Old videos download broken

Inscrit depuis 2033 Jours
Hi! im new to the forum, and this is an awesome page, where i got so many trailers in the past, so im really thankfull for that. I want to ask if theres any way to download older trailers, you lnow, the ones who give this error message:
"This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.
Anonymous user cannot access public access disabled bucket
</Error> "

And, when using rightclick and save i got an error too. thanks in advance.
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Inscrit depuis 1553 Jours
I get the same error, but a slightly different error message, namely "AccessDeniedAnonymer Benutzer kann nicht auf den deaktivierten Bereich für den öffentlichen Zugriff zugreifen1E6E949497F7385EaENCC5RnqQrj4/+Wpq5raZiWCUykoeBADlEbFFaO5Alk/sU7ASwEkaZVrdY4Dn1evYB7yHFWVsko"
- the middle part translates to "Anonymous user cannot access public access disabled bucket", it looks like my browser just displays the xml file.

This happens even when I am logged in, and for all three trailer videos on this page:
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Inscrit depuis 2816 Jours
Can confirm this error message for downloads from backup server.
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Inscrit depuis 1501 Jours
I also get this error message (i'd like to download AC3 E3:CG trailer)... Any admin to help ? :D
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Driftwood - Dictateur en chef
Inscrit depuis 7649 Jours
If the old files aren't available anymore, there is sadly nothing we can do to help.
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PC videos : i9 9900K @ 4.5 GHz, 16 Go RAM (DDR4), Windows 10, GeForce RTX 2080 Ti Gigabyte OC Edition

Inscrit depuis 2366 Jours
Here's one thing that might've help you, I recently tried it on one of the old trailers and it worked. First you use wayback machine to open the older version of your trailer (remember to open the news thread that include the trailer that you want instead of the download site), inside that older version, you'll most likely find a torrent sitting in there. You can try to download that torrent, it might be slow, or it might've not work at all. But I'm sure you would want to give it a go.
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Inscrit depuis 1501 Jours
Inded, that's a very nice idea. I will give it a try!
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Inscrit depuis 1453 Jours
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Inscrit depuis 1427 Jours
How do you do this? When I try to access downloads through the Wayback Machine I'm just told I need to log in, and I'm not able to through the Wayback Machine.
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Inscrit depuis 1553 Jours
Is there any way to get the file names of the original videos, in order to search them directly on the net?
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Inscrit depuis 1324 Jours
i'm also same issue
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Inscrit depuis 1291 Jours
i am also facing same error
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Inscrit depuis 1222 Jours
I have the same issue. Any tips for solution?
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Inscrit depuis 1205 Jours
Damm even I am having a similar kind of issue, I have searched all over the internet and even have posted on number of threads on different forum, no solution seems to work. I am really frustrated, can anyone of you here help me resolve this issue, I am very much tired now.
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Inscrit depuis 1183 Jours
I have the same issue. Any tips for solution?
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Inscrit depuis 2050 Jours
No solution yet? 
Seems like whole archive is gone...
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Inscrit depuis 1103 Jours
Hi, can you please write some detail
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Inscrit depuis 960 Jours
this comment has been deleted
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Inscrit depuis 960 Jours
am having a similar kind of issue, I have searched all over the internet and even have posted on number of threads on different forum,
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Inscrit depuis 3745 Jours
I'm a YDE fan and wanna download a lot. about the old files errors, I figure 2 possible reasons: 1. old files just don't exist on the servers. 2. files are still there, but we don't have the permission to download. 
could you PLEASE at least tell us which reason it is? we really wanna know if the files are there or not? 
thank u~
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Driftwood - Dictateur en chef
Inscrit depuis 7649 Jours
I'm not in charge of any of this, I'm just the guy who takes care of the editorial aspect of the website. The person you guys need is BlimBlim, but he will most likely never take the time to answer or give people an explanation. So I'm really sorry I can't do more to help you guys but there is sadly no point in asking again and again. My hands are tied and I can't even contact BlimBlim as he's been ignoring me for more than a year now (don't ask I don't know any more than you do). 

Old files are probably bound to become unavailable anyway because we don't have the money to maintain everything on our servers and we need some space for our own videos (as files for trailers have become scarce these days). That said, if the files are gone for another reason, they're certainly lost and there is no way we can get them back now so many years later. The publishers don't keep their old trailers outside of YouTube. 
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PC videos : i9 9900K @ 4.5 GHz, 16 Go RAM (DDR4), Windows 10, GeForce RTX 2080 Ti Gigabyte OC Edition

Inscrit depuis 850 Jours
Could you save all the originals you still have at archive.org with infinite capacity? Checking over 4000 games for alive links is too time-consuming process for me without access to file directories.
Originals are invaluable heritage for people all over the world.
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Inscrit depuis 830 Jours
It's a bit sad that older stuff gets lost like this with time.

Sometimes I go look at old trailers on YouTube and the max I can put it at is 360-480p, and sometimes if you're unlucky, it's a trailer that's been hammered by compression. 😫
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Inscrit depuis 850 Jours
Too bad a time machine is not exist. I could get all the trailers at all... and a few bitcoins, hah.
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Inscrit depuis 830 Jours
Posté par NRave
Too bad a time machine is not exist. I could get all the trailers at all... and a few bitcoins, hah.
hah, always with the bitcoin time travel, lots of people have told that joke, though I'd like some too you know? 😉

since we're on the topic of time travel and all the game trailers, I think I'll have a go for saving the library of Alexandria while I'm at it. 😅

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Quoi de neuf ?
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