Video PC PS4 Xbox One

This second to last video from Gamescom will take you for a drive in Saint Louis behind the wheel of one of The Crew's 4x4. It's a short extract but it should still give you a nice taste of the game's free riding mode. You can see that the streets can be pretty busy, which should help make Ivory Tower's game more immersive. As the build we filmed was not final, you may catch a few technical problems here and there, but from what we saw last week, there have been some nice graphics improvements over what was shown at E3 a few months ago. We liked the nice lighting effects when driving down Fremont street, Las Vegas, or the sense of overwhelming height the skyscrapers convey. Filming isn't usually allowed during Behind Closed Doors presentations, so we want to thank the developers and Ubisoft once again. Because we love the idea of cruising around the US freely, our expectations are high, but so far, we like what we've seen.

Note: There is no sound in the video because we had some technical problems with the camera when we filmed the footage.
Commented on 2013-08-26 23:43:03
Well, I live and work in St. Louis... that barely resembles St. Louis.

I'm guessing most representations of cities, in racing games are like that.
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Commented on 2013-08-27 02:35:00
This game needs a LOT of work.
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Driftwood - Dictateur en chef
Commented on 2013-08-27 09:58:23 In reply to KORNdog
Well, a LOT less than Drive Club from what I've seen and played. Still you seem to be a lot more comprehensive with Sony's exclusive. ;p

I think both games are promising in their own respective way, though to me The Crew has more potential considering its scale, but that is entirely personal. Now it doesn't mean everything is perfect yet, but from my experience, the game is shaping up well in terms of content, possibilities and even technically speaking. Now maybe I'm wrong and I'll be disappointed but I don't see why you don't share the same fear regarding Evolution's game, which is closer to launch and hasn't convinced me yet personally. I'm looking forward to playing Drive Club when it's done though, a lot more than NFS Rivals, which just look like another NFS game.
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Commented on 2013-08-27 11:38:34
Looks interesting. About Drivers Club.....looks great, but I expected something more focused on driving. Its like Burnout. Fantasy speeds and terrible handling. :-I
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Commented on 2013-08-27 13:49:10 In reply to Driftwood
You know what this really reminds me of here, Midtown Madness! Remember that?

And before anybody get's their knickers in a twist (which given its lack of sony exclusivity i'll probably be safe in) i'm not saying it should be retitled Midtown Madness, that it plays exactly like it ect Just that this vid reminds me of it
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Commented on 2013-08-27 14:48:20 In reply to Driftwood
Posted by Driftwood
Well, a LOT less than Drive Club from what I've seen and played. Still you seem to be a lot more comprehensive with Sony's exclusive. ;p

I think both games are promising in their own respective way, though to me The Crew has more potential considering its scale, but that is entirely personal. Now it doesn't mean everything is perfect yet, but from my experience, the game is shaping up well in terms of content, possibilities and even technically speaking. Now maybe I'm wrong and I'll be disappointed but I don't see why you don't share the same fear regarding Evolution's game, which is closer to launch and hasn't convinced me yet personally. I'm looking forward to playing Drive Club when it's done though, a lot more than NFS Rivals, which just look like another NFS game.
It just looks super unpolished and super uninteresting. Non of these racers look impressive to me visually, hell, the best visual nicety that's made me take notice is the dash reflecting in the windshield in forza and driveclub. Not driveclub, not forza, not NFS. They look better then current gen, sure, but a lot of it is IQ rather then graphical "wow" factor. Half of them still fall back on baked shadows and crappy textures. The thing is, with those games i can still see the fun in driving a car even if visually they're not doing much for me, be it the arcade crazyness of NFS, the semi sim nature of forza or the middle ground of driveclub.

This however, this just looks unbelievably boring. They've basically done a typical, staple ubisoft. Lets make a massive world that is about as interesting to traverse as watching paint dry. Visually it looks like crap too. Like an upressed driver san fran. An empty, lifeless world with non of the intricacies needed to make it seem believable. The best thing i've seen from the game is the car customisation, and that is less about what you can do and more the exploded aesthetic of it. The rest? Well, the rest probably shouldn't have been shown until it looked interesting to play.

But as you said yourself. That is entirely personal.
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Commented on 2013-08-27 17:44:47
This actually reminds me of the old AM2 arcade games. I don't know why, I just get that vibe from it, like it belongs in an arcade or something, designed to hold your attention for no longer than 10 minutes.
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Commented on 2013-08-27 20:40:34 In reply to bleachedsmiles
Posted by bleachedsmiles
You know what this really reminds me of here, Midtown Madness! Remember that?

And before anybody get's their knickers in a twist (which given its lack of sony exclusivity i'll probably be safe in) i'm not saying it should be retitled Midtown Madness, that it plays exactly like it ect Just that this vid reminds me of it
This had me cracking up lol, that thread got carried away really quick
Anyhow, much like evolution's game this looks like it has a lot of work left to be done before it can offer something special. Seems that the racing genre is gonna be sorely lacking (other than Forza, but I'm probably not getting an Xbox one on launch). NFS looks ok but it also looks very generic and been there done that.

If this can really make truly good use of scale and cities it make be good but so far I have yet to see anything very promising.
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Commented on 2013-08-27 22:12:43 In reply to Nietzsche
heh yeah, its the most attention Ridge Ra...eeer I mean Drive club's ever gotten on this place. Talk about taking something out of context and running away with it.

Midtown madness though, its funny this is the first pic that pops up on google..
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About the game
Published by
Developed by
Ivory Tower

$135 of $400 per month

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