Turok Next Gen (Xbox 360/PS3) Screenshots

Inscrit depuis 6958 Jours
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Inscrit depuis 6936 Jours
I have my expectations set way low for this one.
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PlumbDrumb - Still drinking
Inscrit depuis 6936 Jours
goddamit, I want UE3 games to look different!

They all look like modifications of eachother, except for BIA.
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You say we're getting there? Oh, fine.
Any minute now...

Inscrit depuis 6921 Jours
Posté par PlumbDrumb
goddamit, I want UE3 games to look different!

They all look like modifications of eachother, except for BIA.
Lost Odyssey
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PlumbDrumb - Still drinking
Inscrit depuis 6936 Jours
Yeah I forgot about that one.

okay scratch my comment :D

I suppose I should note it's not only UE3 games that are looking like this.
This is like some kind of trend, the words for which I can't put my finger on.

Anyhow, this Turok game is looking good.
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You say we're getting there? Oh, fine.
Any minute now...

Acert93 - Mr. Bad Cop
Inscrit depuis 6913 Jours
The trend is outside the really nice, fancy studios, a lot of them are getting their first taste of advanced shaders and are relying pretty heavily on the "proven" shader code presenting at GDC and other gathers of developers (like ATI's shader day). As time goes on we will see devs start branching out. Further, they will start using vertex texturing and dynamic branching for effects so far not tried. A lot of virgin territory out there.
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I am too poor to own a 360... therefor I play with paper statistics. The results of my indepth scientific anaylisis determined the most important benchmark is Pi. As in The Ring of Light.

Inscrit depuis 6936 Jours
People want games to looks photorealistic, then they throw in the shaders, which are overdone and make everything look plastic and then the games start all looking the same. I fear it will be a trend this generation, at least for western developers, and its already starting to look that way. I don't mind the use of shaders, but they need to make it so they are subtle and not so obvious, or try a new technique so they don't all look the same.

I'll be glad when we start seeing cel shaded games, cuase I'm already sick of the realistic crap.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Inscrit depuis 6808 Jours
Looking quite good. The characters kind of reminds me of John Grim from Doom 3 and the Gears of War units. I think this is going to be like Doom3/Quake style in the jungle. Never played Turok before so I got to check out some videos and other pictures.
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Inscrit depuis 6777 Jours
nobody wants to dirty up their games with filters to give them a gritty realistic look. tired of the unreal engine look a likes.
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Inscrit depuis 6825 Jours
goddamit, I want UE3 games to look different!
Thats my line..

And i even think LO borrows a lot from other UE3 games, as good as the engine is i don't think it has the ability to be diverse enough to allow dev's to make games that different looking from one another.

UE3 uses a special shader program which mixes effects to create new shader styles but i haven't seen anything from the engine which couldn't be done better on a properitry engine. (i get the feeling that the shder engine in UE3 is probably holding a lot of dev's back in regards to new effects)

I fear that next gen games are going to end up having the same look and i'm already getting very bored of it.

On a good not i think this game looks nice just very much the same as i have seen before.
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Inscrit depuis 6923 Jours
I would not have thought this was a Turok game if you didn't mention it (ok the dino's are a give away..).
I only ever played the N64 version, for a little (so thats probably why). That was probably my first FPS on console experience, and although I was poo at it, from what I remember it was a pretty cool game.
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Inscrit depuis 6825 Jours
Posté par Archaos
I would not have thought this was a Turok game if you didn't mention it (ok the dino's are a give away..).
I only ever played the N64 version, for a little (so thats probably why). That was probably my first FPS on console experience, and although I was poo at it, from what I remember it was a pretty cool game.
I remember the countless hours of jumping from logs poles in first person was a nightmare.. the only other thing i remember about that game is that it had more fog than anything else..
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roxwell - PuS3Y
Inscrit depuis 6890 Jours
and the bow and arrow! but that fog :/
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Don't touch that Squirrels nuts!

Inscrit depuis 6834 Jours
I don't care too human definetly sets itself apart from other unreal 3 titles. The screens are very deceptive I have a scan of too human in a magazine that I guarantee if people saw it they would probably be shocked at how awesome it looks compared to the screens we have seen :)

The lighting everything in general is just totally different. Everything is nice and even nothing overdone just flawless.
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[b] Never judge a game too harshly via screenshots or videos, because they are in no way capable of properly representing what the game truly looks like were you to see it running in front of you on a 360 [/b]

Inscrit depuis 6825 Jours
But you would say that Op... ;.)
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roxwell - PuS3Y
Inscrit depuis 6890 Jours
I more surprised the pages of that mag are not stuck together yet Op ;)
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Don't touch that Squirrels nuts!

Inscrit depuis 6834 Jours
bah the camera system, the combat, the amazing fully playable cutscenes, the story and adventure, it'll certainly be hard to compare it to other unreal 3 titles.

The video of gameplay that was shown that was the camera system as of november, along with animations and many other things. The 9th isn't too far away now so we'll soon get to see it in all its glory :)

Yea roxwell some glue accidentally fell on one of the pages :(
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[b] Never judge a game too harshly via screenshots or videos, because they are in no way capable of properly representing what the game truly looks like were you to see it running in front of you on a 360 [/b]

roxwell - PuS3Y
Inscrit depuis 6890 Jours
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Don't touch that Squirrels nuts! Fanboy=Ban boy.

Inscrit depuis 7256 Jours
I think those pics are old ;)
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