Video Xbox 360

I've found some old friends from the PGR2 days to play a bit of free-roaming Forza Horizon tonight, playing through a simple coop missing having us go through one point of the map to another quite far away. Sorry in advance about my driving, I'm not very good at this in the first place, and going to my current in-game Impreza to the 599XX was quite the experience :)
Update: Added a video showing the day/night cycle at two different points of the map.

Commented on 2012-10-23 00:27:08
Oh wow, lol. Most Wanted Day cycle compared to this looks right out of a xbox(1) game. min. 2:37

OMG, you got Outrun on ma PGR! That ferrari race is sick.
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Commented on 2012-10-23 02:35:28
"The news page has just announced the Forza Horizon Rally Expansion due in December! Complete with ruts, jumps, more surface types AND co-driver calls"

This is from Sounds amazing.
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Commented on 2012-10-23 06:56:15
I have to say I wasn't interested in this game until after the Gamersyde videos. Now I'm considering it
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Commented on 2012-10-23 07:30:18
The only thing I really dislike on this game is the engine sound, when You shift down. Very....electronic or how to say it. But still a great game.
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Commented on 2012-10-23 12:49:46
So this feels similar to PGR?

Dont make a girl a promise you cant keep, Drift...
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Commented on 2012-10-23 12:52:54 In reply to Redneck
Posted by Redneck
So this feels similar to PGR?

Dont make a girl a promise you cant keep, Drift...
No feels similar to Forza 4.
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Driftwood - Dictateur en chef
Commented on 2012-10-23 13:00:08 In reply to Xoar
I would say somewhere in between actually.
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Commented on 2012-10-23 13:13:27 In reply to Driftwood
Posted by Driftwood
I would say somewhere in between actually.
Must be vastly different from the demo then, Should have my copy tomorrow to see but from what i played it was very much Forza 4 physics and just felt like Forza but set in Colorado rather than circuts.
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Driftwood - Dictateur en chef
Commented on 2012-10-23 13:15:15 In reply to Xoar
The game is a lot more forgiving than Forza, even without using the drving assists.
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Commented on 2012-10-23 20:29:50 In reply to Driftwood
True it is more forgiving by default, but you can massively change this by setting to expert 1st then changing assets from there. A hidden asset is always on if you don't.
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Commented on 2012-10-23 21:08:18 In reply to nostradamus
Do you mean Most wanted destroys this graphically. Of course it does. controls are better in nfs as well.
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GangStarr - Inhibited Sony Lover
Commented on 2012-10-23 23:06:31
Most wanted doesnt look better then this :? maybe the PC version does, but lets not forget this has cock-pit view which NFS doesnt have.
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Commented on 2012-10-24 03:09:34
Impressive clouds. Thanks for the vids!
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Commented on 2012-10-25 04:31:05
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Commented on 2012-10-25 14:54:17 In reply to Xoar
Beautiful! Shame the pics are so damned small (would be perfect for PC wallpaper!)

PS. Second pic made me leak a tear or two - I miss my Supra... :*(
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About the game
Published by
Xbox Game Studios
Developed by
Playground Games

$135 of $400 per month

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  • Driftwood

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