Trailer PC PS3

Namco Bandai has released the Premium Edition of Ninja Theory's Enslaved: Odyssey to the West on Steam and Playstation Network. The game first came out in 2010 on Xbox 360 and PS3. This digital Premium edition comes with the Pigsy’s Perfect 10 DLC and enhancement skins Ninja Monkey, Classic Monkey and Sexy Trip.


  • Enslaved goes Premium on Steam - Screens
  • Enslaved goes Premium on Steam - Screens
  • Enslaved goes Premium on Steam - Screens
  • Enslaved goes Premium on Steam - Screens
  • Enslaved goes Premium on Steam - Screens
  • Enslaved goes Premium on Steam - Screens
  • Enslaved goes Premium on Steam - Screens
  • Enslaved goes Premium on Steam - Screens
  • Enslaved goes Premium on Steam - Screens
  • Enslaved goes Premium on Steam - Screens
  • Enslaved goes Premium on Steam - Screens
  • Enslaved goes Premium on Steam - Screens
  • Enslaved goes Premium on Steam - Screens
  • Enslaved goes Premium on Steam - Screens
  • Enslaved goes Premium on Steam - Screens
  • Enslaved goes Premium on Steam - Screens
  • Enslaved goes Premium on Steam - Screens
  • Enslaved goes Premium on Steam - Screens
  • Enslaved goes Premium on Steam - Screens
  • Enslaved goes Premium on Steam - Screens
  • Enslaved goes Premium on Steam - Screens
Commented on 2013-10-25 14:58:09
Ooh, PC version. That'll do!
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Commented on 2013-10-25 15:08:45
I played this game on Xbox 360 6 months ago and it is a great game.
Definitely gonna get it for PC, I finished it, but never completed it 100%, now's the perfect excuse to do so.
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Commented on 2013-10-25 15:15:22
Great game, but I will definetly buy it on PC, only for that awesome framerate, because it sucked many times on PS3. But yeah....beautiful game.
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Commented on 2013-10-25 17:45:32
doesn't look that good , its only 1080p 60p with no AA ... you have to force AA to have it , and those textures look awful , at lest there is no more object pop-ins
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Commented on 2013-10-25 17:54:00
on steam now. nice!
don't wanna play this game on PS3, full of screen-tearing :<
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Commented on 2013-10-25 18:05:15 In reply to Hfric
Posted by Hfric
doesn't look that good , its only 1080p 60p with no AA ... you have to force AA to have it , and those textures look awful , at lest there is no more object pop-ins
Of course, they will not remake textures, but this game is a masterpiece.
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Commented on 2013-10-25 18:39:01
beat this game 3 times and then sold it, out all of my old collection of games that i ended up missing was this title. Now i can get the steam version woohoo!!!

good story to be honest.
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Commented on 2013-10-25 19:04:43
This was is a great game, now on PC 60 FPS.
Good enough for me.
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Commented on 2013-10-25 19:47:11
Yeah this really was a pretty fun game, tempted to dig it out and run through it again after seeing these pics. I would love a next gen sequel.
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Commented on 2013-10-25 21:13:53
I always wanted to play this. I will probably not buy it though just like many other games. I have lots of games on my list already and then I may move to PS4. What a shame PS4 has no BC
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Commented on 2013-10-26 05:44:56
I always thought this felt like a PS3 exclusive game although I know it wasn't
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Commented on 2013-10-27 01:37:39
It's crazy, just earlier this year I was complaining that this game needed a PC version and here it is... It's finally given justice. Unfortunately after playing TLOU and Beyond it's not as impressive as I remember it
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Commented on 2013-10-27 14:23:21
here are some photos before game was labeled console exclusive by Namco

I expected PC version will look like this but looks very ugly with lots of motion blur and lots of motion blur and bloom effect, plays terribly with mouse, display options only has resolution, bloom saves the low texture. also if you increase resolution more than 1280x720 game wont change it, thank god as it is pc platform you can reverse engineer inis to make your game the way you want. but still doesn't cover for it
over all tech wise Ninja Theory didn't even put 100 hours for this port & Namco Bandai didn't even bothered to look at it. I wonder if they really want to PC market with these kind of shitty ports, they have bad news then
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About the game
PC X360 PS3
Published by
Bandai Namco Ent...
Developed by
Ninja Theory

$135 of $400 per month

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