Developer Diary Xbox 360

Here is a vidoc for Forza Horizon that gives an intro to the new entry in the franchise, showing the Forza authenticity combined with the festive atmosphere and open road racing experience.

Commented on 2012-09-07 17:16:12
gotta admit- that looks pretty cool...
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Commented on 2012-09-07 18:13:45
Need for what... ?
I think this blows Most Wanted right off the road.
Sorry Criterion, i'm not interested anymore.
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Commented on 2012-09-07 18:37:23
Day One...maybe...
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Commented on 2012-09-07 18:46:03
The only problem i have with this is it looks like it's trying to be an alternative to hot persuit or the run...but we've been there done that now. Need for speed has moved to an old idea (most wanted), and this is doing something we've seen before...i'm not sure i want to play either. But if a had faith in one team it would be criterion.
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Commented on 2012-09-07 19:01:23 In reply to KORNdog
Posted by KORNdog
The only problem i have with this is it looks like it's trying to be an alternative to hot persuit or the run...but we've been there done that now. Need for speed has moved to an old idea (most wanted), and this is doing something we've seen before...i'm not sure i want to play either. But if a had faith in one team it would be criterion.
There's a difference between "it's being done before" and being done well. This game game will offer superior graphics and physics compared to any EA or Criterion efforts.
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Commented on 2012-09-07 19:12:45 In reply to KORNdog
Posted by KORNdog
The only problem i have with this is it looks like it's trying to be an alternative to hot persuit or the run...but we've been there done that now. Need for speed has moved to an old idea (most wanted), and this is doing something we've seen before...i'm not sure i want to play either. But if a had faith in one team it would be criterion.
Gameplay is king, if it's better than the games mentioned whats the problem?
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Commented on 2012-09-07 19:17:38
it's on Xbox, that's his problem.
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Commented on 2012-09-07 19:18:03
aslong as its got a cockpit view...
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Commented on 2012-09-07 19:19:44
Finally I can get cool cars and drive'em on nice tracks...and yes it reminds me of old nfs games ( pre hot persuit ) which is a good thing for me. Will defo check it out.
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Commented on 2012-09-07 19:20:33 In reply to vansant
Posted by vansant
There's a difference between "it's being done before" and being done well. This game game will offer superior graphics and physics compared to any EA or Criterion efforts.
Criterion hit it out the park with hot persuit. Gonna be a tough one to beat imo, both visually and gameplay wise. Paradise was shit though due to losing a ton of the greatness from past burnout titles. We'll see i guess. This just kinda feels like they're tring to compete in a race, but turned up 2 years too late...i dunno.
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Commented on 2012-09-07 19:22:44
^^ Hot Pursuit was great! That's why i said Day One...maybe...if it's not better = no buy.

I have a feeling the gameplay though is going to feel completely different to HP.
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Commented on 2012-09-07 20:08:46 In reply to bleachedsmiles
Posted by bleachedsmiles
aslong as its got a cockpit view...
Why is this even a question? Of course it has cockpit view...
Posted by Xoar
^^ Hot Pursuit was great! That's why i said Day One...maybe...if it's not better = no buy.

I have a feeling the gameplay though is going to feel completely different to HP.
Physics are going to be very close to Forza Motorsport but you can make it more arcadey than you can in Motorsport but you can still make it as real is Motorsport.
Posted by KORNdog
Criterion hit it out the park with hot persuit. Gonna be a tough one to beat imo, both visually and gameplay wise. Paradise was shit though due to losing a ton of the greatness from past burnout titles. We'll see i guess. This just kinda feels like they're tring to compete in a race, but turned up 2 years too late...i dunno.
Hot Pursuit was most definitely not a hit out of the park it might have been a great game but it had many short comings.
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Commented on 2012-09-07 21:09:35
Posted by droezelke
I don't know that if you are making a more arcady style game, that it would be wise to implement complex physics like in the Forza series. Maybe it will work.
But there is nothing in this dev diary that makes me more interested than the interest I've got in Most Wanted. Pretty sure MW will have the better graphics as it is using Frostbite 2.0.
It will have better graphics on PC not on consoles.
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Commented on 2012-09-07 21:20:46
Hot Pursuit wasn't free roaming. I loved that game but im sure this going to be much deeper. I read that there are hidden barns around the game world with old classics stored in them to unlock. The ownership of your car will play more of a roll, there is a day to night cycle, there is a cockpit view etc. Really this is closer to Test Drive then NFS.
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Commented on 2012-09-07 21:30:38
Anyone no anything about the dev Playground Games?, looks very good so far, i just hope they keep the excellence bar that Turn 10 have set with Forza.
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Commented on 2012-09-07 22:33:55
Holy graphics!
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Commented on 2012-09-08 00:31:20
Posted by droezelke
I don't know that if you are making a more arcady style game, that it would be wise to implement complex physics like in the Forza series. Maybe it will work.
But there is nothing in this dev diary that makes me more interested than the interest I've got in Most Wanted. Pretty sure MW will have the better graphics as it is using Frostbite 2.0.
It's not a Arcadey game with complexed physics it's a game that using assists and other options can be played like a arcade game or at the same time a simulation game.
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GangStarr - Inhibited Sony Lover
Commented on 2012-09-08 01:37:24
and it has cockpit view still.. fuck you Grid 2
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Commented on 2012-09-08 06:46:46
Don't know. I'm more than willing to see it being great but it doesn't sound like much they have probably tried to do for each game before it. Even forza 1.

If this can be something different to the other racers on the market... - I'll pay more attention.
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Commented on 2012-09-08 07:58:40 In reply to fabreezwait
Posted by fabreezwait
Anyone no anything about the dev Playground Games?, looks very good so far, i just hope they keep the excellence bar that Turn 10 have set with Forza.
They are the team who was behind the Grid and Dirt. Actually Lead Designer and Director of Grid are founder the Playground Studio.
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Commented on 2012-09-08 10:21:10 In reply to Xoar
PGR game would be better. They have no weather ?
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Commented on 2012-09-08 14:40:07 In reply to norbert
Posted by norbert
PGR game would be better. They have no weather ?
Dan Greenawalt joked, “There are two things you don’t want at a festival: rain and cops.”
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Commented on 2012-09-08 16:08:13
what about multiplayer? can you drive in that world together?
and what car do I need to drive up that snowy mountain in the background?
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About the game
Published by
Xbox Game Studios
Developed by
Playground Games

$135 of $400 per month

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