PS2 Xbox

Blizzard released two images of their so-many-times delayed game Starcraft: Ghost. Looks a little bit like the early version of Halo 1.

PS2 Xbox

The very late Starcraft Ghost is back with these 26 images and this long trailer. This game is certainly showing its age now.

PS2 Xbox

Starcraft had a rather disappointing second unveiling at the last E3 after being taken over by Swingin' Apes studios, and the game had completely disappeared since then. But it's now back with these 11 images showing a much better looking Nova.

PS2 Xbox

Blizzard released the following images from the now well-known and also well-forgotten action-title Starcraft Ghost. Looks good, looks fine, the question is - how interesting will it be in Q2 2006?

PS2 Xbox

After a rather dull gameplay video this morning Blizzard is back with this awesome CG trailer, certainly straight from the game's intro. Wow!

PS2 Xbox

Blizzard's cursed project comes back with a full pack of images and artworks, as the american giant just bought the studio who was developing the title. No surprises, the screenshots are averages even for an "old-gen" game. Sounds bad...
Update by Blimblim: I added an official gameplay video to this news. I'm not convinced by this game...

PS2 Xbox has been updated with lots of trailers to stream. Here are the first few ready to download, because streaming is bad, mmmk ?

PS2 Xbox

Here are 29 images and artworks of Starcraft Ghost, some of the images are from the PS2 version.

PS2 Xbox

Blizzard just published these 11 new screens of Starcraft:Ghost. For a multiplatform game it's quite nice looking ! The game should be released in June, but with Blizzard I'd not bet on it...

PS2 Xbox

5 more screens of Starcraft Ghost, a game we'd all like to know more about...

About the game
X360 PS3
Published by
Blizzard Enterta...
Developed by
Swingin' Ape Stu...

$135 of $400 per month

What's up?
  • Loakum

    Loakum By FAR, the upcoming Game of Thrones King’s Road was the Game of the Show! It plays like God of War Ragnarok! :) (1 Day ago)

  • Loakum

    Loakum @Driftwood Awesome! I’m loving it! It does show a much crisper picture and the frame rate looks good! I was playing Stella Blade and Dragonball Soarkling Blast! :) (5 Weeks ago)

  • Driftwood

    Driftwood @Loakum: enjoy, the one Sony sent us will be there on launch day. Coverage will follow asap. (5 Weeks ago)

  • Loakum

    Loakum *takes a large sip of victorious grape juice* ok….my PS5 pro arrived early! So much winning! :) (5 Weeks ago)

  • Driftwood

    Driftwood @reneyvane: non ils l'ont publié le 1er octobre et je crois que tu l'avais déjà linkée. ;) (8 Weeks ago)

  • reneyvane

    reneyvane Factornews à joué à KingdomComeDeliverance2 au Gamescom 2024 mais ne publie sa preview que maintenant ? [url] (10 Weeks ago)

  • CraCra

    CraCra Y a un souci sur les forums ? (11 Weeks ago)

  • Driftwood

    Driftwood Download is now functional again on Gamersyde. Sorry for the past 53 days or so when it wasn't. (> 3 Months ago)

  • Driftwood

    Driftwood Another (French) livestream today at 2:30 CEST but you're welcome to drop by and speak English. I will gladly answer in English when I get a chance to catch a breath. :) (> 3 Months ago)

  • Driftwood

    Driftwood GSY is getting some nice content at 3 pm CEST with our July podcast and some videos of the Deus Ex Mankind Divided preview build. :) (> 3 Months ago)

  • Driftwood

    Driftwood For once we'll be live at 4:30 pm CEST. Blim should not even be tired! (> 3 Months ago)

  • Driftwood

    Driftwood More Quantum Break coverage coming in a few hours, 9:00 a.m CEST. (> 3 Months ago)

  • Driftwood

    Driftwood We'll have a full review up for Firewatch at 7 pm CET. Videos will only be tomorrow though. (> 3 Months ago)

  • Driftwood

    Driftwood Tonight's livestream will be at 9:15 GMT+1, not GMT+2 as first stated. (> 3 Months ago)

Also on Gamersyde

Our Xbox Series X video of S.T.A.L.K.E.R 2

  • Thursday, December 12, 2024
  • Driftwood

Our PSVR2 video of Skydance's Behemoth

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  • Driftwood

Space Marine 2 PS5 Pro update is solid

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  • Driftwood