Xbox 360 PS3

Here is that much (?) awaited time, the video comparison of both PS3 and 360 versions of Grand Theft Auto IV by Dot50cal. And in the end, the differences seem to be totally meaningless. Some speak about aliased shadows, 630p and other niceties, but what I see here is a slight difference in tint. But I guess fanboys will find much to argue about anyway.
We'll do another video showing what should (or not?) be the big difference between the game, the famous pop-ins.

Commented on 2008-04-29 15:06:38 In reply to grifter_66
Posted by grifter_66
720p or 630p makes absolutely no difference in the overall detail of the textures
hehe i dont think so (add a blurry filter to hide jaggies)

btw is this dot cal making now a comparision from a retail version of 360 copy ?
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Commented on 2008-04-29 15:11:33
Having played both (albiet breifly) I can honestly say there's next to no difference. I have noticed a bit of pop in with the textures in the 360 version, but it's not all that bad, certainly not on the level of Halo 2 or even Mass Effect, and the game loads on both systems in just a few seconds.

Those of you trying to claim one version looks better than the other are only fooling yourselves.
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Commented on 2008-04-29 15:49:17 In reply to grifter_66
Posted by grifter_66
You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about 720p or 630p makes absolutely no difference in the overall detail of the textures, such a small resolution difference isn't even noticeable and if it wasn't made public no one would ever have known. If anything the slight upscaling of the PS3 version gives it a softer feel hence the illusion of anti-aliasing.
It's 640p (1152x640p) and no AA, like Halo 3 ! You can see a clear difference !
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Commented on 2008-04-29 16:48:04
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Commented on 2008-04-29 17:11:20 In reply to Rekrut
Posted by Rekrut
but in 630p...
So what? With the PS3 resolution at 630p, there are fewer framerate drops than the 360 version which seems like a fair compromise, unlike some other multiplat games which have the PS3 version running at a lower resolution with an even worse framerate.
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PlumbDrumb - Still drinking
Commented on 2008-04-29 17:15:59
everybody shutup! Smell that?

This is intarweb history!
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Commented on 2008-04-29 17:36:01 In reply to PlumbDrumb
Posted by PlumbDrumb
everybody shutup! Smell that?

This is intarweb history!
I love this website! (no sarcasm or anything, i really do :) )
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Commented on 2008-04-29 17:36:30
Whoa, why did my comment get bullet timed? It was one of the brightest remarks posted so far!
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Commented on 2008-04-29 18:01:43
The only differences I could see was slightly sharper image on the X360 and stronger lighting. (I was watching the comparison on my new LCD with dynamic contrast) Ofc there were colour differences, but it's basically all about personal preferences. I would probably have bought the PS3 version if I had a PS3 that is, but only because it isn't as loud as my X360.
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PlumbDrumb - Still drinking
Commented on 2008-04-29 18:21:15 In reply to synce
Posted by synce
Whoa, why did my comment get bullet timed? It was one of the brightest remarks posted so far!
doh, sorry about that, I must have pushed the wrong button.
All good now.
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Commented on 2008-04-29 18:53:45
I see no difference...good work rockstar!!
Everybody can choose itself, which version he takes.
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Commented on 2008-04-29 19:37:03
we all know they look the same but ps3 version has less pop-ins and better colours
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PlumbDrumb - Still drinking
Commented on 2008-04-29 19:49:18
There is no "we".

I've seen a few vids, but I don't know what system they were running on.

and how could they look the same when the PS3 has better colors and less pop-in?
I mean come on, either one looks better or it doesn't.
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Commented on 2008-04-29 20:11:40 In reply to PlumbDrumb
Posted by PlumbDrumb
I've seen a few vids, but I don't know what system they were running on.
Through the power of logic, I'd say those vids were from the 360 version, given the fact that capturing 360 video is much easier than PS3 video. I believe the only PS3 footage (gameplay) that I've seen was on IGN. Everywhere else was 360.
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PlumbDrumb - Still drinking
Commented on 2008-04-29 20:22:58
"the power of logic", eh?
"given the facts", eh?

consider me NOT CONVINCED!
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Commented on 2008-04-29 20:37:50 In reply to PlumbDrumb
Posted by PlumbDrumb
"the power of logic", eh?
"given the facts", eh?

consider me NOT CONVINCED!
Lol. Ookaay.
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Commented on 2008-04-29 21:58:29
There's very little difference. Just enjoy the game already.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Commented on 2008-04-29 21:58:35 In reply to PlumbDrumb
Posted by jackdoe
So what? With the PS3 resolution at 630p, there are fewer framerate drops than the 360 version which seems like a fair compromise, unlike some other multiplat games which have the PS3 version running at a lower resolution with an even worse framerate.
I've seen plenty of people claim the exact opposite: that the 360 version has the better framerate, with a higher maximum framerate to boot.. so which is it? Seems to me that people can't seem to get this right. I've seen wildly contradictive claims from both forum users and professional game journalists alike.

Seems to me that the difference must be negligible if people consistently can't get it right.
Posted by PlumbDrumb
and how could they look the same when the PS3 has better colors and less pop-in?
Pop-in seems to be the one issue that everyone has agreed on for the most part (or, mostly everyone). Color is subjective. Both versions have different strengths and weaknesses and people can't seem to agree on which version ultimately looks better.. so they don't look the same.. but saying that one is better than the other seems like a real crapshoot.
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Commented on 2008-04-29 22:20:03
Well said grift but it should be noted that PS3 has pop-in as well,and the retail 360 copy has less pop-in then the review copy, but what do you know both versions are pretty much identical visually etc. Yay, everyone wins.
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Commented on 2008-04-29 22:25:47
I don't know..whatever. I was going to swap my 360 pre-order for the PS3 version, but am now "stuck" with the 360 version as all regular copies were sold out, just pre-orders left!

Doesn't matter though, graphically and in terms of performance the difference isn't all that significant (as of yet). I played the PS3 version at a friend of mine and couldn't really tell the difference. Perhaps later on in the game I don't know.

Either way, this game is fantastic. The streets aren't as crowded as I had hoped, but living and breathing nonetheless. The humor is unmatched, it's like I'm watching a Guy Ritchie film (sort of).

I really don't understand the people that think Saint's Row has 'better' humor?! The humor in SR is just trying too bad, it becomes pathetic. GTA's humor is spot on, subtle and clever...
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Commented on 2008-04-29 22:27:48 In reply to Jato
Posted by Jato
I really don't understand the people that think Saint's Row has 'better' humor?!
It doesn't. Saints Row is the Scary Movie or Meet the Spartans of sandbox humor.
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Commented on 2008-04-29 22:31:40
I loved scary movie 1+2.
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GriftGFX - He can also<br>ban your ass!
Commented on 2008-04-29 22:32:33
You should play Saints Row then, it's hilarious ;)
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Commented on 2008-04-29 22:35:58 In reply to Jato
Posted by Jato
Either way, this game is fantastic. The streets aren't as crowded as I had hoped, but living and breathing nonetheless. The humor is unmatched, it's like I'm watching a Guy Ritchie film (sort of).
Really it depends were you go and time of day, ive found places that have been bustling.

Very true the humor is unmatched (Saint Row fails miserably) I just spent half hour watching the TV show, Bass Ruten Ricky Gervais there is so much havent even scratched the surface!

Scary Movie was funny, it is the following sequels that should never be talked about.
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Commented on 2008-04-29 22:36:48 In reply to GriftGFX
Posted by GriftGFX
It doesn't. Saints Row is the Scary Movie or Meet the Spartans of sandbox humor.
Didn't quite make that link myself, but hey...
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About the game
PC X360 PS3
Published by
Rockstar Games
Developed by
Rockstar Games

$135 of $400 per month

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