Trailer 3DS

More Ridge Racer coming to Gamersyde today with this time Ridge Racer 3D on Nintendo 3DS. This new video shows the game in action and though it will not blow your mind, you should not forget that Ridge Racer is above all about crazy drifts and adrenaline rushes.

Commented on 2011-02-05 20:01:25
Don't want to start a negative first post, but my god that was quite unimpressive to watch. I thought the 3ds was capable for a lot more then this fussy low resolution of a game.
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PlumbDrumb - Still drinking
Commented on 2011-02-05 20:24:46
Yeah, it's much better looking than the DS version, but that's not saying much.
At least it looks like an old school Ridge game though, as opposed to that Unbounded teaser we got.

Frame rates need to be fixed by release.
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Commented on 2011-02-06 16:50:27
This looks like one of the 1st gen iPhone games. I really wish Nintendo would just put a little bit more juice into their consoles. They make more fun games but it would be cool if they made fun games with ground breaking graphics as well.
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Commented on 2011-02-06 19:10:50
The problem with the 3DS is that it needs to put out double the frame rate, for the left and right eye images.

I wouldn't expect a Ridge Racer game to look brilliant either way, the last few games of the series have been appalling.
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Commented on 2011-02-06 21:03:59
im sorry but namco seriously needs to drop the japanese techno music its awful, also given that at E3 the videos showing what the 3Ds can do it looked almost as good as psp and this is what im getting at, ridge racer on the psp looks better on the psp given it came out over 3 years ago this ridge racer id have expected much better visuals only this is not the case it just looks like a slightly updated DS game which it is essentially but on a handheld that costs over £230 id just go and buy a psp and enjoy a ridge racer game in 2d that looks cool rather than having 3D but is visualy poorer than the 2d version.

dont get me wrong ive got nothing against the 3DS just it looks like some other developer is making this game under licence from namco/nintendo id personally wait for mario kart 3D to come out as you can guarentee the big N is going to use every ounce of power the 3DS has.
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Doom_Bringer - I have terrible taste
Commented on 2011-02-07 03:19:29
Looks awful...Ridge Racer Type 4 on PSX had better art and tech than this....about the music, Namco's music department kicks ass bro!! The music in the trailer might be bad but expect the OST to have some decent tracks...I mean RR4's OST was kick ass!
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About the game
Published by
Bandai Namco Ent...

$135 of $400 per month

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