Xbox 360

Microsoft and Silicon Knights produced this trailer for Too Human, where they explain more about Battlecries. The game will feature a co-op mode which will be playable online with one friend.

gmulis - blames poor<br>marketing
Commented on 2008-06-14 14:40:54

but SK next time needs to release one major video showing all they've got, these constant videos makes the game less anticipating
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Commented on 2008-06-14 16:11:47
I don't know what it is, but there's something seriously missing from this game that questions the hype. I haven't seen anything as far as gameplay that will make me go out and buy this. The actions looks so stale that it could easily be mistaken for a game from the past two generations. For a game that's been in development for over a decade, it still looks like it's in the position from where it started. I'm not being mean, but come on; does anyone really think this game warrants such a long development cycle? I can't imagine the budget. They keep saying that the gameplay features rpg elements, but what they've shown just looks like some boring upgrade system at best. I want to be so wrong about this game just as I was wrong about GTAIV. Boy was I ever wrong. I'll keep my figers crossed.
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Commented on 2008-06-14 17:29:33
Please be good!
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Commented on 2008-06-14 18:10:55 In reply to omegaheat
Totally agree. It certainly doesnt look like a title to warrent 8years development time. The graphics already appear very dated..with subpar textures, the level design is uninspired...all i seem to see are wide open spaces (obviously because they designed it with 4players in mind). Whats worse is that the gameplay itself just seems unappealing, addopting an xbla gameplay mechanic of mindless spraying...only littered with poor animations.

Seriously, this game needs a good demo to sell it. SK getting one out before launch though wouldnt be a safe bet.
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Commented on 2008-06-14 18:56:44
Whilst i was excited for this game initially i can't bring myself to care about it any more. I think with all the videos and screenshots that have been released i've seen all there is to see: big wide corridoors with the same 2/3 enemies.
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Commented on 2008-06-14 19:30:29
Agree, wide corridors, combat that looks slow and boring, characters lack personality and generally seem dull, and design that doesn't offer anything that hasn't been done/seen before.
Still, I hope the full product will at last reveal the potential Dyack's been going on like forever
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Commented on 2008-06-14 19:56:36 In reply to onerous
Posted by onerous
Agree, wide corridors, combat that looks slow and boring, characters lack personality and generally seem dull, and design that doesn't offer anything that hasn't been done/seen before.
Still, I hope the full product will at last reveal the potential Dyack's been going on like forever
Slow and boring? You must not have watched any of the combat videos then. If anything the combat is too fast for certain classes.

As for the wide corridors, it does seem that we have only seen battles from the first hub, the hall of heroes. Certainly cyberspace is not a bunch of corridors.

As for role playing elements, it is chock full of rogue-like yumminess.
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Commented on 2008-06-14 20:05:27
SK need to stop producing such video, it kills the hype!
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Commented on 2008-06-14 20:17:13
I don't doubt Too Human will be a good game (if not great, but we'll see) but they really need to hire a new advertising firm. This campaign is so...BLAND.
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Commented on 2008-06-14 20:22:18
I do hope that Too Human will turn out well, but I have my doubts. In my opinion, they should have done Eternal Darkness 2 instead.
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Commented on 2008-06-14 20:44:10 In reply to privatejohn
Posted by privatejohn
SK need to stop producing such video, it kills the hype!
No doubts, I understand why they think they need to aggressively market the game but still they release a bazillion videos which most of them are fairly boring.
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Commented on 2008-06-14 21:12:21
Need a Demo!

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Commented on 2008-06-14 21:18:35
I think a demo might ultimately make or break this game tbh.

The initial thoughts of Too Human are mostly negative and so if the demo is good, the game's reputation may get back on track.

Yet if the demo reflects the fears of potential customers, the game itself may be in severe trouble.
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Commented on 2008-06-14 21:59:06
Man, when he says group he makes it sound like a 4 player co-op, which saldly it isn't. This game should be 4 player co-op from the get go.
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Commented on 2008-06-15 01:58:02
i cant see this game doing anything but flop. most people tend to either hate it or be on the fence and i dont thing playing the game in demo form is going to change that. i think they should have just scrapped the idea after the poor showing at E3.
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Commented on 2008-06-15 04:31:10
Click on the ads while d/ the site !!
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Commented on 2008-06-15 05:13:59 In reply to Brandino
Posted by Brandino
No doubts, I understand why they think they need to aggressively market the game but still they release a bazillion videos which most of them are fairly boring.
Not to mention how tiring the audience can get with each video, it's as if we have already finish the game by watching all the footage.

They doesn't need to release so many boring video, instead they should produce quality trailer. Quality > quantity.
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Commented on 2008-06-15 06:58:37
Looks cool.
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Commented on 2008-06-15 09:32:18
The only video I actually liked was the one released on marketplace, showcasing the bar fight - it was really atmospheric and well done. Other trailers showing gameplay just don't show the potential which supposedly is there. This game really needs one GOOD trailer.
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Commented on 2008-06-15 15:04:13
I like the game but I have serious doubts about it.
what a shame they didnt make another Eternal Darkness, that game was amazing.
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Commented on 2008-06-15 17:05:34 In reply to KORNdog
Posted by KORNdog
i cant see this game doing anything but flop. most people tend to either hate it or be on the fence and i dont thing playing the game in demo form is going to change that. i think they should have just scrapped the idea after the poor showing at E3.
There's plenty of people still interested in this game and it could turn out great.

So yes, animations are HORRIBLE (seriously!), graphics are not great but decent, and it lacks the coolness/flair some other games with a kind of similar gameplay have. But it also has a lot going for it: Gameplay looks fun imo, some of the environments look very cool, the story seems promising, the looting/upgrade system looks solid and there's probably more stuff I forget.

I've been very harsh on this game for it's lacking in certain departments, but what you're saying is plain nonsense. Perhaps this won't turn out to be AAA, but I'm still interested and so are many other with me. Not everybody hates it or is on the fence about. Please, don't spill such nonsense here.
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Commented on 2008-06-15 22:54:51
The game is just a week away from going gold, so that much needed demo should be coming our way very shortly. I guess we'll all have our answers by then.

5 bucks says it's actually a solid and unique title ;)
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Commented on 2008-06-16 00:30:32
The only hype I have ever seen for this game has been negative. Especially here on this forum, no one is fooled
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Commented on 2008-06-16 03:44:21
Sorta reminds me of Gauntlet....except its only two player co-op :(
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Commented on 2008-06-16 06:09:51
It gives me some kind of world of warcraft feeling,
but then with intense gameplay.

I'm just hoping they don't screw up the anticipation
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About the game
Published by
Xbox Game Studios
Developed by
Silicon Knights

$135 of $400 per month

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