There is no doubt so no game as ever been as hyped as Killzone 2 before its release, sometimes to the point that there was seemingly no way that the developers could ever manage to achieve their goal. Well now that we have the retail version in our hands, we can say that technically this is the most advanced game available on any console as of now, which is quite an achievement to say the least. In terms of gameplay too, while the game doesn't really reinvent the wheel, it's still a very polished title. The story itself isn't anything to talk about, and the characters themselves are for the most part forgettable, but it doesn't matter in the slightest. Killzone 2 is a must have for any shooter fan out there.
Update: Second and last part is up.

Commented on 2009-02-24 08:44:40
the 27th can't come soon enough.:)

hey blim, i don't agree that "no game as ever been as hyped as Killzone 2 before its release". have we forgotten halo 3?!
In reply to
Commented on 2009-02-24 08:58:54
What's going with the HQ streaming, you've changed the player I think?

All I get is a green dot going left and right in a black bar in the middle of the screen...Waited for like 6 mins, still didn't load.
In reply to
BlimBlim - Tyrannosaurus
Commented on 2009-02-24 09:08:28 In reply to masteratt
Posted by masteratt
What's going with the HQ streaming, you've changed the player I think?

All I get is a green dot going left and right in a black bar in the middle of the screen...Waited for like 6 mins, still didn't load.
Strange, it's working normally for me.
In reply to
Commented on 2009-02-24 09:20:12
Everyone's talking about reinventing the wheel. What the hell can you reinvent in FPS game ? you always will run and shoot stuff. You just can add stuff to it , like some cover mechanics (from 1st or 3rd person) , or some RPG elements , even make it a open world game.
It's a foolproof genre FPS , you know all the time what's going to happen , you will run and shoot stuff. So just stop saying reinventing the wheel.
On topic , game looks awesome , can't wait :)
In reply to
Commented on 2009-02-24 09:21:57
I have to say this looks very spectacular... like a grittier version of the wonderful Halo as the opening scene is very reminiscent of that game although the visuals are obviously leaps and bounds ahead of that game... even Halo 3 for that matter. There is a noticeable difference in the quality of the pre-rendered opening scene and the in-game visuals though but it looks fantastic nevertheless.

I can't wait to play to play this game on Thursday, the demo was great.
In reply to
Commented on 2009-02-24 09:29:20 In reply to Kouzmich
Posted by Kouzmich
Everyone's talking about reinventing the wheel. What the hell can you reinvent in FPS game ? you always will run and shoot stuff. You just can add stuff to it , like some cover mechanics (from 1st or 3rd person) , or some RPG elements , even make it a open world game.
It's a foolproof genre FPS , you know all the time what's going to happen , you will run and shoot stuff. So just stop saying reinventing the wheel.
On topic , game looks awesome , can't wait :)
Totally agree. Some reviewers have to use "doesn't reinvent the wheel" or "doesn't innovate" to say SOMETHING negative. As if other FPS reinvent the wheel on a daily basis. Please don't make me laugh! The same goes about the story: "flat", "boring"... if I want a story I rent a movie.

A few years ago Doom 3 was also been critisized for being "too oldskool", "too linear"... I'd rather have good oldskool linear FPS than plain nonsense really.

About the hype: if you cannot look through hype then you probably believe everything politicians say
In reply to
BlimBlim - Tyrannosaurus
Commented on 2009-02-24 09:39:39
And here comes the KZ2 defense force. God forbid I dare say anything slightly negative about it.
In reply to
Commented on 2009-02-24 09:54:22 In reply to BlimBlim
Posted by BlimBlim
And here comes the KZ2 defense force. God forbid I dare say anything slightly negative about it.
It's not that I don't like negative comments about K2. I have a few myself already and probably more when it is released. I'm just opposed to pre-chewed cliche talk as "doesn't reinvent the wheel"... or (on the other end of the scale) "this has to be the best FPS of the moment" (everyday some FPS is the best at the moment, but what does it mean?)

So, of course I'm waiting for your opinion. As a matter of fact I'm looking forward to it (I miss the GS Diaries really).
In reply to
Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2009-02-24 10:04:06
Tomorrow (25th in EU), can't wait.

I will play the campaign first a bit before I go online, I just hope the MP is as fun as it looks and the servers holds up because the MP trailer looks amazing.

This is a "generic" FPS, yes, but a very good one at it.

The weapons feels great, it has weight on them, the animations are great, it's like they perfected shooting and weapons.

That was one of the things that concerned me the most from the first KZ, the shooting was bad, but now that I played the demo when it got released, it is great.
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Commented on 2009-02-24 10:12:55
Tried the demo over at a friends house and it seems to be a pretty good game. I couldn't really get in to it that much since i only played for a few minutes but after trying the demo one thing is certain: if i had a PS3 i would totally buy this game.
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Commented on 2009-02-24 10:13:50 In reply to BlimBlim
Posted by BlimBlim
Strange, it's working normally for me.
It doesn't work for me either. LQ plays OK though.
In reply to
Commented on 2009-02-24 10:18:39 have just sent me an email to say that it's on it's way, wahooooo!!

Daren't look at this untill i get the game ;D
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Commented on 2009-02-24 10:18:59
i played the demo , and i got to say i was bored .
i got amazed on how average the graphics look.
it also played like a generic first person shooter.
hype kills sales - in my opinion.
after playing the game , i am gonna cancel my pre -order, its just like "nothing to see here!!!"
gonna have to wait for some god of war 3 action and lost planet 2 (which in my opinion looks amazingly better than killzone 2)
In reply to
Commented on 2009-02-24 10:30:14 In reply to radsy
Posted by radsy
i played the demo , and i got to say i was bored .
i got amazed on how average the graphics look.
it also played like a generic first person shooter.
hype kills sales - in my opinion.
after playing the game , i am gonna cancel my pre -order, its just like "nothing to see here!!!"
gonna have to wait for some god of war 3 action and lost planet 2 (which in my opinion looks amazingly better than killzone 2)
Only a blindman(maybe xbot) could says something like this(obviusly u'r entitled with ur opinion, i can't say anything on that)...m8...generic wwll all fps are generic this who can blame u for saying that but u can't say anything about the gfx if it's not better than crysis on 1600$ it's still the best looking console fps on the marcket so its gfx is not average and its game play is better tha the one in halo3 or turok or resistance1/ please go trollin' other places

P.s. sorry for my english
In reply to
Commented on 2009-02-24 10:42:41 In reply to larsodd81
Posted by larsodd81
Only a blindman(maybe xbot) could says something like this
P.s. sorry for my english
He said God of War 3 so no dude, he isnt an xbox fanboy. Maybe the guy is more into stories or special settings and less into shoot-galore?
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Commented on 2009-02-24 10:47:41
I heard Lots of people were taking the shotgun during MP games.
Also certainly a lot will use Assault badge. I just hope it will be more balanced than the Beta.
Don't get me wrong, KZ2 MP was really acclaimed by the press and everyone who tried it.
In reply to
Manager - Shemale
Commented on 2009-02-24 10:48:25 In reply to C0nk3r5
Posted by masteratt
What's going with the HQ streaming, you've changed the player I think?

All I get is a green dot going left and right in a black bar in the middle of the screen...Waited for like 6 mins, still didn't load.
Posted by C0nk3r5
It doesn't work for me either. LQ plays OK though.
I don't know if this is the case for both of you, but masteratt:
After our news is posted, the stream often has to be recorded for around 20 minutes or so. When it's done recording, the stream link here goes up and you can all click on it - but the stream isn't fully updated yet. So what happens is that you get a black window with a green arrow. It won't work until you wait a really short while and then update the whole window. It won't work if you only keep the window open and wait.
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Driftwood - Dictateur en chef
Commented on 2009-02-24 10:48:43 In reply to larsodd81
I'm not a very big Halo fan in the first place but I wouldn't say Killzone's gameplay is better. I wouldn't say it's worse either. It's got a different feel to it and it's a good thing in my opinion. Both games feel completely different and some might prefer Halo whereas some might think they like Killzone best.

However awesome the game looks though, I think it lacks a charismatic hero as Master Chief (since you're mentioning Halo here) or Drake for example. I guess that's why some people find the story disappointing. It's a very effective FPS but the very fact that there are so many first person shooters these days can lead some to qualify the game as too generic indeed.

There's no denying that the game is gorgeous and that it doesn't fail to deliver a great experience but for those who are not in to FPS, it will probably just be a great looking game.
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Commented on 2009-02-24 10:59:55 In reply to larsodd81
Posted by larsodd81
Only a blindman(maybe xbot) could says something like this(obviusly u'r entitled with ur opinion, i can't say anything on that)...m8...generic wwll all fps are generic this who can blame u for saying that but u can't say anything about the gfx if it's not better than crysis on 1600$ it's still the best looking console fps on the marcket so its gfx is not average and its game play is better tha the one in halo3 or turok or resistance1/ please go trollin' other places
This is the sequel to Black, so don't mind .its a good game, for people who like good sub-par shooters.
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Commented on 2009-02-24 11:33:20 In reply to BlimBlim
Posted by BlimBlim
And here comes the KZ2 defense force. God forbid I dare say anything slightly negative about it.
I was in the BETA and god I hope they fixed some stuff , because if not the MP will suffer some hard criticism from players later on. Can't say much about story because I haven't played it yet.
You really need to adjust to the controls and from playing too much CoD4 it will be and is ( I see that from reading articles and ect. ) hard to do. Even with the alternate 2 it's difficult to crouch and shoot in MP , but it's possible to get used to.
So you can say allot of bad things about KZ 2 , but say them and not hide behind the "reinventig".
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Commented on 2009-02-24 11:42:44
The devs never said to reinvent the genre. But to perfect it. Adding various elements to make it as realistic as possible. And we can see those effects on the physics and the " hit detection " , " death animation system ".
To make things we see in the game so that we can say " yeah it's believable and could be real ".
I do agree about the plot and the characters connexion with Sev , natko, Rico and Garza. With the cutscenes I didn't see much that relations between the team. But I guess the focus is the main battle and the war going on into the game.
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Commented on 2009-02-24 12:16:31 In reply to BlimBlim
Posted by BlimBlim
And here comes the KZ2 defense force. God forbid I dare say anything slightly negative about it.
I definitely get what your saying. Hopefully the multiplayer is good enough to keep me interested:). Campaigns bore me early usually when it comes to these type of games.
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Commented on 2009-02-24 13:32:10
Nooooo! Temptations, temptations, but luckily the release is so close I can taste it, so I don't have to watch this. Tomorrow, tomorrow, maybe I should go to bed early and skip work due to "flu", or sudden flood, earthquake...
In reply to
Commented on 2009-02-24 13:40:59
I wanted to add a special coverage BlimBlim could use celebrating the release. This is "borrowed" from a well know other game:

"Killzone 2 is finally here, at least for the lucky few who got it in advance or will find it tomorrow in the EU. And it doesn't disappoint, at all. And for an exceptional game, an exceptional coverage in great quality, ready to stream from your PC to your PS3. The first one if our usual "first 10 minutes".

But I can already say that Killzone 2 is one of these games that we will still talk about in a few years, as a graphical and technical marvel first, but also because the gameplay is simply excellent with lots of small but so clever little touches.

Killzone 2 is simply a game that everyone besides the most zealous hater of the genre should have in their collection."

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Commented on 2009-02-24 13:47:05 In reply to BlimBlim
Posted by BlimBlim
And here comes the KZ2 defense force. God forbid I dare say anything slightly negative about it.
The talibans of gaming.
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About the game
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