The official Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 site had been updated with a HD trailer. The quality isn't great, but it's better than nothing.

Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2009-05-18 10:38:00
True, the quality isnt all that however there is no true HD quality of either version of the trailers, but this is the full version of the trailer that shows the OT from all 3 characters...definitely better than nothing, thx alot Blim!

I gotta say Blim, appreciate the effort that you did by removing the boring intro until NGS2 title shows up...right to combat, love it!

I can't wait for E3, TN will be there and I hope the rumor about the "demo coming to PSN" is true, if not a proper walkthrough would be great or new videos and images in general, especially from the co-op side of how things work.

I called GAME today and pre-ordered NGS2 (CE just incase) and I hope TN announces a release date.

PS. Please TN, add more than 1 weapon/ninpo for the girls, or else it wouldnt be much fun in co-op if the player who is Ryu gets to choose from various weapons while the Momiji/Ayane players are stuck with one weapon and one ninpo.

I say this because I would love to play as Momiji as much as possible, but I hate big weapons and she has a big weapon. I want a regular Dragon Sword-like weapon for her like she had in NG DS.

This is definitely the only title I am waiting for all year!
In reply to
Commented on 2009-05-18 10:49:34
TN will only be there in name.
In reply to
Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2009-05-18 10:54:29 In reply to Xerx3s
Posted by Xerx3s
TN will only be there in name.
Even so, I don't mind if they release infos and medias, and a release date (and hopefully a nice sneak demo on PSN).
In reply to
Commented on 2009-05-18 11:18:02
I hope for playable demo so we can judge from first hand game...
In reply to
Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2009-05-18 11:30:43 In reply to Xerx3s
Posted by MEGATAMA
I hope for playable demo so we can judge from first hand game...
Well I owned NG2 and the gameplay will be exactly the same, just add Momiji and Ayane and Hesiga Enma weapon for Ryu and co-op, and for me thats awesome.
They have yet to tell us what their secret mode (never been in a NG game before) and if there will be more weapons/ninpo for any of the characters.

I hope TN has added seperet missions for all 3 characters aside from the co-op, they did that for Rachel in NGS so I am sure they will do it again.

It hasen't been confirmed if TN will be at E3 or not but I am certain NGS2 news will show up.

Post #3
We’ve already set up an appointment to speak with Tecmo (Quantum Theory, Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2)!
In reply to
Commented on 2009-05-18 11:47:08
I was excited for this, as I never bothered with the 360 version, but it sounds like they've completely butchered it. Why has the gore been so significantly cut down, those effects in the 360 version are what made it awesome, you had limbs coming off and blood flying around everywhere.

Bring back Itagaki please.
In reply to
Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2009-05-18 12:01:45
Thats the thing isn't it.
Itagaki was relying on the gore and blood most of the time and the combat to make us love it, even I do.
But I will forget that considering new content is added, much more better content than what Itagaki gave us.

Pay for extra costumes, pay for mission modes...give me a break. (even though I bought them, big misstake, except for mission mode, but still)

The thing that Hayashi and TN is doing now is, redusing the blood and limbs all over the place to make the game run smoother so the framerate doesn't get hick up like NG2 did at times.
And not only that, NGS2 is gonna be 720p native unlike NG2.

Hayashi also said that they are going with a new style and not rely on blood and gore (which NG2 exagerated way too much and blocked the visuals to see a damn thing), something that made NG good for what it was in the old days, sleek and clean look while the combat is top notch while the blood was still in a good amount to satistfy.

But considering the gameplay (combat) is still exactly the same but they added a cool blue/purple mist effect to it makes it a bit more stylized in motion and colorful.

It's like if you don't like how it looks now then you had a problem with the original (which I doubt you had), because the original had as much blood on NGS that is on NGS2 now.

If you want Itagaki back, sure, but then again, what makes you think he will do better than NG2? His game was rushed and he didn't even add mission mode, let alone NEW costumes (colors doesn't count).

Atleast Hayashi is making a effort to reward us NG players with new content, good content.

Besides, NG2 is bargain bin now, so nothing is stopping you from buying NG2 cheap :)
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Commented on 2009-05-18 12:54:32
too many good games. i can't possibly keep up.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2009-05-18 13:04:20 In reply to jmd749
Posted by jmd749
too many good games. i can't possibly keep up.
I got the time, but not the money for the games...wish it was vice versa :D
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Commented on 2009-05-18 13:23:02 many brilliant games is coming this year,is hard to got money for all of them :(
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2009-05-18 13:52:12 In reply to MEGATAMA
Posted by MEGATAMA many brilliant games is coming this year,is hard to got money for all of them :(
Well you got to sacrifice some good games to get the games that is higher on the list to be "great" games.

For me, I know alot of good games coming out, but considering my favorite genre is like NG genre and there is only 2 coming out (Bayonetta being second) I choose NGS2, because I can't stand the design choice of Bayonetta and I am a NG fanboy :)

So it leaves to one game for me to get excited through the entire year and AC2.

Ubisoft said AC2 is coming christmas 2009 and I am planning on buying that as well, and then we got GOW3 which I assume is out Q1 2010.

Gotta see how Dante's Inferno and Lords of Shadow is like in gameplay.
In reply to
Commented on 2009-05-18 14:13:45
NG2 is one of my favourite games this gen, brilliant game. I hope the other two characters are fun to play and they dont destroy the pacing like they did with sigma 1. Also Rachel was just so boring to play as it stopped any urge to carry on. The lack of blood is abit of a let down as it added to the visuals so much (no I'm not some gore freak, it just went really well with NG2) this purple mist looks crap in comparison. But because I love NG so much I know I'll be getting this one way or the other.

I have to admit, the statue of liberty comign alive and that boss with the gold on his horns looks pretty dam epic and bloody awsome.
In reply to
Commented on 2009-05-18 14:18:09
No Gratuit Gore? Back to the production lines, I say!
(and keep the humongous breasts)
In reply to
Commented on 2009-05-18 14:25:48
I'm all for the added T&A but I'm not yet convinced Ninja Gaiden and Dead or Alive will not turn to crap after Itagaki is gone. Typically when the big daddy leaves, his babies suffer.
In reply to
Commented on 2009-05-18 16:12:07 In reply to broman
Posted by broman
I'm all for the added T&A but I'm not yet convinced Ninja Gaiden and Dead or Alive will not turn to crap after Itagaki is gone. Typically when the big daddy leaves, his babies suffer.
John Romero claimed to be the star behind Doom and Quake back in the day. But Id did nothing but benefit from his swift exile. That's the way I see Itagaki, he's a Japanese John Romero. He acts all showy for the cameras, and people seem to think he is the reason the games are good. All the while, people are forgetting that it is TEAM Ninja.

Granted, it will be some time before we know how much influence he really had over the kinds of work they did over there. Whatever the case may be, he's gone now, so we have to take the new Team Ninja as is.
In reply to
Commented on 2009-05-18 16:22:39 In reply to n00body
Posted by n00body
John Romero claimed to be the star behind Doom and Quake back in the day. But Id did nothing but benefit from his swift exile. That's the way I see Itagaki, he's a Japanese John Romero. He acts all showy for the cameras, and people seem to think he is the reason the games are good. All the while, people are forgetting that it is TEAM Ninja.
And you forget that with itagaki so the real playas of TEAM NINJA got off too, not only the top dog.

What you have to expect is, "Do the Ninja Dog Team of Hayashi can make from the ground-up, a proper game, like ninja gaiden 2 tried to be and ended up rushed and unbalenced with all this melodrama?".

Future Ninja Gaiden 3 will answer many questions.
In reply to
Commented on 2009-05-18 18:14:41
I would much rather have more gore than a few extra features. The extras in Sigma felt out of place and made it an overall worse experience than Black. The gore in NGII was one of the main draws of the game seeing as graphics didnt recieve a massive update over Black and the combat engine was only slightly improved. It's like taking the gore out of GOW - its a selling point.
In reply to
Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2009-05-18 18:27:03
Ayane and Momiji will NOT be as dumb as Rachel and here is the only reason why.

Ayane is a kunoichi ninja, Momiji is in practise from Ryu himself so she got alot of ptoential to be awesome. And considering ninjas in TN games are fast and stylish in their moves, its bound to them not to be as boring and clunky as Rachel was.
The trailer just showed how damn fast both of the girls are and its awesome that we can play as them.

The thing with the blood is, the whole theme of NG2 was the blood, just look at the menu, logo its covered in blood and they relyed on the blood and gore.
I say it was awesome, but I also think the new sleek and clean style Hayashi has taken is great, as a visual style to it and looks colorful while in motion.
The blood will be the same as it was in NG and NGS, and once you cleared a area with many enemies, the blood splatter was in a good amount to be satistfyied with.

Some of the content in NGS felt out of place? Are you serious about that comment?
It's exactly the same thing, hell they even added Double Katana as a prototype weapon before NG2 was out with the full fleshed out weapon.

To think of rather having dumb blood and gore than having extra GAMEPLAY content is just...well ridiculous. I say, have fun with NG2 blood and start paying up for that mission mode while I will have fun with my friends going co-op online when the game is out!
I am surprised the content Hayashi decided to add in NGS2 is WITH the game and not as DLC which games usually get.

The graphics are definitely improved from NG to NGS considering I owned all NG games (except DS), and seen comparison images of NG and NGS its definetly improved.

And no, the selling point of God of War isnt the blood, its the epic scale of levels and bosses and the story, not the blood. But considering blood hasen't changed to a exageration like NG did to NG2, it tells you that the blood is the same and isn't the selling point.

And no, Itagaki was the director, but the entire TN made NG2, and TN was rushed because of the timeline they had to get out NG2 because of Itagakiknew he was leaving.

I say Itagaki should have left and Hayashi should have takened over the game so NG2 wasen't rushed and got a proper release!

The reason why I like Hayashi already have faith in his decisions is because he made crazy decisions like adding Momiji and Ayane and surprisingly looks badass, online mission mode co-op addition with 1 player mission modes, new secret mode yet to be revealed, 720p native resolution, better graphics, new weapon/s, old favorite enemies from NG.
I just hope he decides to get rid of some of the DUMB levels that dragged on and was that green under tunnel level before fighting the worm.

All these add ons are what makes NGS2 better than NG2 because its more content to reward the players, not like Itagaki did with NG2 were we had to pay for mission mode and extra outfit DESIGNS, and non of the was good except Fiend Falcon design.

TN already have the core design from NG2 and now from NGS2, so NG3 will be somewhat easy for them in terms of combat which is the high point of the NG games and the extra contents to reward the players.

You guys who say Itagaki and the "top dogs" left needs to know that, Itagaki was the director of the game yes, but you need to know that a entire TEAM was behind all the TN titles and I want to know where you got the idea of "top dog playas" left with Itagaki?

As far as I know, some of the staff left TN as well but not in the way you say it.
You say it like all the high skilled designers and programmers of TN left just because Itagaki left.

I am happy Itagaki left, because he was a 360 fanboy that was limiting the title to one side and didin't get enough fans for the game, and we don't need a fanboy director in gaming industry, we got enough idiots on the community sites.

I like the way Hayashi thinks because he confirmed in a Kikizo interview recently that the next NG title will be multiplatform so they don't have to keep doing re-designs a few months later of the original, so both 360 and PS3 owners can enjoy the same NG titles from the getgo...which absolutely fine by me, as long as more action games come out of TN studio!
In reply to
Commented on 2009-05-18 19:07:48 In reply to Sath
Posted by Sath
You guys who say Itagaki and the "top dogs" left needs to know that, Itagaki was the director of the game yes, but you need to know that a entire TEAM was behind all the TN titles and I want to know where you got the idea of "top dog playas" left with Itagaki?

As far as I know, some of the staff left TN as well but not in the way you say it.
You say it like all the high skilled designers and programmers of TN left just because Itagaki left.

I am happy Itagaki left, because he was a 360 fanboy that was limiting the title to one side and didin't get enough fans for the game, and we don't need a fanboy director in gaming industry, we got enough idiots on the community sites.
And you seem like a Sony fanboy glad that the series went to shit only beacuse its multiplataform.

Stop trying to explain the obvious.

Tecmo did to Itagaki what it did to the same people inside the team. Unpayed Bonus afected all the team and not only the director and many went and sue.

bu, but it's not the way you say.... ;( Please, stop trying to spin it.
In reply to
Commented on 2009-05-18 19:33:11 In reply to Sath
Posted by Sath
I am happy Itagaki left, because he was a 360 fanboy that was limiting the title to one side and didin't get enough fans for the game, and we don't need a fanboy director in gaming industry, we got enough idiots on the community sites.
lol what?? hahahaha this has to be one of the funniest things i've ever heard. I guess that makes Kojima a Sony fanboy too?

Nothing to do with just wanting to focus on one machine (which is much easier to develop for) to obtain the full potential of your game within a given timeslot?

Also must have nothing to do with the (Exclusive rights) funds transfered from an MS bank account.

I have no idea why "360 fanboy" developers wouldnt want to spend more time working with inferior dev tools for the PS3.
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Commented on 2009-05-18 19:33:13
GOW of war without blood.... just wouldn't be GOW. Watching the latest trailer on PSN, I have difficulty counting just how many things Kratos stabs in an explosion of blood. It's insane to think of GOW as the same game even without the ott violence. Same with NGII. I understand that Hayashi is taking Sigma 2 in a different direction stylistically, but it's taking away one of the things I loved about NGII most.

And most of the added content in Sigma, bar Dragon's Claw and Tiger's Fang which appeared in NGII, was poorly implemented. Gamov was a weak addition as a boss - as far as I remember he merely shot at you like any other standard enemy. It didn't help that you played as the absolutely horrendous Rachel in that battle either. She was a really game breaking character imo with a fighting style focused more on timing and ballet dodge moves than on Ryu's more traditional skill-based combos and evasions. Rachels missions just killed Black's brilliant pacing as you had to learn a whole new crappy fighting system on top of an already perfect one, and then flip-flop between them for a good chunk of the game. It felt so unneccessary and pasted in for the sake of it.

Sixaxis controls were lame, full stop. The new biker enemies just felt silly when they were used outside the nightclub as it was such a small space for one bike to move, let alone 3 in a group - didn't make a lick of sense. Water combat was also terrible, and thankfully under-used. But hey, at least they fixed the archery and the camera was overall slightly better (but still not perfect). I'm looking forward to buying Sigma 2, but only if this new content is actually meaningful and if the new co-op mode is implemented well (doubt it tbh, but you never know, it worked in Resi 5, a game I thought wouldn't be suited to co-op).

edit: *forgot to mention the awful over-priced DLC that i'm pretty sure came with Black for nothing
In reply to
Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2009-05-18 19:39:14 In reply to xxxuserxxx
Posted by xxxuserxxx
And you seem like a Sony fanboy glad that the series went to shit only beacuse its multiplataform.
Thats your comment...this was mine which you appearently didn't read.
I like the way Hayashi thinks because he confirmed in a Kikizo interview recently that the next NG title will be multiplatform so they don't have to keep doing re-designs a few months later of the original, so both 360 and PS3 owners can enjoy the same NG titles from the getgo...which absolutely fine by me, as long as more action games come out of TN studio!
People like you are what I don't get, and I don't know why I waste my time.
In reply to
Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2009-05-18 19:51:21 In reply to Jin187
Posted by Jin187
lol what?? hahahaha this has to be one of the funniest things i've ever heard.
Funny thing is, that is what I think of some of your comments but I try not say anything at all.

Slippy, nothing is stopping you to buy NG2, hell its even in cheap right now. You want blood, play NG2 :)

But I agree, Rachel section was HORRIBLE in NGS, pissed me off, so I kept speed running through her levels just so I can get back to Ryu.
Sixaxis controls were lame, full stop. The new biker enemies just felt silly when they were used outside the nightclub as it was such a small space for one bike to move, let alone 3 in a group - didn't make a lick of sense.
The Sixaxis just made your ninpo stronger, and I usually don't even bother with it.

And about the level sizes and enemies, it wasent as different as it was in Black in the mission modes. Tons pf big enemies like Ishtaros and Nicchae and then add minions in a super small no, only NGS has bad levels.

But whatever, I have been giving the same comments in previous NG threads that I am not gonna bother with the whole Hayashi/Itagaki/TN this and that.

However I am up for other subjects like design, combat...etc. :)
In reply to
Commented on 2009-05-18 19:56:26 In reply to Sath
Posted by Sath
And about the level sizes and enemies, it wasent as different as it was in Black in the mission modes. Tons pf big enemies like Ishtaros and Nicchae and then add minions in a super small no, only NGS has bad levels.
The difference being that mission modes are meant to test the player in these sort of bizarre situations which would otherwise not be in the main game. That biker battle was in the full game and felt silly - as if it should have been a mission mode section but wasn't. Black had it's poor spots too, of course, but that section was just an example of something added which didn't quite gel with the rest of the game imo. I did like the graphical update that particular part had though, especially the street lighting.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2009-05-18 20:00:17
Actually, that biker level outside the bar gave you more room than you make it out.

Don't forget you could go all the way to the end of the walls, the only block paths was that you couldn't go to the door you came through nor to the wallrun section with the hidden healing object, but the rest was free, and I played NGS MANY times and I had no problem whatsoever to take them out due to room space.
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About the game
Published by
Developed by
Team Ninja

$135 of $400 per month

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