Since 6561 Days
Bethesda put up their teaser for Fallout 3 and while not confirmed for the 360, it will almost certainly be there:


My impressions? The Oblivion engine is showing its age big time. Those interior bus textures look awful.

The setting seems decent and there is a fallout feel to it, but its Bethesda so hope only goes so far.
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Since 6751 Days
Yes that teaser brought my hope back to this game :D

There was pip boy poster on that bus too. Oh man this is going to be great.

Fall 2008. I expected that so not disappointment. Take the time to make it good and I am happy.

I don't care about graphics. Fallout is about something else, at least the olders were. I hope they won't use same levelling as in Oblivion...
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Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan 2
Give a guy a gun, he thinks he´s Superman. Give him two and he thinks he´s God!

Since 6978 Days
Looks great, don't see the problem with the textures. And there is no "Oblivion engine", they use Gamebryo.
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Since 6751 Days
Yeah but I am not that sure if that was even realtime graphics. Maybe this is some sort of intro video or part of it.

Power armor looked cool too :D
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Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan 2
Give a guy a gun, he thinks he´s Superman. Give him two and he thinks he´s God!

Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Since 6850 Days
Iso the PR said this is running in-game engine.
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[Mass Effect] - [Too Human] - [Assassin's Creed] - [COD 4: Modern Warfare] - [Battlefield 2: Bad Company] - [Army of Two] - [Haze] - [Fable 2] - [Ninja Gaiden 2] - [Dark Sector]

Since 6751 Days
But does that mean it is realtime :P
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Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan 2
Give a guy a gun, he thinks he´s Superman. Give him two and he thinks he´s God!

Since 6561 Days
It isn't real time, and thats the bad thing. Whats bad? The steering wheel area, the seats, and worst of all is the air vent thats a painted tile.

Now this means little for the final game, its more that I think the engine has to be dying when they can't even get those up for a non real time movie.
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Since 6751 Days
I thought first that you were talking about Forza 2 :P

It is (maybe) fall 2008 title so there is long way to final version.
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Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan 2
Give a guy a gun, he thinks he´s Superman. Give him two and he thinks he´s God!

Since 6970 Days
I think it looks great especially considering the size the final game will likely be and that that is likely just a random bus in the environment.
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"It is such a quiet thing, to fall. But far more terrible is to admit it." ~ Kreia in Kotor2

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 6984 Days
It's going to be extremely hard to please the fans here.. this has the potential to receive more hate than Shadowrun. Hopefully Bethesda can break away from the "Oblivion with mutants" that everyone expects.
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Since 6978 Days
Posted by endaround
It isn't real time, and thats the bad thing. Whats bad? The steering wheel area, the seats, and worst of all is the air vent thats a painted tile.

Now this means little for the final game, its more that I think the engine has to be dying when they can't even get those up for a non real time movie.
Wow, its a bus(part of one anyway), a VERY minor element compared to the rest of the landscape. They obviously used the ingame engine and assets to make this(realtime cutscene) as they wanted to show what the game looks like.

Its just amazing at the stuff people bitch about these days.
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kenshin2418 - Junior Detective
Since 6959 Days
Seems it is finally confirmed for 360 and PS3 too
We bring you inside Bethesda and give you the first details about this post-apocalyptic open-ended RPG that's hitting the PC, PS3 and Xbox 360 in 2008.
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I believe in Harvey Dent too

Since 6415 Days
Hope it's not the crap,Oblivion was.Hope Bethesda to respect her hardcore fans,not her casual buyers...
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You can never be ready for something.If you feel you do,then you've forgotten something...

FireWire - IEEE 1394
Since 6984 Days
Posted by personGR
Hope it's not the crap,Oblivion was.Hope Bethesda to respect her hardcore fans,not her casual buyers...
You may think that Oblivion was crap but most (hardcore)fans were pretty positive about it.....
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"You're being arrested for drunk driving."
"Drunk definitely, I don't know if you could call it driving."

Since 6415 Days
Posted by FireWire
You may think that Oblivion was crap but most (hardcore)fans were pretty positive about it.....
When i say hardcore fans,i dont's rpg players,but players who had finished three or four times the previous Elders Scrolls games(Arena-Daggerfall-Morrowind).Like me...Oblivion was much different than Morrowind/Daggerfall(no comparison with Arena).It had not their depth of gameplay...It had an arrow as a compass...
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You can never be ready for something.If you feel you do,then you've forgotten something...

Since 6589 Days
Posted by personGR
When i say hardcore fans,i dont's rpg players,but players who had finished three or four times the previous Elders Scrolls games(Arena-Daggerfall-Morrowind).Like me...Oblivion was much different than Morrowind/Daggerfall(no comparison with Arena).It had not their depth of gameplay...It had an arrow as a compass...
So you one of those players who likes to walk everywhere in a map ? (boring) Do you also like searching for hours on end for a stupid doorway in the side of a hill ? (boring) I think these things which mean you can get on with the actual gameplay and story are fantastic. Personally I would not play a game where you had to do that stuff. If thats what you like fair enough. Look at it this way. They can sell to people like that and make money. Or they can make the game more fun and sell to a lot more people.
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FireWire - IEEE 1394
Since 6984 Days
Posted by personGR
When i say hardcore fans,i dont's rpg players
I didn't meant that either, i meant people who have followed the Elder scroll series for years.... And if you are really "that" hardcore u would've known that their are a ton of mods available that even enhances the game further (including removing the compass)

Cause u have to be honest all the die-hard fans play Oblivion on the pc for the extra content and mods :)
In reply to

"You're being arrested for drunk driving."
"Drunk definitely, I don't know if you could call it driving."

Since 6929 Days
if its like S.T.A.L.K.E.R. then it would be awesome. That game was fricken sweet.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 6984 Days
Posted by FireWire
I didn't meant that either, i meant people who have followed the Elder scroll series for years.... And if you are really "that" hardcore u would've known that their are a ton of mods available that even enhances the game further (including removing the compass)

Cause u have to be honest all the die-hard fans play Oblivion on the pc for the extra content and mods :)
Well.. plenty of people do prefer Morrowind. I still think Oblivion is a great game though, and the PC version (which is the best version) has a killer community to back it up. Great mods for that game.. users have done their best to restore many aspects of the game. Like removing the world leveling, fast travel, etc.
Posted by CockKnocker
if its like S.T.A.L.K.E.R. then it would be awesome. That game was fricken sweet.
I hope it's like Fallout :)
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Since 6415 Days
What did you think FireWire?Did i buy Oblivion on 360?No way..Ibought collectors for my pc firstly and about 8 monhts later i bought one for my 360..I agree the mods existed,but the fact is,Bethesda included all these things the mods corrected...

PS:All the things i say,it's called freedom of gameplay,TheBeagle..
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You can never be ready for something.If you feel you do,then you've forgotten something...

Since 6589 Days
Posted by personGR
What did you think FireWire?Did i buy Oblivion on 360?No way..Ibought collectors for my pc firstly and about 8 monhts later i bought one for my 360..I agree the mods existed,but the fact is,Bethesda included all these things the mods corrected...

PS:All the things i say,it's called freedom of gameplay,TheBeagle..
Yeah I understand but I just find these things extremely tedious and boring.
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Since 6929 Days
Posted by GriftGFX
I hope it's like Fallout :)
u mean u hope Stalker is like fallout? or u mean u hope Fallout is like Fallout? Anyway, Stalker reminded me so much of Fallout, it was like the same thing almost but in first person. Really good story too...yep...Will this game be like the old turn based Fallout games tho?
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 6984 Days
Posted by CockKnocker
u mean u hope Stalker is like fallout? or u mean u hope Fallout is like Fallout? Anyway, Stalker reminded me so much of Fallout, it was like the same thing almost but in first person. Really good story too...yep...Will this game be like the old turn based Fallout games tho?
I hope Fallout is like Fallout. I haven't played STALKER yet.. but it looks nice. I would like the game play to be sorta like Fallout though. Action combat and a different perspective will make it feel like a completely different game.
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Since 6561 Days
The problem if you move it from turn-based to real-time is two fold:

1) It screws up the SPECIAL system. Players hate not hitting thins in the reticle and so basically you'll end up losing the trade-off between combat and non-combat skills.

2)Maybe someone can find one, but I have yet to see a game in real time that can balance between ranged and melee combat well. Either one or the other tends to be really powerful in comparison.
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