Xbox 360 PS3

Lucasarts releases a new batch of screenshots of Star Wars: Force Unleashed, focusing on the Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 versions. Graphically it looks really good, and the art direction looks like it has gone through some fine tuning. Very promising title.

12 images

  • Images of SW: Force Unleashed - 12 images
  • Images of SW: Force Unleashed - 12 images
  • Images of SW: Force Unleashed - 12 images
  • Images of SW: Force Unleashed - 12 images
  • Images of SW: Force Unleashed - 12 images
  • Images of SW: Force Unleashed - 12 images
  • Images of SW: Force Unleashed - 12 images
  • Images of SW: Force Unleashed - 12 images
  • Images of SW: Force Unleashed - 12 images
  • Images of SW: Force Unleashed - 12 images
  • Images of SW: Force Unleashed - 12 images
  • Images of SW: Force Unleashed - 12 images
Commented on 2008-06-19 18:56:56
Nice stuff..
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Commented on 2008-06-19 19:01:35
\o/ really nice!

I am afraid of too much delays in this game.

have read a lot of stuff about problems in Lucas Arts. :/
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Commented on 2008-06-19 19:06:16
The new art direction makes the game a whole lot better! Now if they only added Soul Caliber Bonus characters. ^^
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Commented on 2008-06-19 19:07:51
What's with the nasty flat circle things in pics 1 and 10? They just look out of place, maybe they're fine in motion.
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Commented on 2008-06-19 19:17:06
Looks nice other than the ridiculous way the main character holds his light sabre.
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Commented on 2008-06-19 19:19:19
this game just loooks too good. and.... hes holding his light saber the gangstar style :)
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Commented on 2008-06-19 19:39:43 In reply to moroboshi
Posted by moroboshi
Looks nice other than the ridiculous way the main character holds his light sabre.
how is it ridiculous?

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Commented on 2008-06-19 19:49:28
Yeah, how is it ridiculous?
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Commented on 2008-06-19 19:54:11
very colourful. should be a blast to play.

check out the film "the hunted" with christopher lambert. he gets taught by a samurai to hold his sword in a similar fashion.
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Commented on 2008-06-19 19:54:59
<3 <3 I agree with moroboshi, I prefer the traditional style
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Commented on 2008-06-19 20:44:08
Yep , this is some nice fine tuned stuff
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Commented on 2008-06-19 21:18:00 In reply to moroboshi
Posted by moroboshi
Looks nice other than the ridiculous way the main character holds his light sabre.
He's a fuckin' Sith. They reek style & Rad.
Jedis are more old fashioned & most of the time try to be wise looking.

Even Darth Maul used twin blades, to be difrent... don't see the problem.
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Commented on 2008-06-19 21:49:25 In reply to pluginbaby
Posted by pluginbaby
<3 <3 I agree with moroboshi, I prefer the traditional style
This ain't your traditional SW game though, you're a friggin sith appretice and kicking ass as darth vadar son!
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Commented on 2008-06-19 23:15:46
Last internally developed game?
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Commented on 2008-06-19 23:25:08
This game is simply icredible from what I've seen so far. Technically it's right up on top! The game still has to prove itself in many aspects (story, gameplay etc), but the promise it posseses is incredible!
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Commented on 2008-06-19 23:32:01 In reply to blmbox
It's like
Posted by blmbox
Yeah, how is it ridiculous?
It's like holding a gun sideways, gangsta style. It makes no sense, and looks ridiculous. He'd spend most of his time flailing his arms wildly just to make any contact with an opponent, then probably burn off most of his elbow by mistake.
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Commented on 2008-06-19 23:32:52
really hope this is good...Im very impressed with the graphics and art direction.... I would love them to make an rpg with this engine
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Commented on 2008-06-19 23:33:10 In reply to starfox14now
Posted by starfox14now
He's a fuckin' Sith. They reek style & Rad.
Jedis are more old fashioned & most of the time try to be wise looking.

Even Darth Maul used twin blades, to be difrent... don't see the problem.
That's it exactly, it's an attempt to be 'down with the kids'. Fails completely for me. It just looks juvenile and comical.
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Commented on 2008-06-19 23:54:38 In reply to Splicer261
Posted by Splicer261
you're a friggin sith appretice and kicking ass as darth vadar son!
i thought darth vadar only had one son? is this character his son or just his apprentice?
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Commented on 2008-06-19 23:56:33
Holy shit, just saw the latest video interview at IGN and at the very end you see him battling this robotic monster. It looks similar to the ones in Too Human, but extremely well excecuted; Great sense of impact, fantastic graphics/design and excellent animations.

Silicon and learn!
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Commented on 2008-06-20 00:43:32
I don't see the problem with how he holds the lightsaber.

How does it look juvenile?

Fighting styles exist in sword combat where you hold a sword like that, it's not uncommon
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Commented on 2008-06-20 00:58:55
I can't edit my post anymore BUT

I just watched the video over at IGN and I gotta say... aside from the new tech this game reminds me of Ninja Gaiden a bit.
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Commented on 2008-06-20 01:56:06
Pictures 5, 7, and 8 look very good. In 5 I just love how the stormtroopers armor looks, with the lightning reflecting off it. 8 has such a cool enviornment and alot of detail.
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Commented on 2008-06-20 02:47:05
i would like to have "limb cutting" like NG2...i mean, a lightsaber is NOT a baseball why didn't he cut off enemy arms/legs/head every 5 seconds? :(

anyway, game is cool, no doubt about it
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Commented on 2008-06-20 03:01:28
He doesn't hold his lightsaber that way because he wants to be cool. That's a way to hold your sword in a japanese swordfighting art. Holding the sword that way, you have a lot of new options for moves and surprising attacks.
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About the game
X360 PS3
Published by
LucasArts Entert...
Developed by
LucasArts Entert...

$135 of $400 per month

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