GSY Video PC PS4 Xbox One

Final Fantasy XV will finally arrive on PC in March but []you can now try the game's benchmark[/url] to see if your rig can handle one of the 3 graphics modes available (lite, standard and high, just like on consoles). You can choose between 3 resolutions (720p/1080p/4K) and activate HDR on Windows 10. Apparently, the high mode is pretty demanding, even with our INNO3D iChiLL GeForce GTX 1080 Ti X3 Ultra, which is probably because this mode features Nvidia technology such as Turf Effects, HairWorks and Flow. If you plan on playing the game in 4K, be aware that it will probably not run at a steady 60 fps, even in standard mode, so you'll have to make a few compromises or play in Lite mode.

Note: We're not sure if it's a bug or if the benchmark was made this way but there was no sound every time we launched it.
Commented on 2018-02-04 16:04:36
Quite bad performance on my i7700k and GTX1080. Also, it's disappointing that they didn't included the 1440p resolution (the 3rd most used resolution on PCs)... and what with the scores? Why not just use FPS?
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Commented on 2018-02-04 16:17:38
I got a score of over £14k yesterday when I ran it at 1080p standard, haven't tried the other setting will post when I do. It's a quite multithreaded and CPU intensive game.
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Commented on 2018-02-04 16:26:39
There was sound for me, but crackled and messy sound, had to put it on mute.
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Commented on 2018-02-04 17:04:36
I got more or less the same performance in 1080p High as Gamersyde (maybe a bit lower as i´m on a 1070 but it´s hard to tell with all this tearing). Halfway trough it suddenly froze and crashed. Good stuff.

Something else I took away from the benchmark is how bad the graphics looked. What is this? I remember the techdemos for this game years ago, where is that game? This looks more like the consoleversions with more lag.
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Commented on 2018-02-04 20:56:26
Haha, I like the main image :D

I can't decide if it looks tasty or disgusting though...
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Commented on 2018-02-04 23:56:36
Hajime Tabata said that the difference between PC and consoles for this game is a generational one. It may be drastic, but for me, when anybody talks about those jumps I expect to see something like going from a PSX to a PS2. If you say the difference is huge and all I can see is better fps and a little bit better textures, then nope...
We shouldn't have to zoom 300% to see the difference, that's why I decided to stick with consoles for the vast majority of games and exclusives, I play on PC regularly, obviously, but I'm done investing so much money just to see a tiny little detail at 300% zoom.
Maybe the real problem is the limitation of the consoles, but at the very end, I don't know if it's just me, but if you let developers take advantage of every single new piece of hardware, then games will never be something stable and we will never have the right PC to run those games. And that's when consoles come in handy, or when the exclusives, particularly from Sony, appear to be something impossible. I don't know, I'll give it a try to this new version of FF anyway.
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About the game
Published by
Square Enix
Developed by
Square Enix

$135 of $400 per month

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