Video Xbox 360 PS3

Eidos has released a new "behind the scenes" video of the highly anticipated Batman: Arkham Asylum. The game will be released at the end of August which gives you plenty of time to enjoy the summer sunshine before entering the dark corridors of Arkham.

Commented on 2009-07-03 00:08:33
this is looking really really good.
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Commented on 2009-07-03 00:41:09
still no word on what the 360 version is getting in replace of the joker content? or are Eidos expecting us to pay the same retail prices for less content.. as well as the additional charge to unlock any multiplayer modes live slaps on you.

The bad thing is they've probably done this to attract more sales on the ps3, 360 owners wont learn and will end up buying more copies of it.. and then shell out for the joker when it inevitably released on market place for an extra fiver.

When really they should flip eidos the bird if theres nothing offered in place of the ps3 version's additional content..otherwise its just going to be something that will repeat itself untill shifted units are equal between the platforms
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Commented on 2009-07-03 01:19:47 In reply to bleachedsmiles
Oh please 360 always gets extra content/DLC over the PS3 versions of a lot of games. Fallout 3 anyone? PS3 still doesn't have the first DLC that's almost a year old lol.
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Commented on 2009-07-03 01:19:49
Im sorry Batman but I will not have the juice to buy you.

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Commented on 2009-07-03 01:22:33 In reply to trey4life
Posted by trey4life
Oh please 360 always gets extra content/DLC over the PS3 versions.
Getting dlc at a later date for a price under the disguise of "exclusive" is a different ball game than getting extra content on a disc charged at the same price as the disc lacking the content.

Don't you agree?
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Commented on 2009-07-03 01:26:05 In reply to bleachedsmiles
Again, the 360 has it fair share of those types of games not to mention the PS3 versions of many games lack graphical polish. Just be happy is what I'm saying. The 360 gets the better versions of multiplats 95% of the time.
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Commented on 2009-07-03 02:25:13
I don't know, a higher resolution and being able to see the textures clearly ala ghostbusters.. is probably a bigger chunk of content than a joker skin.

But PS3 has bluray and has tons of exclusives with higher audio fidelity etc..

Regardless, I'm just here, because I think the amount of interest gained in batman recently is disturbing.
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Commented on 2009-07-03 04:12:04 In reply to bleachedsmiles
Well, you should have bought a "Trey".
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Commented on 2009-07-03 05:01:48 In reply to trey4life
Posted by trey4life
Again, the 360 has it fair share of those types of games not to mention the PS3 versions of many games lack graphical polish. Just be happy is what I'm saying. The 360 gets the better versions of multiplats 95% of the time.
Thats a case of lazy development that 95% of multiplatform games perform better on the 360.

We're talking about them offering extra to the ps3 version for the price of FREE. Weither thats to make up for a lesser performing version of the game or not the review codes will tell.

Regardless, theres NOT ONE game on the 360 that offers more content on the disc than the ps3 version of a game does.. so i dunno what you mean by "the 360 has its fair share of those types of games". Unless you know something i dont?
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Commented on 2009-07-03 06:34:34
I can't wait for this game. August seems so far away...
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Commented on 2009-07-03 07:01:18
In all due fairness, I can see the point of 360 owners about the Joker being a PS3 exclusive unfair, but how do ya'll think PS3 owners feel when games like Fallout 3, Tomb Raider Underworld, Grand Theft Auto IV, only give the Xbox 360 exclusive DLC? How do you think PS3 owners feel when Value makes console games for the Xbox 360 (Left 4 Dead), but not the PS3? Don't get me started with all of those inferior ports of multipltform games for the PS3. So for once, can we PS3 owner just enjoy a little bit of exclusive love, without all of the hostility?
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Commented on 2009-07-03 07:32:16 In reply to Loakum
^Exactly. 360 owners do not truly see how lucky they are when it comes to multiplat games.

Sony paid for this Joker exclusive content just like MS pays for exclusive content (or timed exclusive in the case of FO3). Eidos did not do it for free. The fact that it's on the disc or whatever is really irrelevant. Would it make you feel better if they released it a few weeks after as free DLC? There's a decent amount of free exclusive DLC on the PS store.
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Commented on 2009-07-03 07:56:05
People need to stop crying over these exclusive deals! Geez.....Grow up, it's called business. Do like me, buy both systems.

As an owner of both systems, I agree that the 360 has been snatching every exclusive rights out there. How do you think PS3 owners feel that they can't play "The Lost and the Damned" DLC? Can they enjoy one exclusivity?
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Commented on 2009-07-03 13:52:06
Lost and damned is not free.. fallout dlc (which is also coming to ps3 btw) is not given away for free.

Also, i dont think sony did pay for joker to be "exclusive" to the ps3.. i think this is eidos's move alone.. and i dare say we'll see joker offered for 800+points on marketplace after release.. even if there is an alternative added to the 360 version - because thats clever marketing (just like namco did with soul calibur). Its not clever marketing making people believe they're getting the short end of the deal when theres extra content out of the box on one platform..yet both versions are charged at the same price.

And thats the point - this is given FREE on the disc (which believe it or not is different from MS spending 50mill for two exlusive GTA4 chapters that they charge £16 for, or TIMED exclusive fallout 3 dlc that are charged a fiver each for).

So you guys can go on all you want on how "its about time the ps3 got exclusive content" but if the exclusive joker content was for sale on PSN do you think there would be any issue?
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Commented on 2009-07-03 14:32:08
I don't know why people can't seem to get it into their heads that this is entirely different to the Fallout 3 and GTA IV scenarios. Those games had exclusive DLC released after the release of the full game, and it came at a price anyway; 360 owners didn't get them for free.

The situation with Arkham Asylum, however, is entirely different. The Joker Challenge Rooms are part of the PS3's full game right from the off, and comes at no extra charge whatsoever. The best 360 owners will get in that regard is the same mode released after the full game, which they will most likely have to pay extra for. So really, when you think about it, the PS3 version is more complete than the 360 version, meaning that us 360 owners are getting less of a game for the same price.

So no, trey4life and company, it isn't the same at all really. And using the argument of Fallout 3 etc. sounds like a lame attempt at trying to justify this exclusivity, which happens to be more unfair than the very argument(s) you are using - especially as I really want to play as the Joker. :(
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Commented on 2009-07-03 14:41:19
thank you. Thats exacly what i'm saying
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Commented on 2009-07-03 14:53:38
I realise that I've pretty much said exactly what you said (except worded differently) but, you know, if you can't get through to them the first time...
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Commented on 2009-07-04 08:06:53
If ya'll "Beef" is that the PS3 gets a added character, like Joker, and a map for free, and Microsoft will more then likely Charge ya'll for this via DLC, at a later date....then why hate on PS3 owners, when ya'll should be directing ya'll hostility at Microsoft! They're the one charging ya'll the price!

Sony offers it's users free multiplayer online gameplay, and Microsoft charge their users annual service fees. I don't see ya'll complaining about that...but Sony finally gets ONE exclusive character, and folks acting like their civil rights has been violated. Translation: We can't always get what we want. I'm a big Japanese RPG fan, and currently this gen, I'm STILL waiting to play ONE on my PS3, oh I forgot the Xbox 360 has several.
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Commented on 2009-07-04 15:35:10
can't wait

looks great and i can't wait to kick ass as batman!
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Commented on 2009-07-04 16:37:07 In reply to Loakum
Posted by Loakum
If ya'll "Beef" is that the PS3 gets a added character, like Joker, and a map for free, and Microsoft will more then likely Charge ya'll for this via DLC, at a later date....then why hate on PS3 owners, when ya'll should be directing ya'll hostility at Microsoft! They're the one charging ya'll the price!

Sony offers it's users free multiplayer online gameplay, and Microsoft charge their users annual service fees. I don't see ya'll complaining about that...but Sony finally gets ONE exclusive character, and folks acting like their civil rights has been violated. Translation: We can't always get what we want. I'm a big Japanese RPG fan, and currently this gen, I'm STILL waiting to play ONE on my PS3, oh I forgot the Xbox 360 has several.
People aren't hating on PS3 owners because they get the free extra content; they're hating on the PS3 owners because they seem to think there's nothing to complain about. You're one of those, implying that we should just shut our mouths because "We can't always get what we want". And FYI, I don't mind paying for Xbox Live because I think it offers more than PSN - I'm actually getting something for that extra money.

It's easy to say such things when the situation doesn't apply to you, isn't it? If the scenario was reversed, with the 360 version getting that free extra content, you wouldn't really be able to blame me if I had no sympathy at all.

Hopefully ya'll understand that.
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Commented on 2009-07-04 17:24:20 In reply to Loakum
Posted by Loakum
If ya'll "Beef" is that the PS3 gets a added character, like Joker, and a map for free, and Microsoft will more then likely Charge ya'll for this via DLC, at a later date....then why hate on PS3 owners, when ya'll should be directing ya'll hostility at Microsoft! They're the one charging ya'll the price!

If it does hit xbox live after release then it will be because Eidos has pushed for it to be on marketplace for an additional price. Its not like MS removed it from the 360 version of the game to stick it on marketplace you know - believe it or not MS dont own Eidos.

As for people not complaining about MS charging us to unlock the online parts of our games you must of been living under a rock for the past 6years - making xbox online gaming free has ALWAYS been a constant cry from xbox gamers. Its only in the last year or so (in europe atleast) that the gold subscriptions are starting to show their worth as MS are actually starting to invest some money in the service here.

If you've ever seen the American dashboard then you would of spent the last few years knowing just how much we were missing out on.. mainly due to european resources being unfairly stretched (the uk xbox team works on 17 other different terrortorys rather than focusing souly on making UK live a better service..which isnt fair to any of those 17 terrortories).

Now however we're starting to actually see more value in that service - xbox insider streams, ign insider, shows like "the guild".

Soon we'll get services like Last fm, facebook, twitter, games like 1V100.

All of these are offered because of the gold subscriptions. True online gaming is what actually counts at the end of the day and for the most part thats been the only true advantage of the gold subs.. and i still believe it should be offered free as we basically are paying to unlock content thats on the disc. But atleast we're finally seeing MS invest those charges back into the european live service now.
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Commented on 2009-07-04 22:10:09
lol the one time ps3 owners get something 360 owners don't and still they cry.
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Commented on 2009-07-05 02:04:56
As long as the 360 version gets the content at a later date for FREE, then you can't really complain too much.
Seems like an easy method to boost sales for the PS3 version, as the 360 game will sell well none the less.
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Commented on 2009-07-05 09:38:47
Nobody ever said that the 360 will get the Joker, not free, not EVER.
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About the game
X360 PS3
Published by
Eidos Interactive
Developed by
Rocksteady Studios

$135 of $400 per month

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