What’s the general interest in a Spore 2?

Since 400 Days
Recently revisited the classic Spore. For those who don’t know, it’s a game where you guide the development of a single cell all the way up to a space faring race.

I would love a new version of this game with more advanced species creation, slightly more in depth stages, more decisions, and all the other features modern games have. Anyone else want something like this?
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Since 373 Days
Posted by vitene4776
Recently revisited the classic Spore. For those who don’t know, it’s a game where you guide the development of a single cell all the way up to a space faring race.

I would love a new version of this game with more advanced species creation, slightly more in depth stages, more decisions, and all the other features modern games have. Anyone else want something like this?
Just revisited Spore—a classic game guiding evolution from a cell to a space-faring race. Imagine a modern version with enhanced species creation, deeper stages, more decisions, and all the features of today's games. Who else craves an evolved Spore experience?
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Since 305 Days
I absolutely agree! Spore was an incredible game that combined creativity, strategy, and exploration. I still recall the excitement of creating my own creatures and watching them evolve into a civilization of intergalactic travelers.
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Since 300 Days
Interest in a Spore 2 is palpable among gaming communities. The original game's innovative concept and expansive universe left players craving more. A sequel could capitalize on advancements in technology, offering deeper customization, enhanced graphics, and expanded gameplay mechanics. Fans eagerly anticipate the potential for even greater creativity and exploration in a sequel to this beloved classic.
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