Sony released this trailer for SOCOM: Confrontation, to be released in October on Playstation 3. The game will include a headset in the package, but will in the US also be available without headset for a reduced price.

Commented on 2008-08-29 15:16:16
I wonder what will happen to MGO's popularity once this game drops. Personally I don't see the appeal but many people say they'll be moving on to it...
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Commented on 2008-08-29 15:29:28
I'm about to watch the trailer (downloading it), and I'm buying thew game mostly for the headset. I hope it turns out good though. I always heard good things about socom when it comes to the online department, and I expect this release to beno exception.

I'm crossing my fingers!
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Commented on 2008-08-29 16:10:54
looks like an objective based, third person cod4. which sounds good. i enjoyed the first game on ps2, so i'll probably enjoy this, but i probably wont be buying it. maybe some time in the future, but its definately not a day one purchase or anything. if it had a single player i would have considered it, but as it is i'll either rent it or wait for it to drop in price.
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Commented on 2008-08-29 17:32:43 In reply to broman
Posted by broman
I wonder what will happen to MGO's popularity once this game drops. Personally I don't see the appeal but many people say they'll be moving on to it...
I can never get in, not accepting my konami ID! i registered so many times to get it to work! GRRRR!
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Commented on 2008-08-29 19:13:27 In reply to KORNdog
Posted by bvm_ps2
I'm about to watch the trailer (downloading it), and I'm buying thew game mostly for the headset. I hope it turns out good though. I always heard good things about socom when it comes to the online department, and I expect this release to beno exception.

I'm crossing my fingers!
I think it was stated that since the headset was going to be 'Official', you'd be able to buy it in the future by itself. So if that's your main reason, you could wait, or you know, get a game with a headset :P
Posted by KORNdog
looks like an objective based, third person cod4. which sounds good. i enjoyed the first game on ps2, so i'll probably enjoy this, but i probably wont be buying it. maybe some time in the future, but its definately not a day one purchase or anything. if it had a single player i would have considered it, but as it is i'll either rent it or wait for it to drop in price.
I'm in the same boat actually. I'm interested, but the lack of a single player shoots it down my list. Shooter wise, I'm getting Resistance 2 and Killzone 2 because they come with both aspects (single and multiplayer) and in a big way.
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Commented on 2008-08-29 19:43:38
Posted by droezelke
Those graphics look stunning, even beter than MGS4. But unfortunately I'm not much of a multiplayer type gamer. Why? Because I suck at it ;o)
I seriously hope you were joking.
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Commented on 2008-08-29 21:21:02
Graphics are pretty damn bad, but it's a budget title.

And it's Socom in spirirt. I think the real thign we have to wait for is MAG.
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Commented on 2008-08-30 14:16:40
Is that Counterstrike?
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Commented on 2008-08-30 18:25:09
MGO > This

The animations look amateurish in this trailer, hopefully they can fix em before it drops.

Probably not.
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Commented on 2008-08-31 15:24:24
GRAW killed this game 2 years ago lol
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Commented on 2008-09-01 14:51:55
The graphics look great, for a PSP game that is, as that's what version this video is for.
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Commented on 2008-09-02 22:00:41
Are they walking on the floor or are they floating on it!!! I did not like it , Why can't sony do good games for PS3??? I have a X360 and a PS3 and I must say...Microsoft is kicking Sony's ass so far!!!
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Commented on 2008-09-03 10:41:36 In reply to mineral
Posted by mineral
Why can't sony do good games for PS3??? I have a X360 and a PS3 and I must say...Microsoft is kicking Sony's ass so far!!!

BTW Why God can't make normal gamers...
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Commented on 2008-09-03 14:33:38
Hey mister Unknown_23 , you got your opinion and I've got mine ok?! So far I've played one excellent game exclusive for PS3 (Uncharted)! Other than that , games are always running better on x360, How do I know that??? I have them both!!!! For instance , tell me one PS3 game better than Gears Of War or Bioshock....MTG4??? Not a chance , not even scratched the surface buddy!!! Of course Sony can turn the table on it's favor in the future, but so far....Microsoft is kicking Sony's ass!!!
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Commented on 2008-09-03 18:03:40 In reply to mineral
Posted by mineral
Hey mister Unknown_23 , you got your opinion and I've got mine ok?! So far I've played one excellent game exclusive for PS3 (Uncharted)! Other than that , games are always running better on x360, How do I know that??? I have them both!!!! For instance , tell me one PS3 game better than Gears Of War or Bioshock....MTG4??? Not a chance , not even scratched the surface buddy!!! Of course Sony can turn the table on it's favor in the future, but so far....Microsoft is kicking Sony's ass!!!
lol! atm i use both just as little as each other. i havnt bought a game for either console since MGS4 on ps3. last game on 360 was GTA4. neither console has anything truely worth owning atm. and MGS4 was quite a bit better then bioshock imo (best game this gen by far for me), but bioshock isnt exclusive anymore so its a bit of a crap argument. as for gears. never been a fan, and i dont think gears 2 is gonna sway me either. it looks pretty, gameplay is pretty shit tho. imo of course.

in terms of exclusives tho i think they're both on pretty even playing fields. at least in terms of the game that appeal to me.
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Commented on 2008-09-04 16:18:11
does it feature counter-strike style of gameplay (when you die, you won't respawn until the round is over) ? If it does I guess I'll have to take a closer look.. (I don't have any need for a normal respawn after 5 secs game anymore)
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Commented on 2008-09-04 20:35:22
Animation is horrible... Inexcusably so. Why are they sliding around & why does the programmers think they've done a fine job? Reminds me of one major thing I hated about RB6, Halo and Resistance MP for examples, sliding air walking characters SUCK, like jumping MJ style in games while still being able to perectly aim SUCKs. Kills the realism for me.

Look I'm not asking for so real it's technically slow and boring either, but can't they appear to seem as if they are on the ground and interacting with their environemt? COD4 has that down packed I think. Granted the jumping got past IW, which sucks.

I'm also not saying that the sliding look destroys a game single handedly, because I dug COD2 and they look a bit fake in that regard too but that game was simple fun and too long ago to compare. People say, and I agree, that Gears has issues but at least the characters interacted with the environment a bit more realistically if that's even possible to say about GEars and it's hyper reality...

Anyhow the headset would be nice but what for? I don't play squat other than Rock Band 1 on my PS3 or Blu-Ray movies at the moment... and a head set isn't needed for either. How sad. Killzone 2 and Resisistance 2 might be decent single and co-op campaign games, but otherwise animation is leaning otherwise.

Budget title or not, SOCOM appears inexcusable in character animation. Sony needs to step it up.
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Commented on 2008-09-11 05:46:25 In reply to Splicer261
what part are you having trouble on?

-your password has to be all numbers, and only four numbers
- your name can be whatever, I guess
- There's other that is wierd about it, but google a walkthrough and you might find that you are making a mistake. I was hung-up on the password for like two or three days lol
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