Luke's portion of the story is being told from within echo-chamber of the original trilogy. I haven't made up my mind where I stand with that. I'm willing to wait for Rogue One next year to see what's Luke's position is on everything.

Ren starts off very very menacing, his footsteps heavy and threatening. He stops a blaster shot in mid-flight and freezes it there. I was impressed, hell not even Yoda or Palpatine demonstrated that capability before. After all this is the same person who killed ALL of Luke's students and ended the new Jedi Order. But by the middle of the film Kylo isn't scary at all, he's just a guy running around playing Vader. He's getting beat by Rey and to some extent by Finn as well. Those two barely held a lighstaber properly and they both gave Kylo a tough time. I wasn't the only one who noticed it, the audience groaned a couple of times when Kylo was stabbed and singed by Finn who didn't even look like he knew what he was doing.

How does Lawrence Kasdan resolve that for the next film? It's like he intentionally let all the air out his villain's balloon. Which makes me believe that they want him to remain redeemable. And while I'm at it I might was well drop my other theories.

#1 The First Order are NOT Sith

I know it might seem far-fetched but there is no reason to believe that there weren't other darkside orders out there besides the Sith. Perhaps they had been waiting for the Sith to fall before making their move.

#2 The Starkiller was a prototype

The main reason I say this is because of how relatively undefended it was. There was NO FLEET guarding it and we are witnesses to the first time it's fired.

#3 The Knights of Ren are very likely made up of some of Luke's very own students

While only seen and mentioned briefly, it's clear that Kylo won over some of Luke's students that led to the betrayl and demise of his Academy. Like Kylo, their training is incomplete and probably being overseen by Snoke. Rey and Finn are going to be busy dealing with these Knights in the next films.

#4 Finn's backstory is very likely to reveal a connection to the Force

The fact that he becomes the catalyst that sets the entire snowball in action, he's probably an integral part of future events. Phasma wanted Finn to submit to additional brainwashing and reconditioning. Perhaps when he awakens he will be free of these mental barriers and open a door to his origins.

#5 Rey is NOT Skywalker's daughter She's was once a Jedi Youngling in Luke's Academy.

If Luke had the opportunity, he very likely hid his younglings in various places so that they couldn't be easily identified. This could have been Finn as well. Remember he knows nothing about his parentage or origins, only being indoctrinated into the First Order. And Kylo KNEW EXACTLY who helped Poe escape.

I've got more but most of them are still cooking in my head. I'm really excited about the rebirth of Star Wars :)
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Inscrit depuis 6783 Jours
Posté par GrimThorne
I'm only nit-picking over Skywalker being a myth, but it's clear that Luke's portion of the story is being told from within echo-chamber of the original trilogy. I haven't made up my mind where I stand with that. I'm willing to wait for Rogue One next year to see what's Luke's position is on everything.
You won't see much about Luke stand on this on Rogue One because is the first of the anthology movies, and it will be about the rogue team who stole the first Deathstart plans before Episode IV.

I think Episode VIII will be about how Ren got into the dark side and pretty much oblitirate Lukes academy, we probably will also learn about Rey and Finn past there to. Them it will be about Luke training Rey and Ren finally going fully into the dark side.
Posté par GrimThorne
I'm really excited about the rebirth of Star Wars :)
I agree with this. Really exited about all this. Want to see the next two episodes and the anthalogy movies. The one about Han Solo would be interesting to watch.

Edit: BTW spoiler tag Tinks quote on your post.
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Inscrit depuis 6681 Jours
Thanks for clearing that up for me. I didn't know Rogue One was one of the anthology films.
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The cool kids don't like me and I don't care.

Inscrit depuis 6739 Jours
Ya you need to spoiler tag me so I'm not seen as evil Grim

Ren's weakness during the fight with Rey and Fin can be explained by the fact that he took a blaster to the stomach.
Chewbacca raged and shot him while his guard was down because he just murdered his own father, making a major decision in his path.
Also I think Kylo Ren/Ben is still really powerful. The movies have never really delved into the powers of Jedi and how they're more specialized. It's a detail that was mostly in the books from what I've heard.
Like Mace Windu's lightsaber being purple actually meant something with his alignment for instance.
Ren is strong with the force, but not with a saber would be a likely explanation on top of the injury. Plus he's likely fighting someone related to him, and again he just offed his dad.
I think him getting weaker as the film progressed was more to do with his struggle than any sort of mistake. The introduction portrays him at his strongest then slowly exposes him as the movie goes along.
The most exciting part to me is there's a lot to come for his character, and his struggle was one of the most interesting bits of the entire film.
#2 - but they fought a fleet before entering that bit that got blown open. Plus all the legions of troops displayed when he makes his speech. I really hope they don't do the same weapon over again.
#4 I agree with you. I think his break away from the Stormtrooper brainwashing is much too unique. I do see him as a Han Solo replacement though, so you never know.
#5 is the most interesting part. Clearly there's some connection to Kylo Ren because he knows of her. However it's hard to tell if they're brother and sister or not. Ben Solo seems borrowed from a story where there was a son/daughter of Han and Leia one evil and one good.

I agree with you rayy. I expect a lot of backstory on why Luke went into hiding. I think Ren will still be conflicted though.
It'll be cool to see their training side by side.
I wonder if Fin will lead the next film more because of this.
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Inscrit depuis 6783 Jours
Next movie I will go like this

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Inscrit depuis 6739 Jours

Also I expect film #2 will do what it can to make us empathize with Kylo Ren/Ben, thus setting up a strong desire to see him come back to the light in the final film. Otherwise we'll just want to see him dead through and through which is kinda basic/boring in contrast to how it all begins
Maybe Snoke is especially cruel to him and tortures him? We'll see
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Inscrit depuis 6783 Jours
Posté par Tinks

Also I expect film #2 will do what it can to make us empathize with Kylo Ren/Ben, thus setting up a strong desire to see him come back to the light in the final film. Otherwise we'll just want to see him dead through and through which is kinda basic/boring in contrast to how it all begins
Maybe Snoke is especially cruel to him and tortures him? We'll see
In regards to that. The novel about the movie will carry more info. On another forum someone mention this info from the novel.

Leia mentions that snoke has been following ben since his childhood, hiding in the shadows and manipulating him, she became aware of that at some point but couldn't stop it from happening

I think I might get the novel to. To get more info about it.
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Inscrit depuis 6783 Jours
Even though I didnt find Williams music on this one as strong as the Original Trilogy (It is understandable though because those were increadible and hard to top) I though the Rey's theme was quite good
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Inscrit depuis 6739 Jours
Yeah I dl'd the soundtrack and her theme was easily the best
There were opportune moments where they could have plugged in some of the classics but they chose not to strangely.
Like that huge lightsaber scene towards the end I was expecting a really loud play of the main theme but it didn't happen.
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Inscrit depuis 6783 Jours
Posté par Tinks
Yeah I dl'd the soundtrack and her theme was easily the best
There were opportune moments where they could have plugged in some of the classics but they chose not to strangely.
Like that huge lightsaber scene towards the end I was expecting a really loud play of the main theme but it didn't happen.
Now that I hear the whole soundtrack I will say the music is better than I though. I guess I was so deep into what was happening on the movie that I didn't pay attention to the music, or maybe they could have use the music better on the movie. I need to watch this a second time. When the exitement goes down and I can get tickets much more easy I will go and see it again.
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I may see it Christmas day
But I'm definitely going back for true Imax
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