Video Xbox 360 PS3

We've got many Tekken 6 fights recorded and ready to be encoded, and we'll release them as soon as possible. Here is the first one.

Commented on 2009-08-20 16:27:03
Is Lili's gimmick that she washes her hair with glue? That looks terrible.
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Commented on 2009-08-20 16:51:04
This game was interesting 12 years ago.
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Commented on 2009-08-20 16:52:05
bluriest game that I saw of course after KillZone 2!!
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Commented on 2009-08-20 16:59:11 In reply to vyo
Posted by vyo
This game was interesting 12 years ago.
And if you liike fighters it still is. But hey, everybody can't have the mental capacity to grasp the concepts of these games. Whoever it is playing isn't skilled at all either, making the game look quite boring and stodgy.
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Commented on 2009-08-20 18:00:11 In reply to Slabs
Posted by Slabs
Is Lili's gimmick that she washes her hair with glue? That looks terrible.
It's still a step in the right direction from the ribbon hair in DOA4.

Hair physics is most likely not guna happen this gen and will require a lot of hard work to get right.
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Commented on 2009-08-20 19:00:09
Roger the Kangaroo? Sounds like an Australian love song...

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Commented on 2009-08-20 21:03:05
I want gon back =(
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Commented on 2009-08-20 22:04:07 In reply to Jollipop
Posted by Jollipop
It's still a step in the right direction from the ribbon hair in DOA4.

Hair physics is most likely not guna happen this gen and will require a lot of hard work to get right.
I'd have to disagree. I mean, i do think they are a long way from getting the hair right (any developer). But if i had to choose between a hair that actually moves and this, i'd choose DOA4 everyday.

And Megido is right. It looks boring because i know for experience that when you start out in Tekken is always slow. I have a friend in Japan who loves Tekken to death and has won god knows how many tournaments and judging by his videos in youtube, battles are a lot more interesting than in this video. Just don't go expecting them to be as action oriented as other fighters.
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Commented on 2009-08-20 23:24:05 In reply to sbs1003
Posted by sbs1003
Just don't go expecting them to be as action oriented as other fighters.
...Welcome to nub county? Tekken has just as much intensity as any other fighter, and if youa re going to bring up the old "it's all about combos" argument, don't just don't get it :P
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Commented on 2009-08-21 03:36:14 In reply to Jollipop
Posted by Jollipop
It's still a step in the right direction from the ribbon hair in DOA4.
Dunno about that. This looks PS2 level of hair animation, ie same repated animation, little freedom etc.
At least DOA4's animation fitted the style of the graphics and character models.
You're right though, realistic hair animation isn't going to happen until next-gen most likely.
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Commented on 2009-08-21 03:52:26 In reply to Megido
Posted by Megido
...Welcome to nub county? Tekken has just as much intensity as any other fighter, and if youa re going to bring up the old "it's all about combos" argument, don't just don't get it :P
For the little i know about Tekken, more than action, it's tension what the player feels, like when he hesitates because he knows that any wrong move can seriously work against him. Pro Tekken players look like SF3 pro players, standing far from each other if they've come to the last round, but it looked like a lot of action was going on in SF3, not in Tekken.

And when you finally land a hit and make it into a juggle, well, you know, it's Tekken... Combo's just aren't it's strong point and though very damaging are really boring to watch as they are really slow.

Remembering my friend's youtube video, you could hear a crowd shouting just behind him when he accidentally was launched into his opponent's juggle, which makes me think that there is indeed people that consider Tekken to be full of action, or maybe they were just friends of the other guy...

So my conclusion. Tekken requires too much thinking to even start knowing the game. That alone makes it boring as hell to me, but maybe i'll try it one day, as it's probably the only fighter this generation i haven't yet.
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Commented on 2009-08-21 07:42:36
The joey has boxing gloves too?! That's hilarious! Never seen that before.
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Commented on 2009-08-21 11:15:04
sbs: yes, it's a lot of thinking because you need to trick your opponent in to a situation where you can launch and also keep yourself from being launched. You always try to play for a launch so that you can get a juggle in there. But this does not mean that there's no action involved. A lot of spacing and stepping and knowledge of frame data is required to play well, not to mention a quick left hand. Yes, one false move can mean up to 80 damage if you play against a good player though i heard they nerfed the combo damage a bit in Tekken 6.

The thing is that you aren't just cranking out combos, a juggle is payment for playing well. It's your reward for managing to launch and your punishment for letting yourself be launched.

Peking: see the big one is his mom and the small one is Roger jr. ;)
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Commented on 2009-08-28 08:06:26 In reply to PekingDuck13
Posted by PekingDuck13
The joey has boxing gloves too?! That's hilarious! Never seen that before.
Welcome to 2005.
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About the game
X360 PS3
Published by
Bandai Namco Ent...
Developed by
Bandai Namco Stu...

$135 of $400 per month

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