Developer Diary Xbox 360 PS3

Namco-Bandai and Ninja Theory released this "Behind the Game" video of Enslaved.

Phaethon360 - Mr Pant<s>s</s>ies
Commented on 2010-09-27 14:45:00
I really like the concept and story, but the platforming and combat is very light and weightless. Ninja Theory just doesn't seem to have a knack for action titles.
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Commented on 2010-09-27 15:10:30 In reply to Phaethon360
Posted by Phaethon360
I really like the concept and story, but the platforming and combat is very light and weightless. Ninja Theory just doesn't seem to have a knack for action titles.
i agree. boggles the mind why they'd contrinue to try them, or why capcom would entrust them with a DMC game.

if this game looked better and performed better it'd be a LITTLE easier to ignore the shallow combat and automated traversal. but the performance and aliasing kills the game dead in it's tracks. making everything feel clunky and unpolished. like the animations, i can't decide if they are just bad, or that the performance make them FEEL bad.
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Commented on 2010-09-27 16:59:21
Yea I really like the demo but that whole running to a cliff and it stopping you on its own kinda gets to me. I don't want another automatic traverse like Splinter Cell Conviction turned out to be I want to walk to a cliff and die if I don't stop myself and jump on my own.
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Phaethon360 - Mr Pant<s>s</s>ies
Commented on 2010-09-27 17:20:03 In reply to KORNdog
I didn't notice any performance issues (360 version) but everything else about it rings true. Normally I would say that the lack in polish compared to this and Heavenly Sword was a drastic budget difference, but in retrospect, HS wasn't all that much more in-depth than this is. Really hope Capcom comes to its senses before DMC ships.
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Commented on 2010-09-27 18:18:57
Do you have sex with the girl in the game? Angry sex, after she takes off the headband?
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Commented on 2010-09-27 19:22:28
PS3 is a bitch to program for.

This is evident in every multiplat.

It's either no AA, subhd, crap msaa or otherwise.

Dead rising 2 is just another in a long line of PORTS that do not work.

360 is a PC.

PS3 is a completely different type of machine.

HS was a good if short game. Had a fair bit of screen tearing.

Point is though with the PS3.


Unless you use SPU'S well then RSX isn't going to stack up enough, x2aa kills it.

Because tiling and 360 use edram x2 - x4 can be used, not affecting the fillrate of 360.

It's about time MLAA was used for all PS3 games, part of edge tools now for everydev.
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Commented on 2010-09-27 20:33:39 In reply to KORNdog
Posted by KORNdog
if this game looked better and performed better it'd be a LITTLE easier to ignore the shallow combat and automated traversal. but the performance and aliasing kills the game dead in it's tracks. making everything feel clunky and unpolished. like the animations, i can't decide if they are just bad, or that the performance make them FEEL bad.
Try the 360 demo - that looks and performs noticably better than the ps3 one.

I think it's abit premature to critic the combat at the moment.. it is only an introduction level. The automated traversal's no different from what uncharted 2 offered
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Commented on 2010-09-27 21:11:51 In reply to bleachedsmiles
Posted by bleachedsmiles
Try the 360 demo - that looks and performs noticably better than the ps3 one.

I think it's abit premature to critic the combat at the moment.. it is only an introduction level. The automated traversal's no different from what uncharted 2 offered
i tried them both hoping the 360 version would at least be rentable and they both look and perform awfully. 360 has less screen tearing, but it it's still very noticable, combined with the terrible framerate drops and some of the worst aliasing i've ever seen (doesnt help that the environments are so busy and messy looking with mesh flooring all over the place) and add in the first ever instance of motion blur that makes me feel like hurling, and you have a game that is nigh on unplayable for me.

and the traversal is a damn sight more automated in enslaved. if you did what you can do in ensalved in uncharted you'd jump to your death a million times. enslaves you can litterally throw the analogue stick right or left, and jab 'A' repeatedly with your eyes shut without a care in th world. it's rediculous. reminds me of POP 08 where it just feels like it's completely and utterly skill-less.

nothing is good in the game aside from the music imo. i just dont "get" what others are seeing when they praise the demo. maybe they're just oblivious to piss poor performance? like those people who say they cant see screen tearing or framerate drops even when they're right there punching you in the face...i still remeber when people said saints row didnt have screen
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Commented on 2010-09-27 21:17:04 In reply to KORNdog
Come on man, you've been non-stop at this game ever since the demo released. Cut it some slack!

It does look shit though...haha! :P
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Commented on 2010-09-27 21:46:31
your 360's on deaths door then mate, as theres no framerate drops on the demo i played..nor did i notice very noticable screen tearing, or the worse aliasing ever.
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Commented on 2010-09-27 23:46:06
You guys really think this game looks bad? I thought visuals, animations and specifically facial animations were some of the best I have seen in a long time (for a action game).

Where the game falls apart is how easy they've made it and how bad the camera is. Other than that this could have been something really special. I like how the characters move, and I really enjoy their personalities a lot. More games should take that sort of time on their characters. The worlds I imagine only continue to look really nice too.
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Commented on 2010-09-28 07:20:58 In reply to Tinks
Posted by Tinks
You guys really think this game looks bad? I thought visuals, animations and specifically facial animations were some of the best I have seen in a long time (for a action game).
The game looks great, true. But as the other people mentioned above - platforming is automatic. Actually is even worse than PoP 2008, cos here you can't even jump at wrong direction , thanks to the invisible walls. :(
This thing alone make the game rental at best in my book (and i'm not even started to bitch about combat lol :D).
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Commented on 2010-09-28 11:25:04
I was very unimpressed with the demo, mash friendly unsatisfying combat, completely automated pointless platforming, the graphics where a very mixed bag the part on the plane looked like duck shit while the ruined new york looked pretty good, the bland character design and generic looking robots didn't help.

I can't say im to suprised since this is from ninja theory, they seem to prioritise flashy visuals and cutscences over actual content and good gameplay.

Bit of a shame, i really liked the idea of a game set in a post apocalyptic new york based on journey to the west.

This game does not bode well for the new DMC.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2010-09-28 11:41:32
The reason why the combat isnt fleshed out that much is because they didnt want to focus on the combat, they even said it early on in development videos.
They said they didnt want this to be combat heavy compared to Heavenly Sword. They wanted platforming and adventure feel to come first and combat to be there when its needed.

I personally thought the demo was pretty decent, combat was good IMO, punchy weight to the attacks, nice animations with some input lag here and there.
Yes the platforming was automatic but so was PoP08 (and I hated most of the things in that game), but I didnt mind it that much.

I think story will be its strong point with the voice acting (Andy Serkis is in it as Monkey).

Will I buy it? no.
With Casltevania coming next week which seems to be around 20+ hours of gameplay and then Star Wars TFU2 in the end of October, I am set for the rest of the year :)
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Commented on 2010-09-28 13:36:25
Yet no one bitches on the UNCHARTED series for their automated (and frankly awful) platforming. It's so bad, you can't even gauge how far Nathan Drake can jump, because it's so inconsistent. Since it's automatic, just jump off the platform, and he'll do everything for you.

And because it's such a scripted game, platforms keep on falling out every 5 minutes, which becomes a drinking game of itself. It's only a veil for not letting you go back into the level, but it's done so tediously, these moments stick out like a sore thumb.
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About the game
PC X360 PS3
Published by
Bandai Namco Ent...
Developed by
Ninja Theory

$135 of $400 per month

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