Trailer Xbox 360 PS3

Namco-Bandai and Ninja Theory has released this second "Behind the Game" video of Enslaved, focusing on the game's world.
Update: Added the third Behind the Game video.

Commented on 2010-09-29 16:58:51
Tah-Meem Anton-Yaw-Des! Man this and Casltevania are out on the same day... Good times are ahead! only question is which should I play first?... Oh and I'm hearing that people aren't totally ecstatic about Castlevania... well I have never properly played a Castlevania game before, so I have been avoiding all reviews so I can judge the game on it's own merits..
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Commented on 2010-09-29 16:59:15
I gotta get this game, demo was a refreshing taste after constant fps games lol
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2010-09-29 18:44:27
Posted by manicproblematic
Tah-Meem Anton-Yaw-Des! Man this and Casltevania are out on the same day... Good times are ahead! only question is which should I play first?... Oh and I'm hearing that people aren't totally ecstatic about Castlevania... well I have never properly played a Castlevania game before, so I have been avoiding all reviews so I can judge the game on it's own merits..
Its the other way around LOL

People like Castlevania more than Enslaved.
Posted by droezelke
Next week will be expensive for me. This and Castlevania.
Castlevania next week and The Force Unleashed 2 end of October, thats it for 2010 for me :)
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Commented on 2010-09-29 18:46:21
This game has some fantastic environments, too bad they forgot about the gameplay.
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Commented on 2010-09-29 18:47:41
I thought the Demo was pretty awesome, despite the whole "impossible to fall off the edges" platforming. I don't know if I can buy it though, if there is no solid MP. Solid rent...
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Commented on 2010-09-29 21:51:05 In reply to Tarrell13
Posted by Tarrell13
I gotta get this game, demo was a refreshing taste after constant fps games lol
Tell me, what are all these first person shooters you're referring to? I know it's very 'cool' and 'hip' to hate on fps's...but it really that bad? Here's what I found for 2010 so far across all major platforms:

Bioshock 2
Bad Company 2
Stalker (Call of Pripyat)
Metro 2033
Blacklight Tango Down
Sniper Ghost warrior
Halo Reach
Serious Sam HD

I don't think that's even 5 % of all games released across the major platforms, and some of them aren't even high profile titles. So again, what's the deal?
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Commented on 2010-09-29 21:58:41
to this day, i'm still a fan of heavenly sword-great game for a launch title. i'm banking on enslaved to tell a story as well as they did in 2006. hopefully ninja theory can pull through.

demo was pretty cool. nice platforming; reminiscent of uncharted, though not as clean. i'm excited for this and castlevania, though i think this will be my "pick up and play" game when i'm crunched for time and castlevania will consume my life.

kojima FTW
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Commented on 2010-09-30 02:16:18
I don't care if it is just a game, but Trip is F#@%ing Hawt
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Commented on 2010-09-30 10:27:17 In reply to Bakutheswede
Posted by Bakutheswede
This game has some fantastic environments, too bad they forgot about the gameplay.
This I respect at least you can appreciate what it does right, it also seems to have a great story, a rare enough quality in games lately to justify the seemingly average/ automatic gameplay (this is a game that will stick with a player but not stay with them :)). Hopefully the reviews will not cripple its success, the industry doesn't quite except games that abandon gameplay as harshly as Enslaved, PoP was also easy but was forgiven for its lore and versatility in traversely Enslaved however is linear to a fault, truly focusing on telling the story (they best have made a great on at that then :)).
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Commented on 2010-09-30 20:21:31 In reply to Sath
Posted by Sath
Its the other way around LOL

People like Castlevania more than Enslaved.
Yea your probably right... but I am equally as hyped for them both.. Enslaved seems to have a very good story from what I have heard.. and i liked the combat, and the fact you can't fall of edges didn't bother me, but i can see how some "platformer purists" might not be into that.. they could have added an animation where by he goes of the edge but hangs on automatically rather than just stop dead though... but whatever...
yea Force unleashed 2 looks promising.. they are a step closer to showcasing what the power of the lightsaber would actually be like... not quite there but guess they had to keep it under a certain rating.. though there are decapitations.. sooo...
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Commented on 2010-09-30 22:26:53
Wow, that's some insanely complex motion capture. In my days we had like 20 cameras at most.
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Commented on 2010-10-01 00:09:57
i played the demo..i dunno, i think Uncharted 2 spoilt it for me, it just didn't feel smooth, especially when jumping?

I mean, it just didn't feel as responsive and graphics looked stunning in cutscenes but during gameplay not so much at times..

Still i'm interested and will be picking this up, but Castlevania first..over 20hrs of gameplay, deep gothic storyline, kojima involved? nuff said.
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Commented on 2010-10-01 14:31:37
You know what i realised..because they are doing cross platform, developers have to abide with xbox 360 and it's limitations and then work on the ps3 version.

This could be why Uncharted 2 or god of war 3 was in the state it was in, due to solely using the ps3's power.

And i fear this is inturn affecting Enslaved, don't get me wrong, heavenly sword was stunning, i loved the gameplay, story and graphics..but Enslaved just isn't "smooth" for me..and it makes me fear what DMC could end up as..

i dunno, maybe i'm wrong and a great developer is one who can deliver on both systems. Let's see what castlevania ends up as on both systems..if it is fluid and no problems, anything is possible!

(wait, i just remembered, FF13 was released on both and looked stunning, smooth gameplay and no problems..heh)
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About the game
PC X360 PS3
Published by
Bandai Namco Ent...
Developed by
Ninja Theory

$135 of $400 per month

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