Video PS4

After more than 14 hours without any decent internet connexion, we are finally back online, ready to start with some Knack gameplay. 1080p version to come.
Update: 1080p version is up.

Commented on 2013-08-22 10:10:47
So in the background you can here some German being spoken...I don't think it sounds as harsh as everyone makes it out to be.
About the game: Reminds me of some old PS1 titles, gameplay-wise...which is a great thing.
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Commented on 2013-08-22 10:12:36
Even if it wouldnt turn out to be great I think it's great Sony actually investing in this type of games. They've always strived for a breadth that Microsoft really haven't. So it's needed.
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Commented on 2013-08-22 11:31:03 In reply to nepton
that's not true at all. Why do you think Rare have gotten so much stick this gen? MS have been the ones this gen taking the bigger gambles when you look back as a whole - viva piñata, Banjo, kameo? (rares first game)..hell even Kinect was a gamble and differed from the norm.

Sony have generally played it safe this gen by comparison.

It is nice to see something different from them though hitting the ps4's launch..even if it's very unlikely i'll pick it up. Probably be free on psn+ the second month.
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Commented on 2013-08-22 11:48:12 In reply to bleachedsmiles
Posted by bleachedsmiles
that's not true at all. Why do you think Rare have gotten so much stick this gen? MS have been the ones this gen taking the bigger gambles when you look back as a whole - viva piñata, Banjo, kameo? (rares first game)..hell even Kinect was a gamble and differed from the norm.

Sony have generally played it safe this gen by comparison.

It is nice to see something different from them though hitting the ps4's launch..even if it's very unlikely i'll pick it up. Probably be free on psn+ the second month.
i dunno, sony bet pretty big on the likes of heavy rain, journey, flower, LBP, the upcoming puppeteer and beyond. that's a lot of niche/dying genre's to throw money at. hardly playing it safe. and what's best is they've continued to do so throughout the entire generation. they never just stopped and fell back on a handful of anualised staple franchises.
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Commented on 2013-08-22 15:13:16
Did they bet big though? journey and flower where hardly huge investments- they did pay off though. LBP definitely counts, though...
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Commented on 2013-08-22 15:19:58
LBP was easily one of the best sleeper hits for the ps3. I really hope they put a lot of time into making sure that franchise continues to shine. LBP hub looks pretty cool so far as well. This game also looks like it might be at least fairly fun, not my cup of tea as much but who knows...
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Commented on 2013-08-22 15:38:08 In reply to Frozpot
Posted by Frozpot
Did they bet big though?
as much as MS did releasing viva pinata and banjo kazooie?...i'd say yes. difference being, betting on those risky games DIDN'T pay off for them. and it's why MS stopped trying and just released gears forza and halo each year.

i didn't even include stuff like eyepet and wonderbook, games that where deemed more important then more "mainstream" games like getaway and eight days

and there is the major game sony has bet pretty big on that will never sell well and is about as niche as it gets...last guardian. that's a money vacuum and it's still not out. but that's what draws me to sony. they continue to invest in variety. and then keep trying with them. team ico games don't sell very well no matter how amazing they are, if MS had release ICO i think ICO would have been all we'd got out of them. they'd have considered it a futile effort to continue making those sort of games and then released another halo instead. but for some people that's all they want. different strokes.
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Commented on 2013-08-22 16:02:05
Yeah, but with Eye Pet and Wonderbook, they definitely thought those were gonna have a larger appeal than they did. Did they ever make Eye Pet 2? Kinetimals was kinda the same deal, but it actually found an audience.

Last Guardian is a vacuum because of the developer, not because of a lack of interest by the core gamer. It's like Gran Tourissmo without guaranteed sales at the end, lol. An they have pretty much set it aside.

I'm not trying to say that Sony doesn't do that stuff anyway, just supporting that MS does back some risky thinking as well. They DID make another Viva Pinata too, before deciding the consumer wasn't into it.

The narrative is that they drop stuff, but they DO give them some room before they do. Unless you are talking about utter duds, but that would make sense.

Sony is backing a lot of these indies for a couple reasons. The main one being that there are some that do make oodles of money, and the other is the PR- which their recent conference made painfully obvious.

I just think they are beating the drum too hard, and it almost comes across as snarky and childish...
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Commented on 2013-08-22 16:06:03
Team ico doesn't sell well? I thought shadow of the colossus did pretty damn good. Doubt Sony would be making hd collections if profit wasn't to be had. Or is that why Sony is in so much financial trouble?
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Commented on 2013-08-22 16:34:22 In reply to Frozpot
Posted by Frozpot
Sony is backing a lot of these indies for a couple reasons. The main one being that there are some that do make oodles of money, and the other is the PR- which their recent conference made painfully obvious.

I just think they are beating the drum too hard, and it almost comes across as snarky and childish...
i think sony are supporting indies so heavily becasue they know they will be the bread and butter of next gen. middle tier devs are going to fade away. you'll have massive budget games that sell amazingly, and you'll have super low budget, almost retro styled experiences that sell moderately well. the days of publishers throwing tons of money at an unproven dev or and unproven license are gone. sony know this. and are going after the people who will fill in the gaps between the big franchise titles...they already have the meaty filling with naughty dog and santamonica, and guerrilla etc, they're now after the bread and butter. makes sense.
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About the game
Published by
Sony Computer En...
Developed by
SIE Japan Studio

$135 of $400 per month

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