Since 6783 Days
Guys, Please, this thread is only for Voting. If you want to discuss Ninja Gaiden, there is a thread already here:
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RENT: MEdge, VP2, BK3, NarutoBB, SCVI, GAxe, Fable2, FC2, GoW2

2009: FF13, SC5, AW, RE5, Im Alive, Cry On, SO4, BG&E2, Bayonetta, Doom 4, LoShadow, SF4, Ninja Blade, ToV, N3-2, SH5

Since 6783 Days
So far 28 People voted (not Bad!) - 10 Days remaining to vote :) Keep'em coming.
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RENT: MEdge, VP2, BK3, NarutoBB, SCVI, GAxe, Fable2, FC2, GoW2

2009: FF13, SC5, AW, RE5, Im Alive, Cry On, SO4, BG&E2, Bayonetta, Doom 4, LoShadow, SF4, Ninja Blade, ToV, N3-2, SH5

Since 6730 Days
1. Fallout 3
2. Gears of War 2
3. MGS4
4. Fable 2
5. LBP
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Since 6355 Days
1. Gears of War 2: Without a doubt the best game I played in SP, MP is technicaly a deasaster. Still playing it every night. Tried to play GoW 1 again and I simply couldn't get back to it.

2. Left 4 Dead: Love the game, the non stop action and the never ending zombie masses. Coop in this is really where the fun is at, altho it's pretty good alone, too.

3. BF: Bad Company: Very good MP, the destructible enviroments added another layer of gameplay depth to the game. SP wasn't that good, but I liked the characters.

4. Prince of Persia: No matter how people seem to think it's too easy, for me it was a very enjoyable game. The art is beautifull, I liked the character development and the story. The ending got me pumped up for the next PoP. Controlls could be more responsive though.

5. Burnout Paradise: I didn't like the demo at all, but my friends said I should get it for its online mode and I did. It was a blast to say the least, but without it's online mode it wouldn't be half as enjoyable.
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Since 6783 Days
This topic has died down .... More votes people!!! :)
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RENT: MEdge, VP2, BK3, NarutoBB, SCVI, GAxe, Fable2, FC2, GoW2

2009: FF13, SC5, AW, RE5, Im Alive, Cry On, SO4, BG&E2, Bayonetta, Doom 4, LoShadow, SF4, Ninja Blade, ToV, N3-2, SH5

Since 6736 Days
I think most people who regularly post here have voted already.
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Marumaro for the WIN !!

Since 6783 Days
Posted by Jollipop
I think most people who regularly post here have voted already.
I guess yeah, there is still Simon I think and a couple of others too. Well it's stll going to stay open until Dec 31st anyway.
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RENT: MEdge, VP2, BK3, NarutoBB, SCVI, GAxe, Fable2, FC2, GoW2

2009: FF13, SC5, AW, RE5, Im Alive, Cry On, SO4, BG&E2, Bayonetta, Doom 4, LoShadow, SF4, Ninja Blade, ToV, N3-2, SH5

Since 6198 Days
Little Big Planet-Ps3
Metal Gear Solid-Ps3
Fable II-Xbox 360
Valkyria Chronicle-Ps3
Ikaruga-Xbox 360 (I love this game)
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Since 6725 Days
Dead Space
Gears of War2
Mirror's Edge (this game must be played at 100inches)
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Since 6379 Days
1. Too Human - even with flaws it was still best game of the year for me
2. Fallout 3
3. GALCIV-latest exp
5. Fable 2
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Since 6783 Days
3 Days left for voting!
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BOUGHT 08: TRU, PoP, TLR, FarC2, GoW2

RENT: MEd, VP2, BK3, NarutoBB, SC4, GAxe, Fable2

2009: FF13, SC5, AW, RE5, Im Alive, SH5, SO4, BG&E2, Bayonetta, Doom 4, LoShadow, SF4, Ninja Blade, ToV, N3-2

Since 6066 Days
Posted by Nakano
1. Dead space.
2. MGS 4
Quoting myself to add Left 4 dead at 3rd place.
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Why fight Artificial Intelligence when you can do PvP and fight Natural Stupidity?

Since 6783 Days
Posted by Nakano
Quoting myself to add Left 4 dead at 3rd place.
Ok Noted. Thanks :)
In reply to

BOUGHT 08: TRU, PoP, TLR, FarC2, GoW2

RENT: MEd, VP2, BK3, NarutoBB, SC4, GAxe, Fable2

2009: FF13, SC5, AW, RE5, Im Alive, SH5, SO4, BG&E2, Bayonetta, Doom 4, LoShadow, SF4, Ninja Blade, ToV, N3-2

Since 6459 Days
No particular order:

Left 4 Dead
Gears of War 2

I can't really think of anything else...I could just say Fallout but I didn't actually enjoy it that much. So I won't.
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Strange memories on this nervous night in Las Vegas. Has it been five years? Six? It seems like a lifetime.

Since 6783 Days
Posted by TheBeagle
No particular order:

Left 4 Dead
Gears of War 2

I can't really think of anything else...I could just say Fallout but I didn't actually enjoy it that much. So I won't.
Please, you have to put them in order so I can allocate the points. I know it's hard but you have to :)
In reply to

BOUGHT 08: TRU, PoP, TLR, FarC2, GoW2

RENT: MEd, VP2, BK3, NarutoBB, SC4, GAxe, Fable2

2009: FF13, SC5, AW, RE5, Im Alive, SH5, SO4, BG&E2, Bayonetta, Doom 4, LoShadow, SF4, Ninja Blade, ToV, N3-2

Since 5856 Days
1.Ninja Gaiden 2
2.Gears Of War 2
3.Rez HD
4.Too Human

5. Would be between Dead Space, Fallout 3 and Fable 2. But I haven't player any of them yet so I've only got a top 4.
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Since 6847 Days
1. MGS4
2. Braid
3. Fallout 3
4. LBP
5. Dead Space
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Since 6459 Days
Posted by alimokrane
Please, you have to put them in order so I can allocate the points. I know it's hard but you have to :)
OK, I'll try my best.

1. Left 4 Dead
2. Gears of War 2
4. LBP
In reply to

Strange memories on this nervous night in Las Vegas. Has it been five years? Six? It seems like a lifetime.

Since 6185 Days
Posted by jioann00
1. cod waw

for its multiplayer. havnt even completed single player yet dont think i will

2. gears of war 2.

epic game, just epic... although i havnt completed that either and ive sold it now for ipod touch money

3. fable 2

good game but didnt live up to the promises yet again. still very good. but faced the same fate as gears 2 although i did actually complete this one

4. gta.

didnt complete this either and faced the same fate as the other 2 games (sold for ipod touch money) got about 20% through, then just stoped doing missions i just loaded up the save, got the helicopter and pissed around with that so i lost intrest in the story

5... thats all the games i bought this year lol. but im getting fallout from someone for xmas so that would be in the top 5
i'd like to change my order. basically put fallout 3 as no1. infront of the rest. a place it rightfully deserves, its an outstanding game
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Since 6730 Days
1. GTA IV (Not the usual GTA formula, less expansive and playfull, but so solid and plain awesome. Beatifully created open world)

2. Gears 2 (Short, but amazing and one of the best campaigns I've ever played)

3. Condemned2: Bloodshot (Brilliant campaign, better than the first...which says a LOT!)

4. Top Spin 3. (Far from perfect, but the gameplay is so damn satisfying. Seriously underappreciated and gem of a game!)

Only played a bit of Fable 2, Dead Space and Fallout. Just can't seem to get into them, plus....damn COD4 addiction has won me over again, can't stop playing the flaming game. So naturally, they don't make it on my list.
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Since 6212 Days
2. GeOW 2
3. Fallout 3
4. Metal Gear Solid 4
5. Ninja Gaiden 2
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Since 6745 Days
#1 Tales of Vesperia
#2 Metal Gear Solid 4
#3 Lost Odyssey
#4 Grand Theft Auto IV
#5 Fable 2
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Hironobu Sakaguchi is coming back to reclaim the throne :)

Seeing it in motion on your HDTV, will blow your mind!!

Don't ask any questions just shut up and buy Halo : Ghosts of the Onyx one of the greatest books ever.

pssh! more like electronic g

Since 6597 Days
1. GOW 2
3. Metal Gear Solid 4
4. Fallout 3
5. Ninja Gaiden 2
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Resident Evil 5 is the best looking game I have EVER seen!!

Since 6736 Days
I forgot about MGS4, so my new list is:-
Posted by Jollipop
1. MGS4
2. Last Remnants.
3. Tomb Raiders Underworld
4. Tales of Versperia
5. Fable 2 (looking back on it, it wasn't as good as I thought)
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Marumaro for the WIN !!

SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Since 6876 Days
This year has been a bit strange for me because I have played mostly older games or games from a year or two ago. There are even a few contenders for GOTY (Valkyria Chronicles, Banjo Kazooie N&B) I haven't gotten to yet, things that'll hopefully show up on my big 2008 list in late january.

But here goes my GSY list!

1. LittleBigPlanet (PS3)

- With a large margin the most endearing, loveable, ingenious, heartwarming game I have played in absolute yonks. It doesn't quite feel like a game when you fire it up, though, it's more like a world spanning workshop of positive energy and creativity. Moderation controversy aside this game is fundamentally absolutely inspiring proof that mankind is good.

2. Braid (360/XBLA)

- Much like a poem plays on our subconscious understanding of words, Braid weaves together an extraordinary and thought provoking message by playing on familiar game conventions. It's digital prose shaped in a language only we understand.

3. Persona 4 (PS2)

- The most modern feeling jRPG around is on a 9 year old platform. Alternating between social/dating sim and jRPG dungeon crawl of the most polished, fluid and fun kind, whenever you feel like you might be bored it does a 180 and satisfies in a whole different way. The way they converge in the end is where its true brilliance lies, and coupled with the fusing and matching of Personas there's enough to do here until you grow very, very old. It's also the first game where I've gotten so attached to a girl that I'm a bit jealous whenever she spends time with other, completely fictional people.

4. Gears of War 2 (360)

- If there's one sequel I didn't believe would make much effort to improve an already fantastic formula it's this one. It would have been so easy to just make another 8 hours worth of set pieces, populate them with Gears 1 enemies and up the graphics and you'd be fine. Gears 2 however adressed *everything* I thought was a problem in the first game and performed the seemingly impossible task of making me warm to the characters and universe. It'll never be a Halo but it's the next best thing and that's awesome too.

5. Megaman 9 (Wii/WiiWare, also on: 360/XBLA, PS3/PSN)

- In addition to being a balls crunchingly hardcore game that in every way lives up to the creed of 1 through 3, the mere fact that it exists in this shape and form warrants a spot on here.

Runner up:

Grand Theft Auto IV (360, also on: PS3, PC)

I feel a little bad for this one. GTA4 is a staggering accomplishment and easily the most believable and immersive experience one can have on a console right now. Unfortunately, ultimately I didn't have much fun with it at all and spent way more time with its deranged cousin Saints Row 2 - a game that needs to shave and sort its hair out before appearing on lists like these.
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