Sony announced today that the much awaited rewrite of the Playstation Store would be online with a few weeks. Finally it's an interface designed for consoles, and not just a web site. Images inside.

Playstation Store new look

  • A new look for the PSN Store - Playstation Store new look
  • A new look for the PSN Store - Playstation Store new look
  • A new look for the PSN Store - Playstation Store new look
Commented on 2008-04-01 16:17:19
Looks a lot like the Live marketplace, and that's not a compliment. At least not if it's as slow. Either way, an improvement over the previous mess.
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Commented on 2008-04-01 16:23:50
Looks nize :) like synce, little like LIVE marketplace...BUT its okay with me :D
Its better in my opinion...the new PS Store looks great...can't wait!

And I don't hope its a "april-fool" !

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Commented on 2008-04-01 16:37:12
yeah right and next you're gonna say home is finished lol

you're not gonna get me blim!~
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Commented on 2008-04-01 16:48:38
i saw this yesterday (maybe day before) so less chance its an april fools. either way it looks better then it currently does. i just hope it isnt as button press heavy as the 360. getting from dashboard to a demo on the 360 can be a right pain in the ass.

glad to hear its XMB based and not web browser based. that thing was SLOW

if this isnt an april fools (which i dont think it is) then i wonder if the 'syde have one planned. hopefully its less lame then gamespots full homepage of BS.
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BlimBlim - Tyrannosaurus
Commented on 2008-04-01 16:51:27
I hate april fools, so don't worry about that ;)
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Commented on 2008-04-01 17:01:39
Looks good to me, a lot better than the current store. I hope it's not an april fool. Saw it already on other sites yesterday, so the chances are little ^^
Good thing it's no longer a website. I read somewhere it will come with the open Beta of HOME. Is that allready stated by Sony, or just a rumour?
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Commented on 2008-04-01 17:05:17
Wow... would rather have ingame XMB
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Commented on 2008-04-01 17:09:08 In reply to synce
Posted by synce
Looks a lot like the Live marketplace, and that's not a compliment. At least not if it's as slow. Either way, an improvement over the previous mess.
slow .......... oke maybe you need to get a real conection because if marketplace is slow on your box than man i feel sorry for you...realy.
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Commented on 2008-04-01 17:10:36
I hope they change the NA PSN store. This new one looks sleek.

I too hate April Fools day.
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Commented on 2008-04-01 17:40:14
Looks nice. Anything is better than the browser based one they have now.
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kenshin2418 - Junior Detective
Commented on 2008-04-01 17:53:28
looking nice. I like how they designed it to resemble the Sing Store layout. I always thought it looked rather slick.
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Commented on 2008-04-01 18:34:40
Thats SONY every month fool
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Commented on 2008-04-01 18:56:33
It looks nice enough, I'm getting kinda sick of this trendy obsession with having 2D images "reflect" though, its the new "swirly logo" phenomenon.
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Commented on 2008-04-01 18:57:21
Buttons need some sort graphical effect done on them, they look really plain (would of worked if this was all white instead of blue).

Best April Fools
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Commented on 2008-04-01 20:16:23
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Commented on 2008-04-01 23:22:10 In reply to Slabs
Posted by Slabs
It looks nice enough, I'm getting kinda sick of this trendy obsession with having 2D images "reflect" though, its the new "swirly logo" phenomenon.
Yeah, I was thinking that myself.

Looks neat and tidy, I like the logos for the different genres.
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