Developer Diary PC Xbox 360 PS3

Eidos and Rocksteady just released the second behind-the-scenes of Batman: Arkham Asylum (if you missed the first one, it's right there). It showcases Batman's heavy combat skill as well as his impressive collection of grapnels and pulley ropes. Batman: Arkham Asylum is scheduled for the end of August on HD consoles.

Commented on 2009-07-17 18:13:31
I must say that other than Killzone2, I've never seen a title with this much hype and pre-released footage absent from television marketing. I know the internet is a powerful tool of advertisement, but it is far from being the most effective. This game should've had a television commercial or something by now. Modern Warfare released a trailer during the NBA finals, and the title would see release more than a half-year later. Talk about marketing. I'm sure Batman Arkham Asylum will be an awesome game, but if the marketing doesn't stand behind it neither will the gamers.
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Commented on 2009-07-17 18:52:04
On the other hand, the people who are most likely to purchase this game are already subscribing to the game magazines and visiting the game websites that have lots of material around this game. A TV commercial would be great and reach a wider audience, but is it the right audience?

Games in general fall into a certain niche and this style of game is further specific to particular gamer mass marketing it isn't probably money well spent..
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Commented on 2009-07-17 19:17:48 In reply to omegaheat
Posted by omegaheat
I must say that other than Killzone2, I've never seen a title with this much hype and pre-released footage absent from television marketing. I know the internet is a powerful tool of advertisement, but it is far from being the most effective. This game should've had a television commercial or something by now. Modern Warfare released a trailer during the NBA finals, and the title would see release more than a half-year later. Talk about marketing. I'm sure Batman Arkham Asylum will be an awesome game, but if the marketing doesn't stand behind it neither will the gamers.
Not every game company works the same way. Just because one company does this doesnt mean the others have to do it also. There really isnt no point in adding a tv commercial for the game right now not until the game is released or something. Its just like movies, whenever you go see movie previews you see those when you go to see a new movie. I think its stupid when trailers are released months before release. Like when that movie 10k BC came out they were showing trailers on tv about 6 months before the release and I was like why would they do that. Too much hype is a bad thing, but more people would certainly buy it if they found out about it 2 weeks before release. I like COD, but im not even that hyped about it anymore not until the release arrives.
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Commented on 2009-07-17 19:39:06 In reply to Tarrell13
Posted by Tarrell13
Not every game company works the same way. Just because one company does this doesnt mean the others have to do it also. There really isnt no point in adding a tv commercial for the game right now not until the game is released or something. Its just like movies, whenever you go see movie previews you see those when you go to see a new movie. I think its stupid when trailers are released months before release. Like when that movie 10k BC came out they were showing trailers on tv about 6 months before the release and I was like why would they do that. Too much hype is a bad thing, but more people would certainly buy it if they found out about it 2 weeks before release. I like COD, but im not even that hyped about it anymore not until the release arrives.
Well said. Yes, every company shouldn't do everything the same way. I just wish this game much success because it's taken a different route other than just releasing a Dark Knight movie game. I commend them for taking such a risk, but I feel there are alot of Batman fans out there who would like to see how amazing this title looks and the brave direction the devs have taken while staying true to the Batman/DC universe. Since the game will be released next month, a television commercial would do the game more justice than over hyping it several months before it's release, no? I hope it sales well, and just maybe we can get another great title or sequel from the devs if the game plays as good as it looks. I just don't want it to be another sleeper hit like "Beyond Good and Evil" leaving us to beg for more never knowing if we ever will see a sequel.
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Commented on 2009-07-17 20:00:39
Looks amazing.

Why so surious guys...guys....
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Commented on 2009-07-17 23:01:24
apparently they're bribing for good reviews - always a good sign
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Commented on 2009-07-17 23:21:20 In reply to omegaheat
Posted by Raz0rEdge
Games in general fall into a certain niche and this style of game is further specific to particular gamer mass marketing it isn't probably money well spent..
KZ2 is for a niche market, Batman is not. Everyone knows Batman but they don't know when games are coming out so a little TV time would go a long way IMO.
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Commented on 2009-07-18 00:06:19 In reply to bleachedsmiles
Posted by bleachedsmiles
apparently they're bribing for good reviews - always a good sign
i never read the story like that personally. eidos where saying that if you have given the game 90 or higher, and are willing to put it on the front cover (which it probably would have been on the front anyway since there isnt anything else coming out around that time) they can publish the review earlier.

it wasnt like eidos where bribing people to review the game higher, it just sounds like they're trying to build hype. theres a good chance this game is going to get high reviews anyway, so if a site or magazine has given the game a high review anyway, why not throw it on the cover and get it out there earlier.

anyway. the game looks awesome. probably the only multiplat title i'll be picking up this year.
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Commented on 2009-07-18 01:21:49
This game looks gorgeous
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Commented on 2009-07-18 03:55:02 In reply to bleachedsmiles
Posted by bleachedsmiles
apparently they're bribing for good reviews - always a good sign
Actually that rumour was shot down shortly after it was released. No truth in it at all.
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Commented on 2009-07-19 07:38:39
I would kill if they would include unlock skins so that batman and joker look like the Dark Knight versions. Especially the Joker. That would really make the game for me, being able to play through as the joker with true evil psycho look the dark knight perfected.
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About the game
X360 PS3
Published by
Eidos Interactive
Developed by
Rocksteady Studios

$135 of $400 per month

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