Xbox 360 PS3

SEGA offers a couple of new images for its horror videogame Condemned 2: Bloodshot in preparation on the Playstation 3 and Xbox 360. I have some bad news for you guys, as it has been pushed back once again. You will have to wait until April the 4th before getting your hands on it.
Update: Gallery names were mixed up and are now fixed.

6 X360 Images

  • Images de Condemned 2 - 6 X360 Images
  • Images de Condemned 2 - 6 X360 Images
  • Images de Condemned 2 - 6 X360 Images
  • Images de Condemned 2 - 6 X360 Images
  • Images de Condemned 2 - 6 X360 Images
  • Images de Condemned 2 - 6 X360 Images

6 PS3 Images

  • Images de Condemned 2 - 6 PS3 Images
  • Images de Condemned 2 - 6 PS3 Images
  • Images de Condemned 2 - 6 PS3 Images
  • Images de Condemned 2 - 6 PS3 Images
  • Images de Condemned 2 - 6 PS3 Images
  • Images de Condemned 2 - 6 PS3 Images
Commented on 2008-03-09 06:17:30
see, i said both versions look as equally as bland as each other. it was just the capture choices that made them out to be different. i mean, the ps3 version in this set comes across as bing the most colourfull, but we all know the 360 has those environments too.

games look the same on each console, and play the same. both equally as dated as the other. still want it tho. but its a rental for me. despite loving the first one.
In reply to
Commented on 2008-03-09 06:17:33
I believe you reversed the PS3/360 picture tags cuz the same pics were on with different tags. Also, grain filter for both sets is ugh. They should definitely do away with it. Anyway, is this delay only for Europe or something?
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Commented on 2008-03-09 06:19:40
Is this delay for Europe or USA? Because every US store still says it's on track for March 11th, nor have any C2 forum mods I've met mentioned anything about a delay.
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Commented on 2008-03-09 06:28:52
i know the game was delayed, but everywhere i look it says the 28th of march. whats the point in that extra week if the yanks are getting it before hand?
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Commented on 2008-03-09 07:58:36 In reply to jackdoe
Posted by jackdoe
I believe you reversed the PS3/360 picture tags cuz the same pics were on with different tags. Also, grain filter for both sets is ugh. They should definitely do away with it. Anyway, is this delay only for Europe or something?
one of the two sites did , but which one is telling the truth?

is kotaku lying or is it gamersyde? , all i know that one of the two might be trying to lie that one is superior than the other , but im sure the 360 version will look better as always have.
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Commented on 2008-03-09 10:59:52 In reply to XSAVAGE
Posted by XSAVAGE
one of the two sites did , but which one is telling the truth?

is kotaku lying or is it gamersyde? , all i know that one of the two might be trying to lie that one is superior than the other , but im sure the 360 version will look better as always have.
you seriously think one of the websites is "lying"? what do they have to gain or lose? it was obviously a mistake...
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Commented on 2008-03-09 11:08:50
You can hardly accuse Condemned of being dated, it does what it does well from the gameplay videos we've seen. In motion it looks pretty superb. There's no first person game that actually matches the hand and weapon combat and intensity even now, plus this one apparently has a removable HUD too. Which is good because I really haven't like what I've seen from that...

I do wish they'd stop trying to do natural environments in engines obviously not built for it, though. Sure it breaks up the monotony to do so, but it can be an immersion breaker!
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Commented on 2008-03-09 12:12:30
The delay is just in Europe right?

Im gonna buy the game from at the releaese (11th march)... Then I'ill get it both earlier and cheaper than here :P
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Commented on 2008-03-09 13:01:09
The PS3 Version looks pretty cool !
The 360 Pictures seem to show some scenes where the Player ist hit.
In such a case the Game uses some Kind of Blur or Filter.
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Commented on 2008-03-09 14:06:01
I guess Gamersyde mixed the screens up. This slight sepia tone often occurs when you grab a screenshot from the PS3.

Nevertheless, this game will be awesome. Can't wait to sneak through dark corridors and get into handfights again!
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Manager - Shemale
Commented on 2008-03-09 16:00:51
Yep, he had mixed up the gallery names. It's fixed now, thanks for the headsup.
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Doom_Bringer - I have terrible taste
Commented on 2008-03-09 17:13:06
the FEAR engine hasn't aged well
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Commented on 2008-03-09 17:15:25
360 looks much better
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Commented on 2008-03-09 17:50:37
lol, the PS3-version looks like crap >_< Why do developers keep having problem with programming on the ps3? I don't get it, every single multi-platform-game is looking better on the 360.
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Commented on 2008-03-09 18:33:26
That armored guy must be a bitch to kill o.O
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Commented on 2008-03-09 19:31:16 In reply to ZeppSWE
Posted by ZeppSWE
lol, the PS3-version looks like crap >_< Why do developers keep having problem with programming on the ps3? I don't get it, every single multi-platform-game is looking better on the 360.
tbh pic 1 of 360 and pic 1 of the ps3 look equally as shit as each other, low res texture...check, low poly count...check, overaly dark, bland environments....check. same shitty engine used for the same game. fact is the engine just hasnt aged well, they need to either licence an exsiting one from someone, or build a new one themselves. cos this engine should have died shortly after the first condemned.
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Commented on 2008-03-09 20:05:09 In reply to ZeppSWE
Posted by ZeppSWE
lol, the PS3-version looks like crap >_< Why do developers keep having problem with programming on the ps3? I don't get it, every single multi-platform-game is looking better on the 360.
I think I know why....

Read this interview with programming god Tim Sweeney of Epic Games,
What we've found in this generation--and here are some scary numbers--is that writing an engine system designed for multicores, that can scale to multiple threads efficiently, takes about double the efforts as single threaded. It takes double the design effort, implementation effort, lifetime support effort, debugging...all the costs metrics multiplied by a factor of two for multicores. That's pretty expensive, but ends up being bearable.

Whereas, some of the other hardware trends are even worse than that, like programming for Cell, we found, had a [five-times] productivity divisor. It's five times harder.
In conclusion, Cell is potentially more powerful, but will never be harnessed (as Sony has also admitted). Most games on PS3, if given the same development time and money, are technically running on weaker hardware. And according to development God Tim Sweeney, maybe up to to fifth weaker, which more than explains why the majority of games look and run better on 360. This trend won't change any time soon.

Just look at how much extra time and money Rockstar have had to put into GTA4, and it's STILL not out. Now Condemned is delayed. What's next? Who knew the more "powerful" console would delay so many 360 games.

What I'd like to know is how much extra time and money Infinityward spend on getting the PS3 version of COD4 running up to 360 's level.
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Commented on 2008-03-09 22:28:24
Hey guys, how about posting some Brawl footage? I want to see that new adventure mode.

Oh yeah, textures, AA, next-gen, etc etc.
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Kudgel - Bernard Pavot
Commented on 2008-03-09 23:11:36
My main source was Kotaku
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Commented on 2008-03-09 23:18:59 In reply to Getpwned
Posted by Getpwned
In conclusion, Cell is potentially more powerful, but will never be harnessed (as Sony has also admitted). Most games on PS3, if given the same development time and money, are technically running on weaker hardware. And according to development God Tim Sweeney, maybe up to to fifth weaker, which more than explains why the majority of games look and run better on 360. This trend won't change any time soon.

Just look at how much extra time and money Rockstar have had to put into GTA4, and it's STILL not out. Now Condemned is delayed. What's next? Who knew the more "powerful" console would delay so many 360 games.

What I'd like to know is how much extra time and money Infinityward spend on getting the PS3 version of COD4 running up to 360 's level.
the thing with infinity ward is that they did it RIGHT, they had 2 teams working on the game to make sure everything ran how it should. games like these arnt developed in unison for each version. its dev'd on the 360 and PORTED over. and for much the same reason PC ports on the 360 kinda suck (quake, prey etc) they suck on the ps3 too since they just arnt optimised enough. thankfully, if lucas arts is to be believed, the primary dev platform is going to switch to the ps3. since the porting process to the 360 is far less painfull.

either way tho its an insignificant issue when it comes to condemned cos the game looks crap on both consoles.
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Commented on 2008-03-10 14:27:34
In pic #4, what's Sam Fisher doing, I thought he was supposed to be working on Conviction!
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Commented on 2008-03-10 19:08:40 In reply to Getpwned
Posted by Getpwned
I think I know why....

In conclusion, Cell is potentially more powerful, but will never be harnessed (as Sony has also admitted). Most games on PS3, if given the same development time and money, are technically running on weaker hardware. And according to development God Tim Sweeney, maybe up to to fifth weaker, which more than explains why the majority of games look and run better on 360. This trend won't change any time soon.

Just look at how much extra time and money Rockstar have had to put into GTA4, and it's STILL not out. Now Condemned is delayed. What's next? Who knew the more "powerful" console would delay so many 360 games.

What I'd like to know is how much extra time and money Infinityward spend on getting the PS3 version of COD4 running up to 360 's level.
No, I don't think you know why.

1. Your quote is from an Xbox site.
2 Instead of what Tim Sweeney told us he'd better told us about that he has absolutely no experience in PS3s Cell Programming at all and maybe never ever will.
All he thinks to know about is something he heared from others.

Look at Infinity Wards and Cod4.
They did it very right, worked in two Teams instead of doing a dumb 360>PS3 Port and earned a Great Hit on both Consoles!

Tim Sweeney only knows how to work on the 360 so all other statements of how much time it takes to programm for the PS3 are pure speculations.

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Commented on 2008-03-10 21:13:06 In reply to Slayer2000
Posted by KORNdog
the thing with infinity ward is that they did it RIGHT, they had 2 teams working on the game to make sure everything ran how it should.


either way tho its an insignificant issue when it comes to condemned cos the game looks crap on both consoles.

I don't know what's with these latest screens. They do look pretty bad. I agree with that. But they've also released some very impressive screens as of late. But, so far, all of the PS3 screens have been trailing behind, which is confusing.

As for Infinity Ward, yes, they did do it right. I agree completely. One team made the 360 version, and another team was paid much more and took longer to make the PS3 version. If that's what it takes, so be it.
Posted by Slayer2000
No, I don't think you know why.

1. Your quote is from an Xbox site.
2 Instead of what Tim Sweeney told us he'd better told us about that he has absolutely no experience in PS3s Cell Programming at all and maybe never ever will.
All he thinks to know about is something he heared from others.

Look at Infinity Wards and Cod4.
They did it very right, worked in two Teams instead of doing a dumb 360>PS3 Port and earned a Great Hit on both Consoles!

Tim Sweeney only knows how to work on the 360 so all other statements of how much time it takes to programm for the PS3 are pure speculations.
Uhhhh, no? Never heard of UT3? So, who programmed that? You sound pretty uninformed. No offense, but do you have any idea what you're talking about? And then you claim it's NOT harder to program for the PS3. Have you not seen any of the games? What about the cross-platform games? And you missed the entire point about COD4. The point was, that it may have been up to 360's level, but at what extra cost financially, and will more devs want, or even be able to, do that or put that kind of extra time into something like that? That's the question. That's the whole point here.

And what does it coming from one of the top Xbox sites have to do with anything? The quote is from TIM SWEENEY, one of the top programmers alive, right next to Carmack. He makes and sells games on both platforms. So please. You're embarrassing yourself. Think about that next time you decide to be a raging fanboy in front of everyone. Thanks for signing-up just to do that :) The point is, programming Man God Tim Sweeney made a game for each platform, and he admits that programming for PS3 is around 5 times harder. Take from that what you will.

Read it again if you're still having trouble.
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Commented on 2008-03-10 23:37:47 In reply to Sinisterskull
Posted by Sinisterskull
In pic #4, what's Sam Fisher doing, I thought he was supposed to be working on Conviction!
Lol, so true.

And please guys, knock it off with the 360 vs PS3 debates, or I'll send the Techno Viking after you! ;P
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About the game
X360 PS3
Published by
Developed by
Monolith Product...

$135 of $400 per month

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