Gears 2 - New Campaign and MP Content - All Fronts collection!

Since 6610 Days
Posted by dcdelgado
I have compared the hi-res magazine shots to snippet shown here and they look similar, so if the other sections and levels shown in the GI magazine scans also look similar in motion then we are all in for a visual and gameplay treat when its shown.
Yeah, it looked the same as screens in gameinformer and other screens in that article did have more detail. Now, let's hope the rest of the game will be even better than that trailer!:)
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"That just happened 'cause that was awesome" - Randy Pitchford, Gearbox

Since 6565 Days
Game looks orgasmic.
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"We've said that Gears of War was graphically the best game have ever been made, well it looks like Pong compared to Crysis and some of the DX10 titles."

-Gary Whitta (Venting on the NG podcast after Coming back from the Games for Windows)

Since 6799 Days
Phew, I'm glad this section of the forums isn't a warfare. I did notice this game looks a bit better than GOW. I also noticed that the AI in the ground were all moving in an odd way and seemed less intelligent.
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Since 6355 Days
I just watched a compairson video on GT (GoW1 vs GoW2), and I'd recommend everyone watching it (not reading what's writen below it tho), the ones who got blown away by the footage and the ones who didn't.

Proper lightning, makes the game look so much better. If an upcoming game wants to excel better visuals than the ones before it has to be done through a good ligh model. This is why I think GTA 4 looks amazing, polygons and textures are not pushing the visual boundarys as much as light. GT5p is another example of amazing lightning.
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Since 6713 Days
Posted by szaromir
Yeah, it looked the same as screens in gameinformer and other screens in that article did have more detail. Now, let's hope the rest of the game will be even better than that trailer!:)
No doubt :)
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Mass Effect - March 10th - Continue the Fight!!!


Since 6258 Days
Posted by Viginti_Tres
GT5p is another example of amazing lightning.
No, when it comes to GT5P it's the complete opposite. The cars looks that realistic, because of the high number of polygons that makes the cars looks awesome. It's not the lighting, because the lighting is really bad.
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Since 6798 Days
Posted by Milhouse
No, when it comes to GT5P it's the complete opposite. The cars looks that realistic, because of the high number of polygons that makes the cars looks awesome. It's not the lighting, because the lighting is really bad.
really bad??

What pisses me off about GOW is the fact that its just a super-overhyped tech demo to show off a graphics engine, which personally I dont think is used very impressivley. Ok the graphics are nice, but wtf does it matter when all the levels have the same dull, grey tone to them?

And i remember one of the most glorified and talked about features for GOW1 was the cover system and ONE melee attack...and im like seriously, if the best feature about the gameplay is the ability to cover behind walls or melee, there must not be much more depth to the gameplay at all. And there wasnt.
Basically its:

Run -> Cover -> Shoot -> Move on to the next gloomy colored area -> Repeat

(please dont kill me)
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SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Since 6877 Days
I'm not gonna kill you, just humbly say that I think you're wrong. If you ask around you'll prolly be told - and rightfully so - that I'm one of Gears' biggest critics in terms of everything it does wrong. I hate the characters, I hate the world, I hate the story setup and I pretty much hate the way they use graphics in the game. The grayness bugs me, the sameyness of surroundings (even though they're vastly different when you start looking around - which you can't while playing the game proper) irritates me to no end, et cetera.

However, it really does deserve all the praise it got and is getting for its gameplay. Okay I'll admit that the difficulty levels are all too lame and it can't really support how good you'll eventually become at it, but that's really a compliment to itself. There IS that flexibility where you can get eerily good at directing your dashes and your diving in and out of cover, and while clunky at first it's incredible how insanely fluid the gameplay becomes when you get into it proper.

Like the game or not, but it's obvious how much influence it's had on action games since. Even the mighty GTA has OBVIOUS adaptations of the way you go about things in Gears of War, with Uncharted - one of the biggest titles on the rival platform - essentially uses Gears as base for its entire action component. People throw around the word "revolutionary" at a whim but I can count the times it's accurately applied on one hand. Gears however did revolutionize the third person action genre, and games that don't absorb what it did right just come across looking totally stupid for it.

I'm with you on the superficial aspects and they do put a damper on my enthusiasm for a sequel, but Gears importance and influence can't be overstated - thus I reckon it's impossible to "overhype" it.
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Since 6713 Days
No need to kill you, thats the funniest thing i've read today :D
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Mass Effect - March 10th - Continue the Fight!!!


GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 6853 Days
How can anyone hate Cole?
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Since 6355 Days
*applauds simon*

This is the reason why people are still playing GoW MP altho it's horribly executed and glitchy. The gameplay is like a drug, every time GoW pisses me off because of the lag/glitches I still come back every single time and it still feels fresh.
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Since 6713 Days
Posted by GriftGFX
How can anyone hate Cole?
You cant really hate the cooooooole Train! :)
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Mass Effect - March 10th - Continue the Fight!!!


Since 6783 Days
Posted by Viginti_Tres
*applauds simon*

This is the reason why people are still playing GoW MP altho it's horribly executed and glitchy. The gameplay is like a drug, every time GoW pisses me off because of the lag/glitches I still come back every single time and it still feels fresh.
I absolutely agree. I have NEVER played a game so much online like I played Gears! that game simply innovated so much IMO and this why some of us were sort of disappointed with the trailer of Gears of War 2, We sort of expected a LOT more but the video showed only a similar game. (by the way, I am not AT ALL talking about graphics here and I honestly couldnt care about less about the graphics)
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NARUTO/AVATAR are the best anime EVER!!!

Since 6607 Days
The trailer was a part of the SP, we'll get more info on the MP later this month, but we're talking about Epic, I can hardly imagine them screwing up with the MP ! All I'm hoping for is less lag, but I doubt they'll be able to innovate that much in the MP mechaanics.
Killing the guy who's using your teamate as a meat shield with a headshot to save your pal would be really fun, though, it would give a serious "rescue the hostage" aspect to the MP.
As far as I'm concerned, what i did expect from the trailer was an epic graphix orgy, which I got, I was stunned. The only issue I have with it is that it has a rail shootin/CoD4 feeling that I don't really like, and I hope we'll be getting more of the good old GoW, this time with an ennemy team AI (an oficer or something). But AI usually sucks in games, so I do not expect something too great...
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Fanboy officiel de Gears of War 2. Le premier qui critique les textures ou le framerate, je sors mon M107 !
Avatar copyright gaf

Since 6713 Days
Posted by alimokrane
I absolutely agree. I have NEVER played a game so much online like I played Gears! that game simply innovated so much IMO and this why some of us were sort of disappointed with the trailer of Gears of War 2, We sort of expected a LOT more but the video showed only a similar game. (by the way, I am not AT ALL talking about graphics here and I honestly couldnt care about less about the graphics)
A LOT More?? You must know that as a sequeal the core gameplay will remain the same right?, after all thats what made GOW1 so freaking great and get all the rave reviews it got. Even though i myself was a bit dissapointed with what they showed, i wished the trailer was longer so i could get to see more stuff, but i realise that it was a mere taster, and even in just that snippet i can see its going to be so much more fun and hectic, new weapons / chainsaw duels / Meat sheilds / more enimies on screen / new creatures all that just from a 2min snippet, i for one cant wait to hear and see more on the single player and multiplayer modes.
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Mass Effect - March 10th - Continue the Fight!!!


Since 6607 Days
I think what we've been missing is the derrick's journey through the valley, according to Gi, this "we're going through a matte painting" aspect was one of the most impressive aspects of Gears 2. This trailer should have been gameplay, just as the first demo at E3 2005. We'llbe getting longer video as this level is gonna be playable at a festival in June.
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Fanboy officiel de Gears of War 2. Le premier qui critique les textures ou le framerate, je sors mon M107 !
Avatar copyright gaf

Since 6713 Days
Posted by palamede
I think what we've been missing is the derrick's journey through the valley, according to Gi, this "we're going through a matte painting" aspect was one of the most impressive aspects of Gears 2. This trailer should have been gameplay, just as the first demo at E3 2005. We'llbe getting longer video as this level is gonna be playable at a festival in June.
For me i was hoping they were going to show the underground levels as GI was very impressed with that level, and some of the new big beast, but for a 2min trailer it was cool enough, we all know were going to get swapped with GOW2 info/media and footage leading up to its release so its all good.
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Mass Effect - March 10th - Continue the Fight!!!


Since 6257 Days
im not as impressed with the footage as most. but then i wasnt as blown away by the first game to quite the extent of labelling the game a 10/10 AAA title. it was good. but i never LOVED it.

and what dissapoints me about this new footage is that it looks to play very similarly with very little deviation (not to mention it doesnt look like much of a leap visually either). that doesnt mean i expected the sequel to play like a platform game or something. but i did expect some change. take halo 1 and halo 2...same franchise but halo 2 changed a lot compared to the first and felt completely different (for better or worse depending on who you ask) gears 2 doesnt seem to do this. it looks to play very similarly. yes the game has more on screen and new enemy types. but gamplay wise its just too similar to me. i'll buy the game to continue the story (if you can call it that) from the first game, and to play co-op with my buddy. but after playing the first i cant say im particularly excited by any of it. and i know for a fact im in the minority when i say that.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 6853 Days
I honestly don't get how someone can think that this game is going to represent any less of a change than Halo did between it and its sequel. We've already seen some pretty significant gameplay tweaks/additions and there's only going to be more to come. This is two minutes of footage, and somehow people are surprised that it, "plays the same?" Baffles the mind.

Do people think that other sequels actually play out in revolutionary new ways? So movement and cover hasn't changed. We get meat shields, a new lancer mechanic, and hints that different weapons will have their own unique effects on gameplay in the way that active reload had on the original game in general. Not to mention that anything else is pretty much up to complete speculation at this point--and the multi-player portion (more modes, more variety, more game) of the game hasn't even been revealed and you better believe it's going to be an important focus in the future of this franchise.

What do you want? Duel wielding and a new health bar? How is that all that much different? It's almost as ridiculous as expecting the graphics to have leaped to another generation or something. Let's consider the fact that the first can still go toe to toe with pretty much any other console exclusive and still look fairly good by comparison. The fact that it looks better at all is an achievement.

Gears is 10x the AAA title that several other new franchises have set out to be.
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Since 6257 Days
Posted by GriftGFX
I honestly don't get how someone can think that this game is going to represent any less of a change than Halo did between it and its sequel. We've already seen some pretty significant gameplay tweaks/changes/additions and there's only going to be more to come. This is two minutes of footage, and somehow people are surprised that it, "plays the same?" Baffles the mind.

Do people think that other sequels actually play out in revolutionary new ways? So movement and cover hasn't changed. We get meat shields, a new lancer mechanic, and hints that different weapons will have their own unique effects on gameplay in the way that active reload had on the original game in general. Not to mention that anything else is pretty much up to complete speculation at this point--and the multi-player portion (more modes, more variety, more game) of the game hasn't even been revealed and you better believe it's going to be an important focus in the future of this franchise.

What do you want? Duel wielding and a new health bar? How is that all that much different?
diel wielding changed the gameplay of halo completely. it stoped being about nades and assault riffle and about who can squeeze off the most rounds fastest (or pick up the best combo of weapons) it became less tactical imo, but it was at least a change.

i just expect some change when sequels come around. and this doesnt look like it has changed much at all. but i did say i knew i was in the minorioty when i said it. i dont expect any other people to agree.

and to answer a previous question you asked about cole. hes (and the characters in GEARS in general) shallow. a 2 dimentional roid junky character. im with simon in the fact i cant stand them...but again. i dont expect many people at all to agree)

i simply didint like gears of war much. and i was hoping gears 2 would change enough to give me reason to get as excited as every other 360 owner seems to be. but from that admitidly short footage, that doesnt seem to be the case.

but we'll see i guess
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Since 6185 Days
110% Agreed, Grift.
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"Excuse me, is your refrigerator running? Because if it is, it probably runs like you, very homosexually."

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 6853 Days
Duel wielding didn't change the fact that Halo is still all about 'nades and melee to this day.. and thank god for that, since it's what makes Halo unique among shooters. It seems like people are just completely overlooking the fact that we've seen gameplay changes already from two brief moments of video that are going to have an impact on the game across the board.

I don't invest as much in story as others. I've said it many times before, but I'm a big fan of Gears of War and I've never played the single-player game. That may seem a little odd at first, but the fundamental reason I like games aren't their ability to tell stories, since most games actually do a pretty piss poor job at that, it's gameplay, and Gears of War brings that to the table in spades. Many games with good plot elements don't even have a narrative. I appreciate good story telling, but it's far more rarer than great gameplay.

Character is often more important to the overall feel of a game than narrative, and Cole brought loads of character to the game, even in multi-player.
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Since 6257 Days
Posted by GriftGFX
Duel wielding didn't change the fact that Halo is still all about 'nades and melee to this day.. and thank god for that, since it's what makes Halo unique among shooters. It seems like people are just completely overlooking the fact that we've seen gameplay changes already from two brief moments of video that are going to have an impact on the game across the board.
i dont see it like that tho. its all just too samey to me. emphesis on the words "to me"
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Since 6838 Days
100% Agree as well.

I'd like to know what people expected this game to have in terms of additions to the gameplay. I mean, plenty of you seem disappointed that it's still *gasp!* a Gears of War game. What would have made it impressive in your eyes?
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"If we can hit that bull's-eye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards...Checkmate." - Zapp Brannigan

GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Since 6853 Days
You're supposed to play it with your feet now.
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