Developer Diary Xbox 360

The third vidoc of Forza Horizon deals with the game's physics that allow you to drive with skill and style with each car. The demo is now available on Xbox Live.

Commented on 2012-10-09 18:32:43
Demo is outstanding!

Day 1!
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Commented on 2012-10-09 18:36:54
Mustang VS Mustang sounds lame to you ?
Well, wait until you get to race it :-D
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Commented on 2012-10-09 19:13:37
"it doesn't feel like you're pivoting around on some axis". haha Nice little dig at Codemasters in there.
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Commented on 2012-10-09 19:42:14
actually it does feel exactly like you're pivoting around an axis... i´m really disappointed in this, had high hopes....
i just wish you could enable the complete physics from forza 4 in the game, like a hardcore mode.
also louder engine noise would be nice, you can barely hear the car in the demo.....
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Commented on 2012-10-09 20:14:14
My only real complaint is with the audio. I hope there is an option for engine volume because as of now it is way to low. Also there is an overall lack of intensity to the sound that a game like this needs.

As far as the physics, I'm not quite sure what people are complaining about. I feel like they did a nice balancing act. Physics are very subjective and are always interpretations of what feels right. I recently picked up the CRS wheel, pedals and shifter. That setup has done wonders for FM4. Before that I preferred Race Pro and felt they had nailed that feeling of being connected to the road.... Now I'm rambling.

Anyway I think for this type of game the physics feel great, not as deep as FM4 but I was never expecting that. They are very intuitive and I always felt like the car was reacting the way I wanted it too.

In the end I think people need to lower their expectations and compare the handling to other games like this. I you do that this game mops the floor with the competition.

One last little complaint, the orange color palette is a bit over kill. I hope this will change with other areas of the map.
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Commented on 2012-10-09 20:38:07
Cant find the demo! Pisses me off.
Is it as hidden as the demo of FM4 was?!
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Commented on 2012-10-09 20:40:39 In reply to vansant
tbh I dislike the idea of "not as realistic physics" for a series that was essentially ms's answer to GT. I loved forza for the sim styled driving/racing. Now it's losing some of that I won't love it as much (even though 4 killed it for me with how you didn't have to put any effort into unlocking anything).
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Commented on 2012-10-09 20:56:27
demo is brilliant, day one.
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Commented on 2012-10-09 20:58:42 In reply to ASURAshadow
Posted by ASURAshadow
"it doesn't feel like you're pivoting around on some axis". haha Nice little dig at Codemasters in there.
The only reason why it would feel like this is for people that still use the awful chase view, Real racers use cockpit,bonnet or bumper cam :)
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Commented on 2012-10-09 21:01:41
I don't get why people are comparing this game to Forza. It's not Forza MOTORSPORT, its Forza Horizon. Get over it.
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Commented on 2012-10-09 21:04:22 In reply to vansant
Posted by vansant
I don't get why people are comparing this game to Forza. It's not Forza MOTORSPORT, its Forza Horizon. Get over it.
It's using the same physics engine and it's called Forza hence the comparison, but yeah if people thought they were getting a full blown sim then they are deluded.
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Commented on 2012-10-09 21:14:56 In reply to Xoar
Ok lets make a Gears of War but instead called Gears of Peace and take away all weapons not quite as extreme but still...)
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Commented on 2012-10-09 21:33:51 In reply to Xoar
Posted by Xoar
The only reason why it would feel like this is for people that still use the awful chase view, Real racers use cockpit,bonnet or bumper cam :)
I agree, just thought it was funny to hear the devs mention that in this video. I use cockpit view 90% of the time, though I've never understood the appeal that bumper cam has to some people. Looks so stupid and loses any immersion a racer has imo. Would be like playing an fps from the viewpoint of the gun barrel. *shivers*
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Commented on 2012-10-09 22:41:33 In reply to Blue_Eagle44
No, It's like if Gears of War came out with a stealth off shoot using some of the same components and calling it Gears of War SILENT WAR.

It's a sub gener.
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Commented on 2012-10-09 23:30:56
I was extremely underwhelmed by the demo. Basic, dull visuals limping along at 30fps, abysmal music, annoying whiny announcer woman, a forced intro of brainless people dancing (why?!?!), and totally generic gameplay.

Poor show.
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Commented on 2012-10-09 23:39:26
Dull visuals? Thought it was the best looking racer weve seen so far! As for the rest of your post it's clear you dont have a clue what this game is about...back to Forza 4 for you :p
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Commented on 2012-10-10 00:29:25
Demo was brilliant, and an amazing looking game, will pick this up day one.
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Commented on 2012-10-10 01:29:20 In reply to Xoar
Posted by Xoar
Dull visuals? Thought it was the best looking racer weve seen so far!
this. when i saw the 3rd person and the car was jagyless, i was astounished how did they acheive a good clean look.

then the dirt transparencies kicked in and evolved the car and the slight lower-res made some jaggies pop-up. I laughed b/c its like a generation gap between this and GT5 giant pixelization on transparencies.
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Commented on 2012-10-10 05:22:06
I must be getting bored of driving games because all this demo has done is put me off. The same excellent handling with technically excellent visuals and solid 30 framerate that are impressive considering but I think I've done this just too many time to care. Probably stick to PG4 and Forza4 from now on and give up on the idea that I'm suddenly going to have a great time playing a new car game

Bit bloody brown too but maybe that's just the area of demo
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Commented on 2012-10-10 09:04:40 In reply to nostradamus
Posted by nostradamus
this. when i saw the 3rd person and the car was jagyless, i was astounished how did they acheive a good clean look.

then the dirt transparencies kicked in and evolved the car and the slight lower-res made some jaggies pop-up. I laughed b/c its like a generation gap between this and GT5 giant pixelization on transparencies.
lol. Ignorance is a bliss. This game is running 30fps. Poor car models like Forza and is not realistic looking like all codies games with the filter they use.

Not sure this is good will be good for playground games or not.
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Commented on 2012-10-10 10:04:35
Liked the demo, it does look pretty damn amazing. BUT, calling it an open-world game and putting invisible barriers everywhere is a big step back IMO.

If TDU could do it, why not this?

I can understand restricting the driving for racing integrity's sake, but why not just pop up barriers for the main races and leave them down for free-roaming? Surely that would be better?

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Commented on 2012-10-10 13:38:18
Great Demo, Brilliant graphics!!
Will pick up soon!
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Commented on 2012-10-10 14:56:38 In reply to raina
Posted by raina
lol. Ignorance is a bliss. This game is running 30fps. Poor car models like Forza and is not realistic looking like all codies games with the filter they use.

Not sure this is good will be good for playground games or not.
You live on a different planet! Best looking racer on console's right now! Codies have not made a single realistic looking racer to date lol
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Commented on 2012-10-10 14:57:27 In reply to 2PintsOfInsulin
Posted by 2PintsOfInsulin
Liked the demo, it does look pretty damn amazing. BUT, calling it an open-world game and putting invisible barriers everywhere is a big step back IMO.

If TDU could do it, why not this?

I can understand restricting the driving for racing integrity's sake, but why not just pop up barriers for the main races and leave them down for free-roaming? Surely that would be better?

The barriers disappear when you buy the full game! Thought that would be obvious?
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Commented on 2012-10-10 15:51:00
No, I mean the barriers/invisible walls along the sides of the road (I did get the blue barrier things...)

You can't really leave the road and go up the hills, only along the predefined shortcuts they give you.

If THEY go, then great, otherwise still pretty poor.
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About the game
Published by
Xbox Game Studios
Developed by
Playground Games

$135 of $400 per month

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