Video PS3

Sony released it's Gran Turismo 6 demo earlier today, so I immediately downloaded it and captured the following 60fps footage as fast as I could.

Commented on 2013-07-02 17:50:29
shadows look better in cockpit view, but the view has a strange "stuck on" look to it. Maybe its lower quality textures? Menus still look abit cumbersome too. loading times seem faster though... but then this is a demo. Have to check it out later.
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Commented on 2013-07-02 18:00:53
I agree about the "stuck on" look, very distracting. It's a shame this isn't a ps4 game. Just kills me. Would have been a killer launch title.
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Commented on 2013-07-02 18:32:21
I thought it was decent, improved physics and shadows, GT5 models, shaders, day/night was always excellent.

I get sense of speed, strangely when i played forza it was like playing a cartoon with no sense of speed. And with the free media pass it got for no weather/day/night cycle and AGAIN FORZA5 fails hard again.
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Commented on 2013-07-02 18:53:54
Ohh nice, good surprise. But this is some competition right ? What is the point playing it and seeing you are at some 123456789 rank lol.
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Commented on 2013-07-02 19:10:49 In reply to bleachedsmiles
Posted by bleachedsmiles
shadows look better in cockpit view, but the view has a strange "stuck on" look to it. Maybe its lower quality textures? Menus still look abit cumbersome too. loading times seem faster though... but then this is a demo. Have to check it out later.
I agree, it has a very off putting look to it...., i'll pick up Forza 5 for my racing fix.
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Commented on 2013-07-02 19:40:05
Posted by droezelke
- Almost no sense of speed (when I drive in a real car, at 70 km/h, I have more sense of speed then going 100 km/h in a turn in GT)
I don't drive, but is it not true that when driving at fast speeds it can feel slower? I am pretty sure I heard that on Top Gear.
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Commented on 2013-07-02 20:18:10 In reply to b0vril
Posted by b0vril
I don't drive, but is it not true that when driving at fast speeds it can feel slower? I am pretty sure I heard that on Top Gear.
Nah, the sense of speed in the gran turismo games has always been terrible.
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Commented on 2013-07-02 20:59:00
Wouldn't the sense of speed depend on the sense of perspective? Meaning that if you have lamposts and signs and other cars on the road obeying the speed limit and that, it will almost certainly give you the distinct impression of speed because of your relative surroundings. If you are on a track or a runway, however, the sense of speed isn't as great because other cars are going just as fast, and there are no lamposts or signs (or at least not as much landmark things like that) to gauge the speed. At least that's how I'd gather it. It's like sitting in a plane doing 500mph. That's a fair bit of speed, but you can't really tell seeing that you are in the air and there is nothing but cloud and blue sky out the window.
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Commented on 2013-07-02 21:40:01
Im going to just put this here

The GT series is great but they need some fresh eyes to help move it forwards.
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Commented on 2013-07-02 21:51:27
Are you guys sure these videos are 60fps? They look at 30fps to me, with no difference between the racing and the replay.
What happened?
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Commented on 2013-07-02 21:53:29
Exacty what Droezelke said and more. God this looks so damn boring. I understand that this is a slow car, but hell even in the Forza games you at least get some sense of speed. GT was great on PS2, but when it landed on PS3....not so much. Actually as soon as Forza arrived....for me it was pretty much over for GT.
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Driftwood - Dictateur en chef
Commented on 2013-07-02 21:56:30 In reply to Prower
Posted by Prower
Are you guys sure these videos are 60fps? They look at 30fps to me, with no difference between the racing and the replay.
What happened?
As far as I can tell, they are, so I guess, PS3 happened. :joking: DJ uses our old encoding system so it's not as sharp as the one Miguel and I use. Also, maybe you're way too used to our PC videos. ;)

If I have some time I'll try to capture a bunch of videos myself over the week end and you'll see, it won't be that different.
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Commented on 2013-07-02 22:02:42 In reply to Driftwood
Posted by Driftwood
As far as I can tell, they are, so I guess, PS3 happened. :joking: DJ uses our old encoding system so it's not as sharp as the one Miguel and I use. Also, maybe you're way too used to our PC videos. ;)

If I have some time I'll try to capture a bunch of videos myself over the week end and you'll see, it won't be that different.
Yes, actually i'm used to your 60fps videos ;) but this time is pretty strange, since the difference between racing and replay is so thin.

I was watching an old Forza 4 video ( ) and the difference is pretty strong compared to these ones.
I don't think it is the game that doesn't run at 60fps (i HOPE), so maybe it's the videos themselves?

Anyway, just reporting that out ;)
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Driftwood - Dictateur en chef
Commented on 2013-07-02 22:04:28 In reply to Prower
I don't know, maybe the replays are now running at 60. I don't know. :)

I'm pretty sure the game runs at 60 fps, I played this afternoon and minus the framerate issues I encountered (in cockpit view mainly), it felt 60 fps.
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Commented on 2013-07-02 22:46:00
Honestly... Even this OFF SCREEN videos look far better than this GT Academy videos. Check it out friends:

Could be the videos, but it looks like Im watching a downgrade in textures, AA and even lights effects. Yes, the shawdows actually look a bit better. Hope its just the videos. Well, its just GT Academy tho, and the gameplay as well as the physics will most likely rock, as always.
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Commented on 2013-07-02 22:48:56
You have to remeber the last GT academy demo. It wasn't a GT5 demo. It just used the GT5 physics system. The visuals where very bare bones as a means to keep the download size small. Same could be the case here?
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GangStarr - Inhibited Sony Lover
Commented on 2013-07-02 22:56:14
poor graphics (ok not poor but nothing special, too blurry)
no sense of speed, going at 65mph i feel like i am going 5mph
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Commented on 2013-07-02 23:02:38
"going at 65mph i feel like i am going 5mph"

That is exactly what you feel when you drive at 65mph in a racing track.

In the sense of speed department, I have no complains about. Actually, I want to thank them for never turn GT in another NFS kind of game.
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Driftwood - Dictateur en chef
Commented on 2013-07-02 23:35:27 In reply to TreyAndQuad4life
It's not the videos, the demo doesn't look that good that's all. Also, off screen videos tend to look better than direct feed sometimes (at least when they're top quality like ours :p) because graphical issues are less visible.
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Commented on 2013-07-02 23:52:57
Physics feel better. Loading and menu is MUCH better, Graphics look improved, albiet minor. Sense of speed is good from the bonnet cam, but no other cam (weird) and i don't know whether it is or not, but i'm going to say it is 60fps (or close) because it made me feel a bit sick (common with 60fps racers for me)

Overall, pretty decent. But not enough to buy it. I'll wait for GT7 (or next gen GT6 port)
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Commented on 2013-07-03 00:36:07 In reply to MrWhite
Posted by MrWhite
Wouldn't the sense of speed depend on the sense of perspective? Meaning that if you have lamposts and signs and other cars on the road obeying the speed limit and that, it will almost certainly give you the distinct impression of speed because of your relative surroundings. If you are on a track or a runway, however, the sense of speed isn't as great because other cars are going just as fast, and there are no lamposts or signs (or at least not as much landmark things like that) to gauge the speed. At least that's how I'd gather it. It's like sitting in a plane doing 500mph. That's a fair bit of speed, but you can't really tell seeing that you are in the air and there is nothing but cloud and blue sky out the window.
Pretty much, yes. In real-life it's very track dependent. The Nordschleife for example; the markings on the road and the trees give you a much larger sense of speed than say, going down Hanger Straight at Silverstone which in comparison is pretty sparse (and a wider track too).
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Commented on 2013-07-03 01:15:30 In reply to MrWhite
Posted by MrWhite
Wouldn't the sense of speed depend on the sense of perspective? Meaning that if you have lamposts and signs and other cars on the road obeying the speed limit and that, it will almost certainly give you the distinct impression of speed because of your relative surroundings. If you are on a track or a runway, however, the sense of speed isn't as great because other cars are going just as fast, and there are no lamposts or signs (or at least not as much landmark things like that) to gauge the speed. At least that's how I'd gather it. It's like sitting in a plane doing 500mph. That's a fair bit of speed, but you can't really tell seeing that you are in the air and there is nothing but cloud and blue sky out the window.
Nah, I used to drive 120 between Colorado Springs and Denver all through college. Not much in the way of small roadside objects, and it was always an adrenaline rush. I think a lot of it comes from How you feel that if you screw up at all, you are going to crash big. Movements become minute, and the cars get loud and shake a bit. Not to mention the wind. there is still plenty of sense of speed.

It does feel faster when you have to deal with curves, traffic, and such though.

I've always been annoyed by Gt's lack of speed sensation. Forza too until the 4th one, where they added that camera movement. I never played GT5, but I think It did some of that Cam movement too?
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About the game
Published by
Sony Computer En...
Developed by
Polyphony Digital

$135 of $400 per month

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