Sony released these two long and very interesting videos of InFamous where the developers talk about the game's engine and graphics/sound effects. Very nice stuff.

Commented on 2009-05-12 18:56:36
Still on the fence on whether I should go for this or prototype.

Somehow, with all the movies and information, I still feel I know little about them.

In reply to
Commented on 2009-05-12 19:07:09
well, IGN gave this game (US/UK/AU) 9.2/9.0/8.6
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Commented on 2009-05-12 19:13:41
Yeah, and the demo is absolutely awesome! Day 1!
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Commented on 2009-05-12 19:58:37
The problem about most open-world games is, that the level design is pretty ugly if you look at specific points, corners... walls and so on.
But that seems to be different in this game. Even though it is a really big (open) world you have little edges at the walls where you can climb up, you can see through windows to the inside, there are many many details in nearly every corner of what i've seen. The level design is just beautiful. And it's not really easy to create a huge authentic city.
Also (as in most exclusive titles for both consoles) the graphics look really stunning good.^^ Many many particle effects, good lightning. I think I saw specular mapping everywhere. I really want to play the game.
And the gameplay looks awesome too. You seem to be able to do really cool moves with just some easy commands. As said in the video it must be really addictive.
And the music seems to be a masterpiece without a question.
But I can really just judge, when i finally can play the demo or the full game. q.q

But I already think it's absolutely clear, that I'm getting this one.

Oh and I can't really decide between this and prototype, because I'm more and more thinking, they are really different.
In reply to
Commented on 2009-05-12 21:34:24
the demo of this game was great, cannot wait to get my CE through the door

thanks for sharing the video Blim
In reply to
Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2009-05-12 21:57:22
I decided not to get it because I can't afford alot of my most wanted titles this year, so I have to be more tactical and buy the ones that I am really looking forward to and thats NGS2 and AC2 (if its out this year).

But the more I see Prototype these days and played inFAMOUS, even though Cole's power are cooler, Alex's style is more my type. He delivers that intensity, chaotic badass character that I always like.

But even that game, I am still unsure if I will like it with the whole destroy and kill in hours and hours.

But for those who are gonna buy inFAMOUS, good to know that the game is getting good reviews so far.
In reply to
Commented on 2009-05-12 22:10:56
i absolutely love the platforming element of inFAMOUS. i can't freaking wait. too bad you have to miss out on it sath, i know exactly how you feel, too many games and too little money and time. :)
In reply to
Commented on 2009-05-12 22:22:43 In reply to jmd749
Posted by jmd749
i absolutely love the platforming element of inFAMOUS. i can't freaking wait.
same here man, same here. good to see the game getting good reviews tho. the game definately deserves it going by the demo.

by far the most fun i've had with an open world game for a long long time. it doesnt have that cinematic atmosphere and immersion that something like GTA4 has, but in terms of fun it's second to non atm. crackdown was in my top spot, but the scalability and jungle gym like quality of the city just edges it ahead.

i'm really looking forward to it.
In reply to
Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2009-05-12 22:32:45
Don't get me wrong, the game is solid and fun, but considering I don't have much money to spend I have to draw a line between fun and amazing and replayvalue on my purchases, and inFAMOUS and maybe even Prototype isn't on the list.

But I am a guy who appreciate a badass character (Ryu Hayabusa) and between Cole and Alex, Alex got the upper hand to make you feel like a badass and look cool while doing it.

But still, who knows, I have yet to see what Prototype has to offer in terms of value in the game, and I am talking about if it has upgrades, new game+...etc. anything like that.

But inFAMOUS is good though, for those that has money to spend on it and still have money to get other games, I don't, unfortunetly.
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Commented on 2009-05-12 22:54:48
Amon Tobin, my hero!!! :)
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GangStarr - Inhibited Sony Lover
Commented on 2009-05-12 23:33:22
(in the power video) why do they keep talking about the PS3 rather then the game? :| its kinda funny....
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Commented on 2009-05-12 23:42:39 In reply to GangStarr
Yeah, the mandatory "crawl up Sony's ass" marketing vid from a 1st party Sony dev! Expect to see plenty more this year from Naughty Dogg and Insomniac. Really annoying, but oh well...

Game does look good though, except for the animations which oddly enough, they seem very proud off. :|
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Commented on 2009-05-13 01:02:20
lmao.... OMG the power of the ps3.... why do they have to point out PS3 PS3 PS3 .... god just talk about your game.

As for it can only run on the ps3. well you would say when you have never run the game A PC 360 or Wii

very sad when the game looks and plays really well
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Commented on 2009-05-13 09:04:22
After reading some reviews, this surely looks like a must buy. Sounds a very solid title, but with Prototype coming out early next month ... Probably will wait a bit and choose the better one.
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Commented on 2009-05-13 09:14:02
Before anyone crucifies me, I have to say this game looks immensely enjoyable and as such I've put in my pre-order at GAME already just on the basis of GTTV's video preview and the three IGN text reviews.

Now that's out of the way, I have to agree with type105x about how exclusive developers love to big up the PS3 as the machine that can run games other consoles can't. Well obviously that is true of the Wii without a doubt but certainly not the Xbox 360. Having seen the footage of inFamous, it doesn't look like it is doing anything that the 360 can't handle and one thing I am sure of, is that if it *was* running on the 360, it wouldn't look that jaggy! Note: I'm not that bothered about those as I'd rather have a smooth, tear-free framerate, thank you very much, just pointing out the one area where the 360 usually beats the PS3, hands down, namely AA.
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Commented on 2009-05-13 10:42:35
Class A videos, thanks gamersyde. everything about this game is shaping up great. CGReviews writes:
..."So, what happens when you combine the destructive sense of power of Grand Theft Auto with the scalable environments of Assassin's Creed? Well, you get to run around in the greatest sandbox of all time."

its pure fun and mayhem, reviewers say it has one of the most addictively caliberated gameplay ever where you totally feel every move, jump or kick, complete with most suitable animations for every move. day 1 for me.
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Commented on 2009-05-13 13:44:06
Amon Tobin?!?!

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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2009-05-13 13:46:52
Actually its 3 composers doing a collab together.

Amon Tobin, James (Jim) Dooley and Martin Tillman. I like some of Jim Dooley's previous tracks he has done, very nice. One was used in the first Fable 1 trailer.
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Commented on 2009-05-13 16:09:50
i think the only reason these vids "big up the ps3" and claim it can only be achieved on PS3 is because generally's true. the architecture of each machine is so different it would be impossible to simply throw the code at the 360 and expect it to work...and in that regard, they're telling the truth. the reason these games wont run on a 360 isnt becasue it isnt capable graphically, but it's becasue of the way the games have been created in the first place.

if you've designed a game/engine specifically for a single console, to take adventages of it's strenghts, it's going to be difficult to port it over to another machine without problems.

either way it's just the typical case of an exclusive dev praising the console they're working on, but it isnt like sony are the only ones who do it.
In reply to
Commented on 2009-05-13 16:18:52 In reply to KORNdog
Posted by KORNdog
i think the only reason these vids "big up the ps3" and claim it can only be achieved on PS3 is because generally's true. the architecture of each machine is so different it would be impossible to simply throw the code at the 360 and expect it to work...and in that regard, they're telling the truth. the reason these games wont run on a 360 isnt becasue it isnt capable graphically, but it's becasue of the way the games have been created in the first place.

if you've designed a game/engine specifically for a single console, to take adventages of it's strenghts, it's going to be difficult to port it over to another machine without problems.

either way it's just the typical case of an exclusive dev praising the console they're working on, but it isnt like sony are the only ones who do it.
If this game would have been a xbox360 exclusive, i'm pretty sure they could have made the exact same game while praising the 360's unique capabilities. Although it looks pretty amazing, it's nothing the 360 wouldn't be able to handle.
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Commented on 2009-05-13 16:23:30 In reply to KORNdog
Posted by KORNdog
i think the only reason these vids "big up the ps3" and claim it can only be achieved on PS3 is because generally's true. the architecture of each machine is so different it would be impossible to simply throw the code at the 360 and expect it to work...and in that regard, they're telling the truth.
Nobody except devious PR folks would say that game X couldn't be done on console Y while implying that it's because game X wasn't coded to run on console Y instead of it being a matter of console Y not being powerful enough, nor do the PR folks expect anybody else to interpret their statement as such.

This game could definitely be achieved on the 360.*

*Assuming it is coded for it.
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Commented on 2009-05-13 17:14:03 In reply to KORNdog
Posted by KORNdog
i think the only reason these vids "big up the ps3" and claim it can only be achieved on PS3 is because generally's true. the architecture of each machine is so different it would be impossible to simply throw the code at the 360 and expect it to work...and in that regard, they're telling the truth. the reason these games wont run on a 360 isnt becasue it isnt capable graphically, but it's becasue of the way the games have been created in the first place.

if you've designed a game/engine specifically for a single console, to take adventages of it's strenghts, it's going to be difficult to port it over to another machine without problems.

either way it's just the typical case of an exclusive dev praising the console they're working on, but it isnt like sony are the only ones who do it.
That's the kinda BS these devs need to quit talking. I could write an app for the ZX Spectrum right now and say "it wouldn't work on PS3" and it'd be entirely true. Burn it to Blu-Ray, stick it in the console and OMG! PS3 is powerless to decipher my incredible code!
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Commented on 2009-05-13 17:42:20 In reply to IIGrayFoxII
Posted by IIGrayFoxII
Still on the fence on whether I should go for this or prototype.
Posted by CycloneFox
Oh and I can't really decide between this and prototype, because I'm more and more thinking, they are really different.
Posted by Sath
I decided not to get it because I can't afford alot of my most wanted titles this year, so I have to be more tactical and buy the ones that I am really looking forward to
Posted by romeolives
but with Prototype coming out early next month ... Probably will wait a bit
Why does it always have to be either or? Why not just get both?

Yeah, yeah. I know. It's the old, "I don't have enough money to buy all the games I want," excuse. And people call me crazy for renting.

You know why I love renting so much? I can actually afford to play every last game I want. It's never a question of either or, I just pay my $25 every month, and play every game I want to play for as long as I want to play them. Sure as hell beats actually paying $60 for each and every game I play. If I paid for all my games like most of you guys, I would be out of $387 for the month of May alone. That's Velvet Assassin, Sacred 2, Bionic Commando, InFamous, FUEL and Damnation, all for the low price of $25 (including the tax and shipping). I save $362 this month, and still get to play every game I want to play.

Same for next month. What do we got? Red Faction: Guerrilla, Prototype, Virtua Tennis 2009, Overlord 2 and Ghostbusters. That'll cost everyone else ~$323 - still only cost me $25. Why pull your hair out over having to sacrifice games because you cannot afford them all?

Here, let me help you: Sign Up For a GameFly Account Now and play both InFamous and Prototype . . . I know I will.
In reply to
Commented on 2009-05-13 18:06:26 In reply to FreeSwag
Posted by FreeSwag
Why does it always have to be either or? Why not just get both?
X2 for renting. People really seem to forget that it's an option.
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About the game
Published by
Sony Computer En...
Developed by
Sucker Punch

$135 of $400 per month

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