GSY Preview PS4

The first weeks of 2018 have been pretty quiet on Gamersyde but we're back to business now. After davton's coverage of the excellent Dragon Ball FighterZ, we're welcoming a new quality guest with the long awaited remake of Shadow of the Colossus. Inside, you'll find 2 videos recorded in resolution mode and one in the 60 fps mode. We'll add a few more in the days to come but because we only received our copy a few hours ago, we haven't had time to do more. We'll also be live playing the game tomorrow evening at 9:15 p.m CET if you're interested.
Note: All the footage we have captured was recorded on PS4 Pro.
Update : 2 videos added.

The 2 graphics modes

• The Cinematic mode prioritizes image quality to push the game's resolution up to 4K (resolution remains dynamic though). Those who do not own a 4K TV will also benefit from it as the game will be downscaled from 1440p to 1080p.

• The Performance mode offers a smooth experience at 60 fps. It's too early to tell you if it remains steady but you'll see in the video that the added smoothness is really nice in this mode.

Commented on 2018-01-22 22:56:56
It looks insane, better than most current gen games even. Bluepoint definitely went all in with this remake. The fur on the colossi looks so good.
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Commented on 2018-01-23 00:20:47
I hope this doesn't run like complete putrid dogshit like The Last Guardian did on Ps4 vanilla. That was pathetic to behold, what was conceptually a ps3 game performing like that.

I know, other team game and all that jazz, but no ps4 footage until now, I think. it gives me reservation.
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Commented on 2018-01-23 01:56:28 In reply to nostradamus
Posted by nostradamus
I hope this doesn't run like complete putrid dogshit like The Last Guardian did on Ps4 vanilla. That was pathetic to behold, what was conceptually a ps3 game performing like that.
Indeed... which remains the reason why I still haven't touched the game despite being incredibly hyped for it. The existence of the Pro still concerns me that devs won't be encouraged to push the base hardware as far and pull out all the stops with a games optimisation. Can't justify shelling out £300-£350 for a Pro just to enjoy a game like this at 60fps. Regardless i'm sure Bluepoint have done a much better job optimising this game compared to the devs working on The Last Guardian (I HOPE).
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Commented on 2018-01-23 05:06:58
Beautiful, well deserved. 1440P is far as PS4P should get IMO. I would think 4K owners would also take gfx over resolution
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Commented on 2018-01-23 06:29:39
Finally Shadow of the Colossus looks as gorgeous as it always deserved to. I hope it sells very well, it absolutely deserves to. Sony should support Bluepoint Games so they can make a game of their own instead of just collections and remasters.

PlayStation Blog (Europe) - How Shadow of the Colossus PS4 studio Bluepoint became masters of the remaster - A rare look inside the studio behind some of the world's highest-quality rebuilds and remasters ahead of next month's release:
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Commented on 2018-01-23 11:18:30
Amazing Graphic But Gameplay is a bit Boring :(
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Commented on 2018-01-23 13:00:30
Just let bluepoint make the last guardian... it'll be better than the original one
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Commented on 2018-01-23 13:44:07
one of the best games of the PS2 era. happy to buy this for a third time. looks incredibly good for a remake, the fur tech alone is jaw dropping. and i saw a gif over at ERA that shows a really nice screen filter system, so if you want that bloomy washed out look of the original, it seems you're able to achieve something similar.

the only thing i don't like, which you don't really see enough to be a deal breaker, is wander's more generic looking face (he was hardly super distinct anyway, but they've somehow made it look even more average)
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Commented on 2018-01-23 16:10:47
The thing im worried about the most is new players complaining that the world is empty and boring became open world games are so condensed nowdays. Majority of games today are so afraid to loose player's interest that something needs to happen every 3 seconds. This game is not like that at all. I hope this sell well because i would love an ico remake or a new game from bluepoint
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Commented on 2018-01-23 18:44:12 In reply to nostradamus
And yet The Last Guardian never ran at 12fps in intense scenses like Shadow of the Colossus back in the day, which was still a perfect 10/10 game and deservedly so.

I guess the putrid dogshit opinions of some gamers and journalists have just shifted in the last 10 years. Makes no sense whatsoever when you stop and think about it for 2 seconds.

@fireflew So I guess you skipped out on Shadow of the Colossus back in 2005/2006 on PS2 for running even worse? You missed out big time, just like you are missing out on The Last Guardian now.
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Commented on 2018-01-23 20:08:58
Looks stunning. I will definitely buy it, need to get to that shrine on top of the temple/sanctuary finally.

KORNdog: Wander looks quite faithful the the original to me.
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Commented on 2018-01-23 21:55:51 In reply to andrewsqual
Posted by andrewsqual
And yet The Last Guardian never ran at 12fps in intense scenses like Shadow of the Colossus back in the day, which was still a perfect 10/10 game and deservedly so.

I guess the putrid dogshit opinions of some gamers and journalists have just shifted in the last 10 years. Makes no sense whatsoever when you stop and think about it for 2 seconds.

@fireflew So I guess you skipped out on Shadow of the Colossus back in 2005/2006 on PS2 for running even worse? You missed out big time, just like you are missing out on The Last Guardian now.
Of course I played SotC on the PS2, it's one of my all time favourite games. The Last Guardian situation is completely different due to the fact that there exists a version of the game that runs FAR better on the improved hardware of the Pro. I will absolutely play TLG eventually, but was massively discouraged after finding out just how poorly it ran on the base PS4 and didn't want to ruin my first experience with the game. Unfortunately there are so few reasons for me to shell out the money for a Pro so it's hard to justify the cost. Maybe if FromSoft made a Bloodborne Pro patch it might incentivize the purchase more!
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Commented on 2018-01-23 22:58:15
Spectacular! Honestly this is up with the top games this gen visually. Great job Bluepoint and thanks gamersyde for these vids.
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Commented on 2018-01-24 12:15:53 In reply to fireflew
Posted by fireflew
Indeed... which remains the reason why I still haven't touched the game despite being incredibly hyped for it. The existence of the Pro still concerns me that devs won't be encouraged to push the base hardware as far and pull out all the stops with a games optimisation. Can't justify shelling out £300-£350 for a Pro just to enjoy a game like this at 60fps. Regardless i'm sure Bluepoint have done a much better job optimising this game compared to the devs working on The Last Guardian (I HOPE).
I played the game 3 times and I had zero problems with it, it ran flawlessly. Twice on vanilla ps4, once on pro.
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Commented on 2018-01-24 12:18:57 In reply to AndreasZ94
Posted by AndreasZ94
The thing im worried about the most is new players complaining that the world is empty and boring became open world games are so condensed nowdays. Majority of games today are so afraid to loose player's interest that something needs to happen every 3 seconds. This game is not like that at all. I hope this sell well because i would love an ico remake or a new game from bluepoint
yes please, give me an ICO remake or simply make the ps3 hd version ps4 compatible. It was good enough for me, it looked gorgeous in HD.
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Commented on 2018-01-24 16:02:08
4k mode is crisp but once again Pro's hardware is not up to the task. Looks as sluggish as The Last Guardian from those videos.
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Commented on 2018-01-30 22:05:26 In reply to MinorDespera
Posted by MinorDespera
4k mode is crisp but once again Pro's hardware is not up to the task. Looks as sluggish as The Last Guardian from those videos.
lol, what? not even close.
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About the game
Published by
Sony Computer En...
Developed by
Bluepoint Games

$135 of $400 per month

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