I thought I was (finally?) done with the videos from the Game Convention, but someone asked me about some Ratchet & Clank gameplay footage and it turns out that we indeed had some, even though I'm not totally happy with the image quality. I don't think you'll see anything new in there, as usual.

Commented on 2007-09-06 16:21:08
Nice thanks
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Commented on 2007-09-06 16:28:33
This message is in "Boulet Time" (TM), If you still *really* want to see it, click here

i want BG&E2, not this pap :<
Commented on 2007-09-06 16:28:48
awesome game and amazing graphics
ratchet will be one of the best platform game
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BlimBlim - Tyrannosaurus
Commented on 2007-09-06 16:31:24
acm2000, stop posting nonsense or trolling, last warning before a 2 weeks vacation.
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Commented on 2007-09-06 18:11:32
looks good but not as good as previous screens....would get this game...if i had ps3
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2007-09-06 18:18:30
This will probably be my first "child like" yet "to all ages" game I will purchase.
I did own Crash Bandicot years when the PSX era was famous (wow that was old times) but that was mainly for my sister.

But this one...its all me.
I just like the look of it, from art to graphics and all even the voice overs, reminds me of these 3D movies we keep seeing like Shrek, Finding Nemo, Ice Age...etc. (Ice Age and Finding Nemo being my favorites)

Anyway, a demo was confirmed so its gonna be a very cool :)
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Commented on 2007-09-06 18:40:41
I think this looks great, although it has took a slight downgrade since it's first appearance. But games always do that once the scale of it increases and they realize they cant quite get it run smoothly.

I like jak and daxter better, but so far no news on a nextgen release :(

Although a little shocker I found was crash bandicoot on the 360 but no word of ps3 release. Having said that the crash bandicoot formula is old and I don't think it can stand up against the likes of this and jak and daxter. But I havn't seen any footage of it so maybe they added new stuff.

So far though this is looking like the only must have platformer announced.
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Commented on 2007-09-06 18:55:40
overall it looks incredible i hope that the ps3 can count on this game not like lair^^
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Commented on 2007-09-06 19:10:23
Wow huge video, thanks Blim, looking forward to this game.
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Commented on 2007-09-06 19:18:26 In reply to Se777eN
I don't see the appeal. The game doesn't look exciting at all.
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Commented on 2007-09-06 20:14:42
this game is a must get for me.
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Commented on 2007-09-06 20:17:05
I never liked any of the earlier ratchet games so i don't think this is for me. But it looks like aiming is rather imprecise. Maybe the guy playing just sucks but after seeing him swing at the same monster 5 times and miss, i don't know.

Nice graphics though.
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Commented on 2007-09-06 21:40:53
This feels like Sly da future.
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Commented on 2007-09-07 02:15:37
Hey Blim, think you can reach further into your video bag and pull out some Killzone 2 footage? :p

As for this video, graphics look amazing, as usual. This may be my first R&C game purchase, I've never been into the "cute" or "mascot" type games before.
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Commented on 2007-09-07 07:24:25
looks awesome in the graphics dept. but gameplay looks way too linear to me. somehow looks more like a hack n' slash game than jump n' run... but it looks like the perfect no-brainer when you come home after work and need something simple to play and to relax.
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Commented on 2007-09-07 12:07:08 In reply to hat
Posted by hat
This feels like Sly da future.
dude i think sly cooper has always been better than rachet......i wish they made a new sly cooper :( i would have bough ps3 just for that
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Commented on 2007-09-07 12:26:01
Platform game of the decade back again and better then ever just pure fun, day one purchase for me.
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About the game
Published by
Sony Computer En...
Developed by
Insomniac Games

$135 of $400 per month

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