Images Vita

Sony Computer Entertainment has published a batch of new screenshots for PS Vita title, Gravity Rush. The game will be available in February 2012.


  • Some New Gravity Rush Screens - Artworks
  • Some New Gravity Rush Screens - Artworks


  • Some New Gravity Rush Screens - Images
  • Some New Gravity Rush Screens - Images
  • Some New Gravity Rush Screens - Images
  • Some New Gravity Rush Screens - Images
  • Some New Gravity Rush Screens - Images
Commented on 2011-11-30 22:55:09
Best looking game on the Vita in my opinion
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Commented on 2011-11-30 23:06:07
Nice art style, but it's too bad the Vita will be dead on arrival, as the 3DS was.

Dedicated handhelds have had their day, it's all over for them.
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Commented on 2011-12-01 00:40:24
Agreed best looking Vita game for me too, love the style!

What are you smoking dude, dead on arrival lol
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Commented on 2011-12-01 17:44:22 In reply to moroboshi
Does indeed look beatiful, even if it doesn't necessarily show what the Vita can accomplish graphics-wise.
Posted by moroboshi
Nice art style, but it's too bad the Vita will be dead on arrival, as the 3DS was.

Dedicated handhelds have had their day, it's all over for them.
Actually, dedicated handhelds are the future. It's consoles that are bound to disappear (give them 1-2 more generations max).

The reason is simple:

Even if they can manage to put more power on a console each and everytime and actually develop games that take advantage of that power, there is just so much money developers can put in a game without raising the overall price of the games.

So the future of the consoles is to reach a certain point where they will stop developing further and just become cheaper, while the real business will be with portables which will not only not have tapped their full potential, but neither will their games be as expensive to produce.

Still, portables will keep on developing until one day your PSVita 3 will indeen be as powerful as your PS5, cost the same to produce, be able to plug it to your monitor and take it with you anytime you want. I'd go as far as to say that when this day comes (which will probably be around 15-20 years from now) consoles will either be permanently be discontinued or have an evolution towards massive game centers.

Either way, consoles will cease to exist. Portables are here to stay.
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About the game
Published by
Sony Computer En...
Developed by
Team Siren

$135 of $400 per month

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