If you did not watch the very good GSD about Condemned 2: Bloodshot yet, do it now. After, click here for some new images of this horror FPS in preparation for the Playstation 3 and Xbox 360. The facial expressions on the PS3 screens are funny.
All the 360 screenshots are from the cutscenes while the PS3 version is in game. Still don't understand what the hell is wrong with their contrast options. You can clearly see that the contrast is very off. Not to mention there is some weird filter over the PS3 screens(it could be a result of a crappy capture as well). Also, kind of interesting to see that the developers pulled the same stunt that Epic did with their cutscenes in UTIII. Render them in engine, but on a level that isn't seen in game and probably isn't possible in game, as FMV. Also, the PS3 screens show the FEAR engine's weakness at rendering outdoor levels. It looks much better indoors, and these are the first screens from Condemned 2 that showcase what the city landscape would look like.
In all honesty though the PS3 screens do look kinda tired, reminds me of max payne II for the PC. Im sure the game will kick ass though and the Gamersyde episode reinforced that earlier.
Commented on 2008-02-17 02:05:35 In reply to bramski
Posted by bramski
In all honesty though the PS3 screens do look kinda tired, reminds me of max payne II for the PC. Im sure the game will kick ass though and the Gamersyde episode reinforced that earlier.
What do you mean by tired? Anyway, the PS3 screens are what the game looks like in game, for both versions, so of course it doesn't look as spiffy as the cutscenes(though the fucked up contrast and grainy filter do not make a good pair in the screenshots). I don't really see any similarity to Max Payne. FEAR is where I see the similarities. The awkward character animations and facial expressions are all there.
By tired I mean that the textures look washed out, theres an awful blue tint washing over all 5 of the shots. The reference to max payne 2 a metaphor for "the game looks like a PC game from a few years back" but upon reflection and going back and looking at max payne II, max payne II's textures look a damn sight better than the ones in that pic so I take that back.
The game will no doubt look better in motion though and the atmosphere will be spot with nice lighting and effects etc.. so it's all good.
Commented on 2008-02-17 03:33:47 In reply to jackdoe
This message is in "Boulet Time" (TM), If you still *really* want to see it, click here
Posted by jackdoe
All the 360 screenshots are from the cutscenes while the PS3 version is in game. Still don't understand what the hell is wrong with their contrast options. You can clearly see that the contrast is very off. Not to mention there is some weird filter over the PS3 screens(it could be a result of a crappy capture as well). Also, kind of interesting to see that the developers pulled the same stunt that Epic did with their cutscenes in UTIII. Render them in engine, but on a level that isn't seen in game and probably isn't possible in game, as FMV. Also, the PS3 screens show the FEAR engine's weakness at rendering outdoor levels. It looks much better indoors, and these are the first screens from Condemned 2 that showcase what the city landscape would look like.
you're just mad because the ps3 screens look worse than the 360 screens.
Commented on 2008-02-17 05:03:21 In reply to bramski
Posted by bramski
By tired I mean that the textures look washed out, theres an awful blue tint washing over all 5 of the shots. The reference to max payne 2 a metaphor for "the game looks like a PC game from a few years back" but upon reflection and going back and looking at max payne II, max payne II's textures look a damn sight better than the ones in that pic so I take that back.
The game will no doubt look better in motion though and the atmosphere will be spot with nice lighting and effects etc.. so it's all good.
Like I said, the grain filter and the fucked up contrast make it impossible to judge the quality of the textures. The FEAR engine is a mixed bag of course, so some textures will be inevitably better than others. I am just confused as to why Sega would even release these PS3 screens of their game seeing as how they are present such a poor view of the game.
Commented on 2008-02-17 05:06:14 In reply to teh_d00d
Posted by teh_d00d
does the PS3 version have shadows? doesn't look like it does.
You're right. Where the hell are the shadows? The earlier PS3 screens had some self shadowing, but these screens don't even have evidence of any kind of shadowing. Which is confusing as hell.
Here's a fact. Except for that first 360 image, screenshots for both platforms look like shit. Looks about the same (if not worse... how??) than the original Condemned.
You can't expect us to believe that this is the best you can offer... not after what we've seen in COD4.
You guys are honestly putting too much effort into picking apart some rather terrible screen captures. The character models have never been a strong point for Monolith (except maybe No One Lives Forever 2), it has to be said, but the games always have a sense of solidity to them. If anything it's likely these screenshots have been taken by the distributor without any consent from Monolith, which nearly always ends up as a big fat fail. How many games have we seen recently that have had some truly awful screencaps but have turned out ok in the end? Think on it!
Whatever you doggies are fighting over... that bone will undoubtly go towards the Xbox 360 camp.
The PS3 version will succumb under the pretention of it being a port. The pretense here is sadly a fact as the boys from SEGA are moving into known territory with the Xbox 360 code!
Commented on 2008-02-17 12:15:41 In reply to itaintrite
Posted by itaintrite
Here's a fact. Except for that first 360 image, screenshots for both platforms look like shit. Looks about the same (if not worse... how??) than the original Condemned.
You can't expect us to believe that this is the best you can offer... not after what we've seen in COD4.
If you've seen any of the videos for Condemned, you can tell how great the game will look. The screens above are not representative of the game in-motion.
Commented on 2008-02-17 12:58:48 In reply to MoonWalkinYiddo
Posted by MoonWalkinYiddo
If you've seen any of the videos for Condemned, you can tell how great the game will look. The screens above are not representative of the game in-motion.
I just watched a few HD gameplay videos and the game does look good in motion. The atmosphere it creates and the way it comes together in motion seems like it will be really quite immersive. Regardless I'm looking forward to this title as the gameplay looks excellent.
Commented on 2008-02-17 14:36:04 In reply to bramski
Posted by bramski
I just watched a few HD gameplay videos and the game does look good in motion. The atmosphere it creates and the way it comes together in motion seems like it will be really quite immersive. Regardless I'm looking forward to this title as the gameplay looks excellent.
Yep, the immersion due to the atmosphere, surroundings, story, combat made the first game hugely engrossing. I cannot wait for this sequel. The first game is still my favourite 360 game probably.
this game looks like ass no matter what the version imo. in motion it looks better, but its by no means a great looking game. the engine is showing its age pretty badly. but then the first wasnt particularly ground breaking visually either. the atmosphere and gameplay however where very VERY good. which made up for it. and this looks to be the same.
If I'm correct, didn't FEAR look like absolute turd on the PS3? Same guys, same engine (with a few bits bolted on perhaps), I wouldn't hope for too much on the graphics front. This game is all about scaring the shit out of you, which I think it will deliver for both versions in spades.
very few with religious beliefs are naive or zealots, but for sure don't find amusing their beliefs being thrown in for clout. maybe STFU with that discourse? (1 Week ago)
Pretty sure Loakum was making fun of religious naive people who thought that God and Trump have a good connection. And the most recent "Bruh..." means "Bruh, don't you get my sarcasm?" (2 Weeks ago)
@Loakum: You know who else God protected from assassination? Hitler. (7 Weeks ago)
God protected Trump. The world witnessed that miracle. (8 Weeks ago)
*juice (it’s a potent brand, that causes typos) lol (8 Weeks ago)
Trump keeps winning! *takes a victorious sip of grape huice* (8 Weeks ago)
Download is now functional again on Gamersyde. Sorry for the past 53 days or so when it wasn't. (> 3 Months ago)
Another (French) livestream today at 2:30 CEST but you're welcome to drop by and speak English. I will gladly answer in English when I get a chance to catch a breath. :) (> 3 Months ago)
GSY is getting some nice content at 3 pm CEST with our July podcast and some videos of the Deus Ex Mankind Divided preview build. :) (> 3 Months ago)
For once we'll be live at 4:30 pm CEST. Blim should not even be tired! (> 3 Months ago)
More Quantum Break coverage coming in a few hours, 9:00 a.m CEST. (> 3 Months ago)
We'll have a full review up for Firewatch at 7 pm CET. Videos will only be tomorrow though. (> 3 Months ago)
Tonight's livestream will be at 9:15 GMT+1, not GMT+2 as first stated. (> 3 Months ago)
All comments (23)
I've seen the diary (cheers gamersyde!) and know that it looks brilliant in motion. So, I didn't really need to look at these screenshots.
But, I did anyway. Oh wellllllllllllllllllll...
The game will no doubt look better in motion though and the atmosphere will be spot with nice lighting and effects etc.. so it's all good.
The game will no doubt look better in motion though and the atmosphere will be spot with nice lighting and effects etc.. so it's all good.
You can't expect us to believe that this is the best you can offer... not after what we've seen in COD4.
The PS3 version will succumb under the pretention of it being a port. The pretense here is sadly a fact as the boys from SEGA are moving into known territory with the Xbox 360 code!
Can't wait for this game...
You can't expect us to believe that this is the best you can offer... not after what we've seen in COD4.
I know what you mean, but please, use a spelling-checker before trying to make your point. You'll look far less stupid for it. :o)