Tekken 6 - gameplay footage

Since 6854 Days

Alot of characters and seems faster then before.
It's getting more interesting
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Playstation ID: Martijn_

Since 6844 Days
Man that video is terrible!! Looks good though.
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Halle Berry: Delgado i am feeling really reall dirty tonight, shall i call Jessica Simpson for a threesome?

Delgado: HALLE what have i told you about bothering me when i'm playing Mass Effect!!! now get out and dont come back for 2 months!! (Slams door

SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Since 7007 Days
The whole game seems faster than before. Nice.
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It's a Mii! - 7409 0905 5789 4610
Playstation Network ID: Mirkmillian

Since 6797 Days
Looks good. Video quality isnt that great, but at least we know the game moves nice.
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COD 4's pre-alpha stage looks better than most game's gone gold stage.

Saying you cant find animaton in Japan is like saying you cant find food in Italy. Its simply not true.

SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Since 7007 Days

New footage, and what the hell!?

I thought Soul Calibur 4 was to be their freakout-a-thon while Tekken remained sober but THAT's clearly not what's happening.

I hope it comes with a bullshit toggle in options or something or I'm not going near it.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 6984 Days
Posted by SimonM7

New footage, and what the hell!?

I thought Soul Calibur 4 was to be their freakout-a-thon while Tekken remained sober but THAT's clearly not what's happening.

I hope it comes with a bullshit toggle in options or something or I'm not going near it.
Soul Calibur will still be more fun regardless :P
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Since 6388 Days
looks a lot more OTT and streetfighter-ish. even has freaking projectile attacks which is weird for a tekken game. but i welcome change in the tekken series simply becasue the series went a little stale after tekken 3.
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SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Since 7007 Days
I dunno, I think Tekken 5 picked up admirable amounts of slack and I play Dark Resurrection on the PS3 pretty regularly. I've never gotten into SC the way I did with Tekken Tag and Virtua Fighter to be honest, and I was hoping they wouldn't flood this with the "skill item" malarky SC4 prances around with. You can still play standard matches of course and thank god for that, but ALL MY FRIENDS THINK SKILL OUTFITS ARE AWESOME NOW so we can't have a match unless I get into *customising my character for optimal performance*.

Such god damn bullshit. You'd think fighting games would strive to remove balance issues, not INTRODUCE A SYSTEM FOR ADDING BALANCE ISSUES.

With magic wands, mini guns and exploding heads it seems Namco are finding new ways to cock up the potential increase in people who actually play these games properly.
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Since 6309 Days
The item thing aside i must say that Tekken 6 BR looks fucking awesome. It's pretty funny that the sauced up version of Tekken 6 is already showing...i mean, we haven't even gotten the first version on PS3 yet :P

Also the item thing doesn't really worry me much in tekken, cause unless you are playing with a retard, that stuff won't be used anyways. It's the same with SC4, i only ever use it in single player to give me an edge in the tower.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 6984 Days
Posted by SimonM7
I dunno, I think Tekken 5 picked up admirable amounts of slack and I play Dark Resurrection on the PS3 pretty regularly. I've never gotten into SC the way I did with Tekken Tag and Virtua Fighter to be honest, and I was hoping they wouldn't flood this with the "skill item" malarky SC4 prances around with. You can still play standard matches of course and thank god for that, but ALL MY FRIENDS THINK SKILL OUTFITS ARE AWESOME NOW so we can't have a match unless I get into *customising my character for optimal performance*.

Such god damn bullshit. You'd think fighting games would strive to remove balance issues, not INTRODUCE A SYSTEM FOR ADDING BALANCE ISSUES.

With magic wands, mini guns and exploding heads it seems Namco are finding new ways to cock up the potential increase in people who actually play these games properly.
Uh, you can use custom characters in standard versus multiplayer, and there are no silly stat boosts. Best of both worlds, and all that. No one plays special versus in Soul Calibur, silly.
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Since 6309 Days
Posted by GriftGFX
No one plays special versus in Soul Calibur, silly.
The worst part is that plenty of stupid people probably do. Casual gamers who don't understand fighters. Stupid people like this guy:
I just don't understand how you can bash a fighter for being sucky when playing alone :P

Also the character customization in SC4 sucks noodle imo, no matter how i try i can't get a custom character to look good...or well, better looking than the existing characters at any rate. I much prefer the VF/tekken version of customization where you simply modify existing characters.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 6984 Days
I don't know.. no one I've ever played SC4 with online has even played Special Mode a single time, last I was looking at the leader boards. That's a whole lot of nothin. I'm sure someone plays it, but I think standard is far more popular.

You can modify existing characters in SC4 too, ya know. I actually expected to hate all that crap, but I've had a lot of fun with the virtual doll house. I have at least ten different Cassandra's, and a few from-scratch customs too. My only real complaint? The fact that you can't edit most character's 1P costumes, that's a bummer. Palette swaps only!
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Since 6309 Days
Oh you can only edit the 2p costume? Well that explains it then, cause there are like 2 characters which if ind look better in the secondary costume and i never play as those characters anyways.

Anywhoo i was going to get me some of that XBL gold stuff, so feel free to add me so i can mash myself to victory some time. Does any one else here play SC by the by?
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SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Since 7007 Days
I think there's a real divide here between newcomers to fighters/SC and people who've played a lot of fighting games. My mate, Peter, thinks the special mode is all kinds of exciting. But then he's never really played fighting games with other people that much before, and he responds to the RPG-esque nature of the special mode I think.

About costumes, you can create a total of 50 custom slots in the game and that includes the standard characters aswell. Vader/Yoda and the apprentice can't be edited at all though, only their "skill slots".

So really, any way you look at it the customisation options in SC4 far surpass that of Tekken and VF.

Of course there's the issue with give someone a finger and they'll want your hand, in this game translated into.. there's a fuckload of clothes so you'll always wish there was THIS HERE SHIRT or THAT THERE PARTICULAR VARIATION OF BOOTS that isn't in here.
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Since 6309 Days
So, uh...are players generally complete douchebags online in SC 4 or what? I only played a couple of matches but it seems like people quit when they are about to get their asses whooped?
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SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Since 7007 Days
There are penalties for quitting early I think, but as a general rule people are douchebags.

Fighting games is really the only place I can stand proper "public" matches because it's just you against them and there's a good circulation of players you meet.

With anything half team based I just can't be arsed and just play with a closed circle of friends on my friends list.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 6984 Days
Posted by Megido
Oh you can only edit the 2p costume? Well that explains it then, cause there are like 2 characters which if ind look better in the secondary costume and i never play as those characters anyways.

Anywhoo i was going to get me some of that XBL gold stuff, so feel free to add me so i can mash myself to victory some time. Does any one else here play SC by the by?
Well, you can still palette swap the 1P costume, but you can't add new gear to it or mix and match gear with it. I wish they would unlock them. It's still fun to create costumes for the standard characters though.
Posted by Megido
So, uh...are players generally complete douchebags online in SC 4 or what? I only played a couple of matches but it seems like people quit when they are about to get their asses whooped?
Don't play ranked. It's a joke. You'll have far more fun in player matches.. although you're bound to run into quite a few more scrubs as well. People are far too invested in their online record and play to win in ranked. I don't mind that, so much, but it's not as fair of a recreation of the local gameplay that it translates well in such a setting.

Seriously. Player match > ranked. And I've met some good competition and generally friendly and skilled players in SCIV. You have your fair share of douchebags.. but come on.. it's the internet.

And yes I love SCIV Megido.. I thought that was obvious in the SCIV thread ;)
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Since 6309 Days
Grift: I don't think i've been in that thread? If i have i've already forgotten about it :P

Well if the online mode has shown me anything so far is that i suck at SC4, but then again the 360 controller is terrible and i'm sure as hell ain't gonna buy a stick just for this. Also the inevitable lag bugged me a lot...and i haven't practiced. I wanted to play as Setsuka first but JF is hard enough without latency issues :P
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 6984 Days
My experience with latency has been a generally positive one, if you stick to four bar+ rooms. It's not perfect, but it's far better than DOA4 in that respect. I've heard that the 360 version of Virtua Fighter is even better, but it's still pretty damn good.

The d-pad is really horrible. I play enough arcade/fighting style games on my console that getting a stick was a no-brainer for me. I actually don't really seem to have a problem with most of Cassandra's just frames online.. maybe it's just ruining my offline game though :P

The game in general has a healthy amount of just frames. I love it.
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Since 6309 Days
Actually, i bought a new controller (a pink one) and the d-pad is WAY better than on the one that came bundled with the console. Still far from good, but then again no d-pad is ideal for fighters :P

Also i don't know where i would get a good stick...i guess my best option would be to build one myself. But then i'd have to buy parts and materials to build the box and a controller to take the PCB from and so forth...too much hassle just to play a few matches.

I'm going to guess that you ahve a Hori stick? I have my doubt's but is it any good?
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Since 6867 Days
Hmm not sure I like the idea of the customisation and the items.

It's deffinately looking more moody, has a DMC graphical style to it I thought.

I am 10 times more hyped for this than SC4 though.
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Marumaro for the WIN !!

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 6984 Days
It's not bad. It's obviously not quite sanwa quality, but it's really pretty good for the price. Hell I paid $60 for mine (DOA4 stick) and I've seen it marked down as low as $40 online from time to time. They also have a more advanced version of the stick.. but if you're not too picky, I think the basic Hori model is pretty solid.

This is coming from someone who hates using joypads to play fighters, and really enjoys a good fighting game. Granted, maybe I'm not as picky as some people, but I've actually owned several basic Hori sticks over the years and I've been pretty satisfied with every one. I have a SC2 stick for the PS2 too, and it's equally passable.

I like it. It's closer to Sanwa quality than my SF Anniversary stick is to Happ quality. Thankfully, the SF stick is completely modable w/ Happ parts. I have to get around to doing that one of these days. I love me some western sticks, especially for 2D fighters.

It's worlds better than the d-pad. That's for sure.
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Since 6867 Days
Does the 360 hori stick work on a PS3 by any chance, ya know being USB and all ? or is wireless ?
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Marumaro for the WIN !!

Since 6309 Days
Posted by Jollipop
Does the 360 hori stick work on a PS3 by any chance, ya know being USB and all ? or is wireless ?
I'm not 100% sure, but i really do doubt it. Why would they make a PS3 and a 360 version if both were compatible?
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Since 6867 Days
Yea I was just wondering, It did seem very unlikely.

I have been meaning to get a hori stick but never got round to it, SF4 will probably need one, and what with Tekken 6 I guess the PS3 would be a better bet to buy one for.

Saying that Tekken 6 on the 360 isn't ruled out I suppose.
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Marumaro for the WIN !!

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