Softstar is mostly know for the Sword and Fairy series and Xuan Yuan but the Chinese developer decided to try to tackle the horror genre with what you could define as a mix between adventure (with simple puzzles) and ghostly appearances meant to scare us to death. We've only seen the first hour of the game, but soi far, we haven't been impressed at all. The pace is very slow, the different locations are separated by loading times and it's not very scary (at least not yet). Worse, we found some sequences rather irritating, like the one where we had to sneak past an evil spirit who kept spotting us before we could hide. Then things settled down for a while to give place to the story but the English voice actors failed to immerse us in this story. The reviews that are available on Steam are pretty positive so maybe it's just not for us. If you want to make up your own mind about it, we have recorded several sequences taken from that first hour we played. Note that the Xbox Series X version we played had some framerate issues in some specific passages, which is a bit surprising considering the graphics are very old gen.