CoD4: Best Loadouts/Perks, Tips&Tricks, Advice, etc

Acert93 - Mr. Bad Cop
Since 6955 Days
I got some positive feedback about another thread dedicated chatting about the MP and sharing advice/strategies. I am only in 20s, but don't fret--that is with 7hours of play. Once you get the M4 and the laser scope you have, imo, one of the best guns in the game for versatility and effectiveness. The basic kits work well enougg, as the M16 is very servicable.

Anyhow, I know Grift has some great custom classes with Overkill that should be helpful to others.
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My Blog:

Since 6589 Days
When using an assault rifle I use the fast reload, martyr thing and some sort of grenade package. I get so many kills from the grenade drop its kinda funny.
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Phaethon360 - Mr Pant<s>s</s>ies
Since 6830 Days
I shoot the people before they shoot me.
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"For seven hours, all we could do was sit still and listen to them hunting us. All we could do is sit, and wait for Phaethon."

Since 6511 Days
Posted by Phaethon360
I shoot the people before they shoot me.
LOL thas the best advice ever :P

Been playing with Saw is pretty deadly (using grip with it), it has really fast rate of fire, might put on first perk the Bandolier, i fire at every wall with it :D

Yep, M4 is one of the best weapons in the game with the red dot...
Last stand is handy, specially in hardcore mode, if you are fast enough and shoot you might get few kills before die.
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Since 7622 Days
Last night I used the P90 in a 8v8 TDM match on District, and I was absolutly kicking ass with it.. Ended up on top with like 58 kills to only 8 deaths or something..

P90 with silencer
Perk 1: Bandolier
Perk 2: Double Tap
Perk 3: Steady Aim

That really turned me into a mad rushing killing machine.. With double tap the P90 shoots bullets so fast it's crazy, nobody stands a chance against you in a close battle.. That's also why I use the bandolier perk because with such high rate of fire you need those extra rounds.. Best moment I had was when I flanked arround the back of the other team and was able to knife 6 of them in a row within a few seconds while they were all looking and shooting the other way to my team on the other side of the marketplace in the middle of the map.. Man, that was kickass and so funny.. Other best moment I had was when I killed 4 people with 1 grenade behind some wall.. Ohboy, such great moments!! :D
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 6984 Days
That's the spirit Inflatable. The P90 is incredible.. and not a "noob perk" in the bunch. Well, double tap isn't a competition perk, but it's not as bad as..
Posted by TheBeagle
When using an assault rifle I use the fast reload, martyr thing and some sort of grenade package. I get so many kills from the grenade drop its kinda funny.
Martyrdom = lame.
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Since 7058 Days
My preferred loadout is:

G36C or M4 with silencers
Perk 1: Bandolier
Perk 2: UAV Jammer
Perk 3: Deep Impact

For lethality at a distance against multiple targets I would recommend my second most preferred loadout:

M16A2 with red dot scope
Perk 1: Bandolier
Perk 2: Stopping Power
Perk 3: Deep Impact
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Since 6589 Days
Posted by GriftGFX
That's the spirit Inflatable. The P90 is incredible.. and not a "noob perk" in the bunch. Well, double tap isn't a competition perk, but it's not as bad as..

Martyrdom = lame.
Its lame when it kills me. When I use it, its all good.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 6984 Days
Nah it's pretty lame. It's lame like a claymore.
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Since 6589 Days
Aw I know. One thing I find in this game is when you are playing a gametype where the combat is focussd in specific areas there are just WAY to many grenades flying about. It gets really frustrating. When capturing an HQ there has been as many as 6 nade indicators on my screen at once. Scary.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 6984 Days
Yea.. nade spammers have been a problem in every COD game. 3x Frags shouldn't exist.
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Since 7106 Days
Posted by GriftGFX
Yea.. nade spammers have been a problem in every COD game. 3x Frags shouldn't exist.
Maybe 2 at most, I agree here.
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Mods, stop changing my SIG! I'm going to end up banning you!

Acert93 - Mr. Bad Cop
Since 6955 Days
Posted by GriftGFX
Nah it's pretty lame. It's lame like a claymore.

They are all "lame". Getting extra ammo, getting to sprint longer, last stand, better bullets, faster shooting, etc... Or balanced through non-symetry.

I find that Martrydom works best against P90 and other rapid fire/close range addicts. They rush in for the quick close kill, and Martrydom is a way to make them think twice to this tactic. Martrydom is worthless when you are killed at a distance. Or if when you see them go down you move along (instead of pumping more lead into them, teabagging, etc)

As for nades, I have seen some people do amazing throws. And probably not blind, but mini-map assisted. But if they reduce nades, they need to get ride of the nubetubers :P

So far I personally have found MP balanced. I haven't seen any weapon or tactic without a weakness. Sure, some weapons/perks (like martrydom) make favorite tactics and approaches less successful, but they also come at the cost for the other player and provide ample counter-measures.
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My Blog:

Since 7622 Days
Posted by Acert93
I find that Martrydom works best against P90 and other rapid fire/close range addicts. They rush in for the quick close kill, and Martrydom is a way to make them think twice to this tactic. Martrydom is worthless when you are killed at a distance. Or if when you see them go down you move along (instead of pumping more lead into them, teabagging, etc)
I can confirm this.. Being a mad rushing P90 whore myself now from time to time, the Martrydom perk is very annoying.. I must keep reminding myself not to rush over someones body to pick up his ammo etc.. The damn dropped grenade gets me a lot of times, grrrr...
Posted by Acert93
As for nades, I have seen some people do amazing throws. And probably not blind, but mini-map assisted. But if they reduce nades, they need to get ride of the nubetubers :P
Grenadelauncher spammers are the most annoying players in the game, especially when there's several of them on the opposite team.. It's the most skillless weapon in the game imho, throwing a grenade in the right place requires more skill.. Claymore is skillless aswell offcourse, but can at least be countered by the Bomb Squad perk.. And I must admit, I use the claymore myself when I'm sniper, usually to cover my back..

Btw, ever noticed how grenadelauncher spammers usually also have the Martrydom perk? I guess some people have a liking for cheap skillless tactics.. ;)
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 6984 Days
Posted by Acert93

They are all "lame". Getting extra ammo, getting to sprint longer, last stand, better bullets, faster shooting, etc... Or balanced through non-symetry.

I find that Martrydom works best against P90 and other rapid fire/close range addicts. They rush in for the quick close kill, and Martrydom is a way to make them think twice to this tactic. Martrydom is worthless when you are killed at a distance. Or if when you see them go down you move along (instead of pumping more lead into them, teabagging, etc)

As for nades, I have seen some people do amazing throws. And probably not blind, but mini-map assisted. But if they reduce nades, they need to get ride of the nubetubers :P

So far I personally have found MP balanced. I haven't seen any weapon or tactic without a weakness. Sure, some weapons/perks (like martrydom) make favorite tactics and approaches less successful, but they also come at the cost for the other player and provide ample counter-measures.
No, Martyrdom is especially lame. So are claymores. I'm really happy that they're both already out of competition. The current rules set for the Xfire competition is much more balanced than pub play, in a tournament setting. It all works very well when you have 20+ people running around with little to lose, but when you're being a little more serious and a little more tactical those things need to stay at home.

And 3x nades leads to nade spamming. And they've both been removed from competition. I sometimes use the 3X nades while pubbing, but mostly so I can practice those crazy grenade tosses you speak of.

Currently the only perks in competition are: Perk #1 - Bandolier, Perk #2 - Slight of Hand, Stopping Power, Perk #3 - Steady Aim, Deep Impact, Iron Lungs.

I try to limit myself to mostly just these perks in pub play, just for the practice. I don't have a problem with most of the other perks, but I understand their limitations for this tourny and I think they've made some pretty wise decisions personally. There are also some weapon restrictions. Every weapon is in, but I believe the grip attachments for the LMG's at least are out. I'm not sure what TGL's rules will be, but I hope they're in line with the Mod Warfare mod. They seem pretty fair to me.

This is also why I've stopped using stuff like Double Tap and Overkill personally.. although if I were just playing pubs, I still would. I still wouldn't use LMG's + Grips, or Martyrdom and Claymores though, because they really annoy the hell out of me :)
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Since 6930 Days
For Hardcore:

G3 w/red dot
Perk1: X3 frags
Perk2: bigger explosion (I dont remember what it is called)
Perk3:extreme conditioning or deep penetration

G3 w/red dot
perk1: claymores
perk2: UAV jammer (if hardcore team deathmatch) or Overkill (go with a fully automatic assualt rifle as second weapon)
Perk3: deep penetration or extreme conditioning

For non-hardcore:

G3 w/ red dot
perk1:claymores or X3 special grenades (stun grenades)
perk2: Stopping Power
per3: deep penetration or extreme conditioning

My accuracy: ~26%
My kill death ratio: 1.97 to 2.02
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Since 3608 Days
My loadout:

Primary:RPD with Red Dot sight
Secondary: Dragunov with no attachment

Perk 1: C4
Perk 2: Overkill
Perk 3: Iron Lungs

I like being a sniper and a heavy but I dont know what you would like....
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Since 6958 Days
Posted by SgtPedoBear
My loadout:

Primary:RPD with Red Dot sight
Secondary: Dragunov with no attachment

Perk 1: C4
Perk 2: Overkill
Perk 3: Iron Lungs

I like being a sniper and a heavy but I dont know what you would like....
You win necrobump of the year :P
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 6984 Days
Lame like a claymore. Reading this is fun.

I actually played a bunch of COD4 recently, but I got bored pretty quickly. What I really wanted was promod FFA.

Killstreaks in FFA are especially broken/hilarious.
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Since 5818 Days
Posted by rayy
You win necrobump of the year :P
And nickname of the year.
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