Video Xbox One

Turn 10 just sent us this super high quality 60 fps version of the gameplay footage of Forza Motorsport 6 they released a few days ago. Many thanks to them and especially Helios for this, 60 fps certainly does wonders for this game!

Contrary to what some rather unsavory people on youtube pretended, this is the first time the real 60 fps footage is available, this is not interpolated from a 30 fps video.
Driftwood - Dictateur en chef
Commented on 2015-06-20 21:12:31
Now let's all count to see how long it'll take to appear on allbetagames. :)
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Commented on 2015-06-20 21:15:18
Do those guys steal your content?
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Commented on 2015-06-20 21:15:46
Yeah, finally a high quality forza 6 vid, looks great and fluid. Now you just have to grab that 25 mins Deus Ex gameplay :D
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Commented on 2015-06-20 21:24:44
Weird hack with the reflections in 3rd person view at the beginning.
Looks like rotation and position are updated in alternating frames, making it more or less 30fps.
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Commented on 2015-06-20 21:55:07
Thanks so much for this Gamersyde and Turn 10. :D
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Commented on 2015-06-20 22:06:01
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Commented on 2015-06-20 22:11:08
Downloaded and watched on the big screen...Total jagfest! And the lighting is still no where near as natural as GT6 on PS3. T10 are still persisting with the over saturation on contrast rather than going for a realistic look! Also the LOD on AI cars looks poor unless up very close.


Agree with the poster above saying the off screen vids looked better. Looked amazing but these direct captures make it look poor i was expecting T10 to sort the AA out this time round. Is 1080p hurting this game? I'd rather have 900p with more AA applied.
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Commented on 2015-06-20 22:18:12 In reply to Xoar
Posted by Xoar
Downloaded and watched on the big screen...Total jagfest! And the lighting is still no where near as natural as GT6 on PS3. T10 are still persisting with the over saturation on contrast rather than going for a realistic look! Also the LOD on AI cars looks poor unless up very close.


Agree with the poster above saying the off screen vids looked better. Looked amazing but these direct captures make it look poor i was expecting T10 to sort the AA out this time round. Is 1080p hurting this game? I'd rather have 900p with more AA applied.
Maybe because this game is still 15 weeks away from release and this is most definitely not even the current build but a demo built for E3?

For how far away we are from launch this is incredibly impressive footage.
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Commented on 2015-06-20 22:25:11 In reply to FordGTGuy
Posted by FordGTGuy
Maybe because this game is still 15 weeks away from release and this is most definitely not even the current build but a demo built for E3?

For how far away we are from launch this is incredibly impressive footage.
Let's be realistic here.

The things he moans about won't change in the final version...
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Commented on 2015-06-20 22:26:42 In reply to Redneck
Posted by Redneck
Let's be realistic here.

The things he moans about won't change in the final version...
You're saying AA can't improve between now and launch? What?....

Also in between Forza 5 and launch they went from 12 cars on track to 16.

They also improved the LoD on AI vehicles and the damage modeling.
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Commented on 2015-06-20 22:27:02 In reply to Driftwood
I think you could
Posted by Driftwood
Now let's all count to see how long it'll take to appear on allbetagames. :)
I think you could put GAMERSYDE transparent text/logo on the video, in the MIDDLE from start to finish! It wouldn't bother me, if I can still see the video through it :) atleast in the middle those guys can't crop it away..
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Commented on 2015-06-20 22:30:53 In reply to FordGTGuy
Posted by FordGTGuy
You're saying AA can't improve between now and launch? What?....

Also in between Forza 5 and launch they went from 12 cars on track to 16.

They also improved the LoD on AI vehicles and the damage modeling.
Forza 5 was supposed to have 24 cars on track, Do you not remember getting the 24 players badge early on?
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Commented on 2015-06-20 22:34:33
Looks amazing, thanks guys for the 60fps through bittorrent!
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Commented on 2015-06-20 22:35:41 In reply to Xoar
Posted by Xoar
Forza 5 was supposed to have 24 cars on track, Do you not remember getting the 24 players badge early on?
Planned to maybe, it didn't and at the reveal at E3 only had 12 cars on track.

The game only ever officially had 12 and then 16 cars on track.
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Commented on 2015-06-20 22:48:02
The off-screen footage did look better weirdly, maybe its because the games brightness,gamma and color saturation are too high and off-screen makes the video darker etc. also off-screen has an anti-aliasing effect, but still considering its 60fps etc looks good, apart from is it me or do the cars have a bit of cell shaded appearance.
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Commented on 2015-06-20 23:29:53
It looks nice on "that" PC.. And of course it will look like shit when it come to xbox like the last one.. True story.
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Commented on 2015-06-20 23:32:43 In reply to atkecar
Posted by atkecar
It looks nice on "that" PC.. And of course it will look like shit when it come to xbox like the last one.. True story.
Troll much?

Forza 5 at E3 2013 was running on Xbox Ones.

"And yes, there were some games that were - categorically, without a shadow of a doubt - running on Xbox One hardware. It'll come as little surprise to learn that first party software was more likely to be showcased running on the new console, with Turn 10's Forza Motorsport 5 the most high profile title we saw that was visibly operating on the actual unit." - Digital Foundry

This will look even better at launch than it does now.
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Commented on 2015-06-21 00:10:20
Looks decent, But as xoar said above. The lighting engine is more like Dirt's. semi baked look to it. Does not look natural at all.

But for the low power of the xboxone GPU, they did a good job.
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Commented on 2015-06-21 00:13:52 In reply to Driftwood
Posted by Driftwood
Now let's all count to see how long it'll take to appear on allbetagames. :)
haha you guys sure hate them. But it wouldnt be stealing if they did right? its a video made by the developers and not one of your own recordings :/
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Driftwood - Dictateur en chef
Commented on 2015-06-21 00:39:11 In reply to RedLantern
A video given specifically to us by Turn10, I'd say it's stealing. Call it some kind of exclusive if you want. The thing is, if the guy went through the same trouble we did to get the videos, that would be ok. The thing is, he waits for us to go through all the trouble and then download the videos here. And again, when talking about this specific video, we were given it by Helios from Turn10, it's not your typical official video you can find on the press site.
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Commented on 2015-06-21 00:51:43
I feel you man. Since its obvious sites like allgamesbeta come here to take trailers/videos, you should watermark the videos that are exclusively yours. That way there is no confusion and hopefully it would stop others from taking the videos. The watermark can be small in the corner and quite transparent that it doesnt affect the viewing
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Commented on 2015-06-21 01:02:34 In reply to atkecar
I read somewhere that they claimed Forza 6 is running straight from the Xbox One there. I don't think they'd claim this if it wasn't true. Same as Sony with Horizon and Uncharted 4.
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Commented on 2015-06-21 02:06:48
I can see it now on YT: "Forza 6 - (60fps) [1080p] TRUE-HD QUALITY" or something along that line.
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About the game
Published by
Xbox Game Studios
Developed by
Turn 10 Studios

$135 of $400 per month

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