Loakum @Driftwood Awesome! I’m loving it! It does show a much crisper picture and the frame rate looks good! I was playing Stella Blade and Dragonball Soarkling Blast! :) (3 Weeks ago)
Driftwood @Loakum: enjoy, the one Sony sent us will be there on launch day. Coverage will follow asap. (4 Weeks ago)
Loakum *takes a large sip of victorious grape juice* ok….my PS5 pro arrived early! So much winning! :) (4 Weeks ago)
Driftwood @reneyvane: non ils l'ont publié le 1er octobre et je crois que tu l'avais déjà linkée. ;) (7 Weeks ago)
CraCra Y a un souci sur les forums ? (10 Weeks ago)
nostradamus very few with religious beliefs are naive or zealots, but for sure don't find amusing their beliefs being thrown in for clout. maybe STFU with that discourse? (> 3 Months ago)
Driftwood Download is now functional again on Gamersyde. Sorry for the past 53 days or so when it wasn't. (> 3 Months ago)
Driftwood Another (French) livestream today at 2:30 CEST but you're welcome to drop by and speak English. I will gladly answer in English when I get a chance to catch a breath. :) (> 3 Months ago)
Driftwood GSY is getting some nice content at 3 pm CEST with our July podcast and some videos of the Deus Ex Mankind Divided preview build. :) (> 3 Months ago)
Driftwood For once we'll be live at 4:30 pm CEST. Blim should not even be tired! (> 3 Months ago)
Driftwood More Quantum Break coverage coming in a few hours, 9:00 a.m CEST. (> 3 Months ago)
Driftwood We'll have a full review up for Firewatch at 7 pm CET. Videos will only be tomorrow though. (> 3 Months ago)
Driftwood Tonight's livestream will be at 9:15 GMT+1, not GMT+2 as first stated. (> 3 Months ago)
It may be the graphics with it's millions of particle effects @ 60fps [though only 720p], or the dynamic sound thing that mixes the music with the combos, or the totally appealing female characters or the awesome music and sound-effects. Also the accessories are neat, Glacius with that devil-horns looks freakishly amazing.
the only tyrant I accept is my inner voice [and my two kids ;)]
ultimate gamers threat: "Watch it, or I'll spoil you all!"
Weirdly warframe is something i'm super eager to play too. It'll scratch me and my workmates co-op itch come the 29th.
Probably not.. but a marketing push wouldn't hurt.
Project Spark
Prepare To Drop!!
So far:
Forza 5 x 1
Killer Instinct x 1
Killzone SF x 3
Super Mario 3D World x 1
the only tyrant I accept is my inner voice [and my two kids ;)]
ultimate gamers threat: "Watch it, or I'll spoil you all!"
Xbone - Killer Instinct
Fun fact both are free (KI not for everyone, but still it's gifted to a lot of people). :D
Not really interested in other titles, but can see the bone games being a lot more attractive for most of the people- DR3 (no doubt co-op mode will be fun), FM5.
Ah and f.ck EA and their unfinished titles!
Hail to the king, baby!
Victory needs no explanation, defeat allows none.
Project Spark
Oooh, Profound, isn't it?
If I had to choose one it'd be Killer Instinct.
Marumaro for the WIN !!
Killer Instinct x 3
Killzone SF x 4
Resogun x 1
Didn't count Seth's KI vote, because it's about one title and he named Resogun first.
the only tyrant I accept is my inner voice [and my two kids ;)]
ultimate gamers threat: "Watch it, or I'll spoil you all!"