The latest edition of Famitsu magazine has a few pages dedicated to the fighting videogame Street Fighter IV. Many veterans are added to the initial formation, like Chun Li, Guile, Zangief, Blanka, Dhalsim and E.Honda. No platform have been confirmed yet, except the arcade one. More details to come.
All comments (29)
Is the the big-thighed drawing that you're referring to?
This is horrible it really is, not nice to see such a great franchise come to this...
Chun-li is fine though, i'm on my PS3 browsing so i zoomed in on her, her legs are normal (for her), the character art may be throwing you off, the back of her "dress" blends in with her right leg making it look freakishly huge!
I think the style looks fine, except the graphics aren't as cutting edge as I would like, they do seem like a PS2 game, at least from what I've seen.
I guess we'll see if the gameplay is likable.
He's also gone on at length about simplifying street fighter, and how he wants this game to appeal to a new generation of fans, which isn't necessarily good for those people who still follow the franchise. I'm guardedly optimistic but there's plenty of reasons to be a little concerned.