Trailer PS4

Here is a comparative trailer from PSX 2017 of the much awaited remaster of Shadow of the Colossus for PS4. A good way to see the visual evolution since the original release in 2005 and the first remaster for PS3 in 2011. PS4 Pro users will benefit from two options: Cinematic for better image quality, HDR, dynamic 4K targeting 30fps and Performance for a better frame rate targeting 60fps. Jump inside for the video and new screens.

PSX: 8 screenshots

  • Shadow of the Colossus: Comparison Trailer - PSX: 8 screenshots
  • Shadow of the Colossus: Comparison Trailer - PSX: 8 screenshots
  • Shadow of the Colossus: Comparison Trailer - PSX: 8 screenshots
  • Shadow of the Colossus: Comparison Trailer - PSX: 8 screenshots
  • Shadow of the Colossus: Comparison Trailer - PSX: 8 screenshots
  • Shadow of the Colossus: Comparison Trailer - PSX: 8 screenshots
  • Shadow of the Colossus: Comparison Trailer - PSX: 8 screenshots
  • Shadow of the Colossus: Comparison Trailer - PSX: 8 screenshots

Special Edition

  • Shadow of the Colossus: Comparison Trailer - Special Edition
Commented on 2017-12-10 01:52:45
A hard pass for me. Hard because i want to play a "true" remake of the game, but not in this fashion. Highly competent from the tech side from it, as were those super skilled mod/ports of Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask in Unreal Engine 4 from the tech side, but they just seem off. so very off. And this coming from a Dev house, it just stands like a sore thumb on the overall package. Even the face of the wandered is "why".

Blue point are hardcore porters, one of the best, but as content creators, to jump to asset design and worse, remastering old content faithfuly they don't seem to have that special skill in their workforce

The wanderer face, oh god. (again, at times... reeks of UE4 Mod)

Funny thing, the game has more semblence with Ico than with SotC.
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Commented on 2017-12-10 07:35:44
Game looks really beautiful. I hope this game sells good this time. Honestly I am big fan of remake of the classic games. Wish Ubisoft would remake POP trilogy at least :((
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Commented on 2017-12-10 11:33:45
Posted by droezelke
Ok, second remake. Only more detail.
and half-assed detail. Most of the stuff is new like the grass and the cloud system, but then the agro and wanderer models still have thet "look" withy the complexity of meshes of a PS2 game. Even the way how the soft physics work could be true to the roots, but they are all messed up (agro's mane, wanderer's poncho) against the strong memories one had of the game b/c they were revolutionary at the time (like Icos) and here they just seem off, far away from "better".
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Commented on 2017-12-10 12:39:57 In reply to nostradamus
Posted by nostradamus
A hard pass for me. Hard because i want to play a "true" remake of the game, but not in this fashion. Highly competent from the tech side from it, as were those super skilled mod/ports of Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask in Unreal Engine 4 from the tech side, but they just seem off. so very off. And this coming from a Dev house, it just stands like a sore thumb on the overall package. Even the face of the wandered is "why".

Blue point are hardcore porters, one of the best, but as content creators, to jump to asset design and worse, remastering old content faithfuly they don't seem to have that special skill in their workforce

The wanderer face, oh god. (again, at times... reeks of UE4 Mod)

Funny thing, the game has more semblence with Ico than with SotC.
Unfortunately I have to mostly agree. While the game still looks amazing, I think Bluepoint people are technical wizards (really, ICO in 1080p!) but I feel they could use more help in the artistic department.
Looking side-by-side the PS2 still feels bigger and more distant, while the PS3 remake mostly took all that away in name of resolution. The PS4 seems a lot better than the PS3 remake, anyway.

And yes, I thought that maybe it was just me, that I couldn't enjoy ICO AT ALL on PS3 because of some lack of "magic", I thought that was just me and my memory messing with my head. Then you look at The Last Guardian ad yes, all the magic is still there, even in 1080p, it's exactly as I rembered enjoying ICO and SOTC on PS2.

I'll buy this version, for sure, but I'm more than a little bummed out that they didn't find a way to keep all the magic intact from the PS2 version, it's such a pity.
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Commented on 2017-12-11 01:27:26
Looks so amazing. A world that actually looks worthy of exploration. Creatures with actual detail. Great fur tech. And they've built it from the ground up in aboit a 50th of the time it took team ico to make anything. I love how they've fleshed out the barron nothingness world of the original and made it look enticing to explore and not just a gap between colossi. And how they've fixed borked elements like arrow shooting from agro. Even the animations have had polish to make it all look more solid and less...limp.

Glad they havn't touched the controls for those who want to experience it as was, and glad they havn't fucked with the grip meter etc.

Cannot wait to buy this a third time.
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About the game
Published by
Sony Computer En...
Developed by
Bluepoint Games

$135 of $400 per month

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