Xbox 360 PS3

Capcom unleashed Resident Evil 5 in all territories last week and we've covered it pretty good with the PS3 version and tons of gameplay videos. Here's the classic First 10 Minutes video, this time from the Xbox 360 version, showing a bit more on the story. The game itself is very good, great graphics and gameplay. Many of you probably already own the game, so feel as always free to share your impressions in the comment section.

Dritwood's speaking: I wanted to support Manager's impressions of the game with a short comment. I was not entirely convinced by the demo myself and I have to say that once I got the game, I completely changed my mind and just got sucked into it. Some will certainly bitch about the oldish gameplay feel of the game but don't let it keep you away from Resident Evil 5 as it'd be a huge mistake. Soon enough, you'll forget about the somewhat awkward controls and you'll simply lose the notion of time while playing, which is always a very good sign.

The coop mode is excellent and although it tends to make the game a little easier - in normal mode at least - be sure that some sequences are challenging enough to feel all the tension you need to get. Graphically, the game is just stunning and the pleasure of discovery is emphasized by the fantastic scenery, the great character models, the realistic lighting and the over the top cutscenes. So give a go at it, it'd be a real shame to miss such a good game, no matter what some people say about it.

Commented on 2009-03-16 09:31:33
very impressive.
Many reviews aren't all positive but i'm happy i bought the game.
grphixwhore that i am ;)
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Commented on 2009-03-16 10:13:03
First off, everyone please play it in Veteran mode as normal mode is ridiculously easy. Veteran is a little harder (although only a little) and makes the game more Resident Evil-like.

I'm at the end of Chapter 4 now (out of 6 I believe) and am enjoying it a lot. It really is just RE4 subtly re-skinned, even the theming of the environments mirrors RE4 to a large degree. But RE4 was an amazing ride and this is too. My only major gripe is Sheva, who under AI control is retarded and will a)waste ammo, b) waste health, and c) get herself killed all the time. I'd sooner she wasn't in the game at all.

Still, the game is a lot of fun, graphically absolutely stunning, and despite what the Gears of Wars kiddies will have you believe, controls just fine.
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Commented on 2009-03-16 10:36:58
I really impressed by the co-op mode in this game, it just works really well and it's adds alot to the game, and it just feels like it's the way it's meant to be played.
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Commented on 2009-03-16 10:37:52 In reply to moroboshi
Posted by moroboshi
First off, everyone please play it in Veteran mode as normal mode is ridiculously easy. Veteran is a little harder (although only a little) and makes the game more Resident Evil-like.

I'm at the end of Chapter 4 now (out of 6 I believe) and am enjoying it a lot. It really is just RE4 subtly re-skinned, even the theming of the environments mirrors RE4 to a large degree. But RE4 was an amazing ride and this is too. My only major gripe is Sheva, who under AI control is retarded and will a)waste ammo, b) waste health, and c) get herself killed all the time. I'd sooner she wasn't in the game at all.

Still, the game is a lot of fun, graphically absolutely stunning, and despite what the Gears of Wars kiddies will have you believe, controls just fine.
If you use control scheme D they virtually ARE Gears Of War controls except without the cover system and standing still to shoot (which I don't think I ever complained about), so don't call the complainers "Gears Of War kiddies" as I'd bet most Gears Of War fans are fine with the controls as long as they choose control scheme D.
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Commented on 2009-03-16 11:05:14
I am not watching................. must resist..... I have no time to play the game until next week end ...................... must keep resisting.......
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Commented on 2009-03-16 11:24:29
Wow looks gorgeous
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Commented on 2009-03-16 12:48:30
Beat the game 3 times in 3 days, so I guess you could say I'm loving it. The boss fights here are the best of any game this gen, hands down. Crank up the 5.1 and watch the house shake as your heart skips a few beats!

The game's only flaw is it's length. Took me only 9 hours the first time, on normal setting, without rushing at all. Each time after it only took 4 hours. Again, no rush. Could probably do it in 2 if I rushed. In any case it's half the length of RE4
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Commented on 2009-03-16 12:49:27
Stop saying "gears of wars kiddies", in what way is a game where you kill zombies more adult than a game where you kill aliens? Stop trying to ridicule other games just because you cant enjoy two different games, and must side with 1 of them a la fanboy style.. Sigh just shows your own immaturity.

As for this game, i also wasnt 100% convinced after the demo..
But after just 1min of this, im going to buy it =D
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Commented on 2009-03-16 12:51:17
9 Hours only ???? compared to the 20 or so of Resident Evil 4 ??? grrrrrr
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Commented on 2009-03-16 13:07:16 In reply to moroboshi
Posted by moroboshi
Still, the game is a lot of fun, graphically absolutely stunning, and despite what the Gears of Wars kiddies will have you believe, controls just fine.
How about ppl who aint gow kiddies and think control sucks ? How U gonna call'em ? Fallout trolls , braid brainiacs tards or perhaps they're just all noobs. Ur post was quite resonable but last words made me laugh big time. Game that doesnt evolve is like a green light for all other devs to deliver same crap all over again. To stand still is to move back.
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Commented on 2009-03-16 13:14:06 In reply to GeRaLTo
Posted by GeRaLTo
How about ppl who aint gow kiddies and think control sucks ? How U gonna call'em ? Fallout trolls , braid brainiacs tards or perhaps they're just all noobs. Ur post was quite resonable but last words made me laugh big time. Game that doesnt evolve is like a green light for all other devs to deliver same crap all over again. To stand still is to move back.
Please, learn to spell, or at least spell check 'UR' posts before hitting submit. I can't imagine why anyone with access to a functioning keyboard would type in such a mind bogglingly stupid and brainless way.
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Commented on 2009-03-16 13:18:01 In reply to Baleur
Posted by Baleur
Stop saying "gears of wars kiddies", in what way is a game where you kill zombies more adult than a game where you kill aliens? Stop trying to ridicule other games just because you cant enjoy two different games, and must side with 1 of them a la fanboy style.. Sigh just shows your own immaturity.
The term 'Gears of War Kiddies' and similar refers to people for whom Gears of War is one of their first gaming memories. As such, they expect any third person game to be dual analogue with total freedom to shoot and move at any point, and dislike any game which deviates from what they see as the norm. Had they played more games, specifically games from previous generations they would have a greater understanding and apreciation for different control systems. Not all games play the same, nor should they.

It has absolutely nothing to do with game content or the physical age of the gamer.
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Commented on 2009-03-16 14:54:10 In reply to moroboshi
Posted by moroboshi
Not all games play the same, nor should they.
QFT. I was preachin' this stuff over at GameFAQs last night haha. People have an obsession with wanting games to be exactly the same as another game they like. It's ridiculous. The fact that games are varied and different is what makes them unique and keeps them interesting. If the gamers had their way every FPS made for the next 10 years would be identical to Call of Duty 4, and it'd get boring as hell.
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Commented on 2009-03-16 15:05:24 In reply to moroboshi
Posted by moroboshi
The term 'Gears of War Kiddies' and similar refers to people for whom Gears of War is one of their first gaming memories.
Even if that is truely the type of gamer that you were referring to, why would you even bother going after such a small and obscure group? I would bet you that 99% of the people online on sites like this that have been bitching about the RE controls would NOT fall into that group you mentioned. They're gamers that have been gaming since previous generations and just don't like that the controls haven't "evolved" more. I for one am a big Gears fan and still think that RE5 controls fine.

Instead of "and despite what the Gears of Wars kiddies will have you believe, controls just fine. ", you should've just said- and despite what SOME will have you believe, controls just fine.
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Commented on 2009-03-16 15:26:08 In reply to moroboshi
Posted by moroboshi
Please, learn to spell, or at least spell check 'UR' posts before hitting submit. I can't imagine why anyone with access to a functioning keyboard would type in such a mind bogglingly stupid and brainless way.
Sorry m8 but I gotta ask U to learn something. Before calling any1 "kiddies" act like some1 who actually got some experience ( i reckon U play games for more then...lets say 4 yrs lol ). Im into gaming for over last 20 yrs and trust me im not asking anyone to copy GoW control scheme into every single tps game. Im asking them to evolve but as long as games like RE5, GoW, GTA are getting such a high scores all over the world and ppl actually like them, developers just wont bother. Afterall we're all kiddies hyped to buy new games, believing that this time its gonna be different but it never is ( except for Braid ). Im not asking You to change your mind over RE5 but let me have my own. Peace.

PS. Eng aint my native language so i couldnt care less m8 .
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Commented on 2009-03-16 15:49:55 In reply to moroboshi
Posted by moroboshi
Please, learn to spell, or at least spell check 'UR' posts before hitting submit. I can't imagine why anyone with access to a functioning keyboard would type in such a mind bogglingly stupid and brainless way.
Warning, anti-american/english-lack-of-world-realization-flame on.

Wow, i dont understand anything you just wrote, you spell VERY bad in Swedish!
You didnt get a single word right! Maby you should check "your" posts before hitting submit, I cant imagine why anyone with access to a functioning keyboard would utterly fail in such a mind bogglingly stupid and brainless way to write in MY NATIVE LANGUAGE.

Flame off. I strongly recommend the Gamersyde staff to start handing out bans when people write a reply for no other reason than to whine about spelling. It adds nothing to the discussions about the game. Dont let this turn into
Thank you
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Commented on 2009-03-16 15:56:25 In reply to Baleur
Posted by Baleur
Flame off. I strongly recommend the Gamersyde staff to start handing out bans when people write a reply for no other reason than to whine about spelling. It adds nothing to the discussions about the game. Thank you
You enjoy reading posts written in L33T SPK? Can you understand them? There may have been some rationale for it in the early days of mobile phones, but on a PC with a full keyboard? It's absolutely mindless and serves no purspose other than to make things difficult to understand. Perhaps some people think it's 'cool', who knows. Personally I think it's absurd.

It also has nothing to do with people's native language, as the poster I was commenting on was not speaking in broken English, he was speaking in L33T. Quite different.
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Commented on 2009-03-16 16:13:38
just bought the game and i have to say i really do like it the only prob is there doesn't seem to be any puzzles like in the previous games i do miss that anyone else think the same?
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Commented on 2009-03-16 17:01:33
are all the cutscenes realtime ? Or are some of them in movie form using the game engine, just like in Gears Of War ? Because during many cutscenes there is some sort of filter, and i don't know if it's a graphic filter or if it is the video compression ?
I've been playing it about 10 hours last week end in coop and i really love that game, with several epic moments.
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Commented on 2009-03-16 17:04:12 In reply to KiNiK
Posted by KiNiK
are all the cutscenes realtime ? Or are some of them in movie form using the game engine, just like in Gears Of War ? Because during many cutscenes there is some sort of filter, and i don't know if it's a graphic filter or if it is the video compression ?
I've been playing it about 10 hours last week end in coop and i really love that game, with several epic moments.
They look an awful lot like they've been rendered with the game engine, but then are played back as a regular FMV movie. The reason - their frame rate never drops and they have better AA than the game itself has.
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Commented on 2009-03-16 17:07:32 In reply to assault70
Posted by assault70
just bought the game and i have to say i really do like it the only prob is there doesn't seem to be any puzzles like in the previous games i do miss that anyone else think the same?
There are some puzzles later in the game. Nothing really challenging though. It is much more focused on the action.
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Commented on 2009-03-16 17:29:31 In reply to moroboshi
Posted by moroboshi
They look an awful lot like they've been rendered with the game engine, but then are played back as a regular FMV movie. The reason - their frame rate never drops and they have better AA than the game itself has.
I don't know, it seems that when you replay the game with different costumes, the costumes are also in the cutscenes.
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Commented on 2009-03-16 17:42:35 In reply to KiNiK
Right. They definitely aren't played back as FMV as, like you said, the characters' costumes will change in the cutscenes depending on the costume you're wearing.
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Commented on 2009-03-16 17:48:15 In reply to moroboshi
Posted by moroboshi
They look an awful lot like they've been rendered with the game engine, but then are played back as a regular FMV movie. The reason - their frame rate never drops and they have better AA than the game itself has.
It is perfectly normal for real-time cutscenes to look better than in-game material.
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Commented on 2009-03-16 18:12:18
It was quite short but still fun. However, when you see one character in the game, you'll think Nina Williams from Tekken and when you see one weapon in the game, you'll think Hammer of Dawn.
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About the game
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$135 of $400 per month

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