Xbox 360

At first announced as a Microsoft published title, Infinite Undiscovery will in the end be released this week, or even today, by Square-Enix. As usual I rushed to record the first 10 minutes of the game, and since this game is a RPG, and a quite complex one at that, many more will follow.
Update: Added 2 more videos. Another will follow this afternoon, and one last tonight or tomorrow.
Update 2: Last video for today added, more tomorrow!

Commented on 2008-09-02 09:07:48
Game looks very interesting...but WHY do publishers insist on dubbing japanese games? A lot of money spent to...well to partially ruin the game. The girl sounds like an old brat and the hero talks like in a cheap 80's american cartoon. Are people really that lazy to prefer this to reading some subs?
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Commented on 2008-09-02 09:08:36
I Totally agree with you!
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Commented on 2008-09-02 09:19:30
well, this is just publishers' words mind you, believe them or not, it doesn't really matter to me.
but as for why do they insist on dubbing games over with english dialogue, publishers have claimed in the past that despite all the internet noise making it seem otherwise, the actually number of ppl that prefer/demand the japanse voices and subtitles is pretty small.
the majority of western consumers are going to want the game in english and if they don't provide it in english, they can kiss their sales goodbye.

is that true? i really can't say, thats just what publishers have claimed in the past.
why can't they provide both voice tracks and give ppl the choice? **shrug**
don't know.
but thats the reason they've given for why they dub the games instead of just leaving the japanese and using subtitles.
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Commented on 2008-09-02 09:39:41
...and you guys should listen to dubs in italian versions of some games! More than once in the past, i've rented games with friends just to laugh at the voices.
The quality often drops much below amatorial: completely random untrained dubbers, unhearable volumes and unfinished sentences. Sometimes it can be VERY funny, but not when it happens in a game you waited for years to play.
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Commented on 2008-09-02 09:41:45
nice blim, gonna watch it now. have this title on my radar for quite some time. after the very nice lost odyssey its time for another good 360 rpg :)
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Commented on 2008-09-02 09:44:35
People get money to make those dubs. Maybe i'm wrong but i mostly believe they get enough to do at least decent ones. I sometimes wonder if developers know what's happening at their games around the world.
Ok, end of rant.
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Commented on 2008-09-02 10:11:46 In reply to Nakano
Posted by Nakano
Ok, end of rant.
yes hopefully, more on the game less on subs :)
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Commented on 2008-09-02 10:30:27
I don't like playing subbed games because i can't pick up on emotions in Japanese unless they are really over doing it. I speak English, so I relate to English better.
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Commented on 2008-09-02 10:50:28 In reply to JFetch
Mhe, dont like the beggining like reviews mention, I want footage from a couple hours in :)
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Commented on 2008-09-02 10:53:44
They had this kinda of shit on the demo months, months ago, and its still in the final review code? W...T...F?!!!

She uses a bow in gameplay, so why the fuck she stays like that in cutscenes, like she has a invisible bow? It's just a so... freakin' obvious bug, it freaks my immersion perception. Do Not Want!
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Commented on 2008-09-02 11:08:30
Can't wait having a blast with Tales :D

Wow aside from the slowdown, this game really does look pretty awesome :)
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Commented on 2008-09-02 11:15:53 In reply to Optimusv2
WHERE did you get Tales from?!?
To BlimBlim: Do you enjoy playing IU? I read some pretty bad things about in in reviews and therefor am not sure wheter to buy it or not..
Thanks in advance!
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Commented on 2008-09-02 11:41:22 In reply to PauloEifel
Posted by PauloEifel
WHERE did you get Tales from?!?
To BlimBlim: Do you enjoy playing IU? I read some pretty bad things about in in reviews and therefor am not sure wheter to buy it or not..
Thanks in advance!
Meant I'm having a blast with tales of vesperia currently and so I naturally can't wait to get my hands on this game.

Best to not always believe what you read. The best way to go is always on your own gut. Watch the game in action to see if you like what you see. If you can't get a remote liking or interest in what you're seeing, then it probably isn't for you,

That opening cutscene was a whole heck of a lot better than I was expecting it would be, especially from a sound design perspective. Voice acting seems pretty good as well.

Graphically I think it looks fantastic. The art is definitely there and the lighting and textures are subtle, but still look great imo.
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Commented on 2008-09-02 12:06:15 In reply to Nakano
Posted by Nakano
Game looks very interesting...but WHY do publishers insist on dubbing japanese games? A lot of money spent to...well to partially ruin the game. The girl sounds like an old brat and the hero talks like in a cheap 80's american cartoon. Are people really that lazy to prefer this to reading some subs?
In my experience, Japanese voices are usually just as bad, if not worse. They're always very stereotypical, and very annoying. Yes, English dubs are sometimes terrible, but it doesn't mean the other languages are any better.

Look at games like Final Fantasy X, XII, Lost Odyssey and even Metal Gear Solid. The English voice work is brilliant, but the Japanese stuff lacks any kind of emotion or even effort.
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Commented on 2008-09-02 12:20:15 In reply to WinterSnowblind
Posted by WinterSnowblind
In my experience, Japanese voices are usually just as bad, if not worse. They're always very stereotypical, and very annoying. Yes, English dubs are sometimes terrible, but it doesn't mean the other languages are any better.

Look at games like Final Fantasy X, XII, Lost Odyssey and even Metal Gear Solid. The English voice work is brilliant, but the Japanese stuff lacks any kind of emotion or even effort.
Are you serious? If you are, then you are the first person i hear saying such things. If you were being sarcastic just ignore this post :)
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Commented on 2008-09-02 12:24:07
Nice! looking very good. Voice acting is good I thought and I dont see where the complaints are coming from tbh or is it just because it's a JRPG then it gets slaughtered for that even though it tries ?
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Commented on 2008-09-02 12:31:52
Yeah, voice acting is good. The shouting during combat is idiotic, but it's the same in Japanese version (even worse, as the combo names are in English with Japanese dudes shouting them) and thankfully you can turn it off.

I watched the first two videos, it looks pretty tempting actually, all possible cliches are in there, but it's well executed. I might pick it up at some point, I don't know.
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Commented on 2008-09-02 12:31:59 In reply to Nakano
Posted by Nakano
Are you serious? If you are, then you are the first person i hear saying such things. If you were being sarcastic just ignore this post :)
Why would he?... people are now accustomed to see anime shows and whatnot in Jap VA and Eng Subs, that scheme grows on them than the usual Eng Crappy VA.
The only reason they like it, it's because they don't understand the fuck they are sayin'... it doesn't mean they aren't any less stereotypical, and annoying to people who actually understand moon languange, than English VA to people who understand it too.
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Commented on 2008-09-02 12:38:47 In reply to alimokrane
Posted by alimokrane
Nice! looking very good. Voice acting is good I thought and I dont see where the complaints are coming from tbh or is it just because it's a JRPG then it gets slaughtered for that even though it tries ?
Not having heard the original one i can't compare the two, but i just feel the usual "incompatibility" between character and their voices.
In my opinion the western choices are too old voices for the female chars and too "though boy" acting for the male ones.
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Commented on 2008-09-02 12:43:33 In reply to starfox14now
Posted by starfox14now
Why would he?... people are now accustomed to see anime shows and whatnot in Jap VA and Eng Subs, that scheme grows on them than the usual Eng Crappy VA.
The only reason they like it, it's because they don't understand the fuck they are sayin'... it doesn't mean they aren't any less stereotypical, and annoying to people who actually understand moon languange, than English VA to people who understand it too.
Japanese is my first language, but i think i got your point. there is truth in what you said.
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Commented on 2008-09-02 12:50:11
the other way is true too, there "probably" (how would I know, I've never been to the moon, I don't talk the language) are very good Jap VA, just it's very hard to decypher between a good/bad when you don't understand it.
The same goes for English too, like your exemple of MGS ( very good VA among so much crappy ones nowdays, just a tad ludicrous scripts, though).
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Commented on 2008-09-02 13:23:14
gameplay vids look pretty nice, not bad for Radiata Stories team 1st gen effort
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Commented on 2008-09-02 13:31:30
Not a lot of Americans like "reading" a game or movie because they're lazy and ignorant (mind you I'm American)
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Commented on 2008-09-02 13:43:09 In reply to Tinks
Posted by Tinks
Not a lot of Americans like "reading" a game or movie because they're lazy and ignorant (mind you I'm American)
Oh there is nothing ignorant about not wanting to listen to a language you can't understand and spend the majority of your time reading rather than looking at the beautiful game and the character animations and actions.

I watch anime with subtitles, and sure I got used to it. But I have noticed in games, and really depending on the anime, a lot of the female characters sound absolutely annoying. Far to high pitched, very grating, and exceptionally unpleaseant.

The voices for this aren't that bad, Capell is alright. The chick, well she's kinda off, but you can't always win. Not the worst voice acting, but in no way the best.
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Commented on 2008-09-02 13:51:51 In reply to Nakano
Posted by Nakano
Not having heard the original one i can't compare the two, but i just feel the usual "incompatibility" between character and their voices.
In my opinion the western choices are too old voices for the female chars and too "though boy" acting for the male ones.
That seems a bit ridiculous, especially that there's often really no connection between someone's appearance and voice. How many time I listened to radio speakers only to see them for the first time much later and be surprised that I imagined them to look differently. It's really better to hire some skilled actors with mature voice for kids characters rather than the other way around (I didn't get that impression of incompatibility BTW).

Edward is a bit annoying, but that's because the actor exaggerates every line, not because of his voice.

I agree with starfox14now and Zilor.
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About the game
Published by
Xbox Game Studios
Developed by

$135 of $400 per month

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