I've finally managed to find a good quality version of the InFamous trailer available elsewhere since a few days. And since the trailer is excellent, it was worth the wait!

Commented on 2009-05-02 18:21:44
erm...dam, the 1st infamous trailer I've liked andnot made me despise the game, hell that trailer made it look fun all the others bored me stiff.
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Commented on 2009-05-02 18:23:39
Just 24 days left. Gonna be a nice late B-day gift :)
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Commented on 2009-05-02 18:27:48
can't wait, i really hope i get the uncharted beta with it.

HEY KORNdog, if you see this, will the beta come with infamous if i order it from shopto??? or is it a exclusive???
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Commented on 2009-05-02 18:37:31 In reply to jmd749
Posted by jmd749
can't wait, i really hope i get the uncharted beta with it.

HEY KORNdog, if you see this, will the beta come with infamous if i order it from shopto??? or is it a exclusive???
seems like it is a exclusive, which kinda sucks since they are not only more expensive, but slower at delivering. but there is no way i'm missing out on playing unchated 2 online. no way in hell.
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Commented on 2009-05-02 18:39:52
i'm finding it really hard to pay the extra £ but i really freaking want to play in that U2 beta.

EDIT: look at what i just found :)
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Commented on 2009-05-02 18:43:11 In reply to jmd749
Posted by jmd749
i'm finding it really hard to pay the extra £ but i really freaking want to play in that U2 beta.
it is pretty rediculous having to pay that much more tbh. but it's the only way to play the beta. i'm holding off pre-ordering for now anyway. there seems to be a limited edition on the horizon which i hope we get.
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Commented on 2009-05-02 18:43:49 In reply to KORNdog
Posted by KORNdog
it is pretty rediculous having to pay that much more tbh. but it's the only way to play the beta. i'm holding off pre-ordering for now anyway. there seems to be a limited edition on the horizon which i hope we get.

i just pre-ordered my special edition version. :)

it comes with
Limited Special Edition Contents

# Special ‘celebratory’ digipack packaging

# Includes an artwork book

# Includes a PSN promotional code giving players a bonus super-power in the game

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Commented on 2009-05-02 18:47:19
Nice... buy Uncharted beta, get free some game.
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Commented on 2009-05-02 19:15:48 In reply to jesuschrist
Posted by jesuschrist
Nice... buy Uncharted beta, get free some game.
nicely constructed sentence

@ jmd749 - yeah, thats why i'm hoping will get the digipack version. cos at least then i can get the best of both worlds without having to choose between the additional power or the uncharted 2 beta.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2009-05-02 19:42:05
Looks so good and organized and sleek.
But what I want to know is, what are they gonna offer in terms of replayvalue?

Wolverine has Challenge mode like Batman, but games like this is hard to find any replayvalue in it unless you love to replay games from start with everything on zero.

I personally am not into trophies, what I want to know is this, can you play a new game or continue to have fun within the world once you complete the game with all your powers attached and maxed out the way you ended it?

If that is possible, then its all good, very good.

I mean sure, the good and evil endings and way of the world is very good replayvalue of its own, but what about after that?

I hope they add that new game+ thing in the game, or they have ALOT of side missions, sub missions...etc. just to keep you going.

And one thing they should add is alot of bonus content, like for example bonus outfits so we don't get bored of looking at the same outfit all the time.

But the demo is out within 3-4 weeks (21st) and I can't wait to try it out, hopefully the controlls are responsive and the gameplay is alot of fun.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2009-05-02 19:44:55 In reply to KORNdog
Posted by KORNdog
but it's the only way to play the beta
Actually no, atleast in EU.
According to Sony/Sucker Punch they are gonna release new info for us EUROPEANS on how to get into the beta as well that starts in June.

It can be within PSN store, pre-order or giveaways.
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Commented on 2009-05-02 20:31:01 In reply to Sath
Posted by Sath
Looks so good and organized and sleek.
But what I want to know is, what are they gonna offer in terms of replayvalue?

Wolverine has Challenge mode like Batman, but games like this is hard to find any replayvalue in it unless you love to replay games from start with everything on zero.

I personally am not into trophies, what I want to know is this, can you play a new game or continue to have fun within the world once you complete the game with all your powers attached and maxed out the way you ended it?

If that is possible, then its all good, very good.

I mean sure, the good and evil endings and way of the world is very good replayvalue of its own, but what about after that?

I hope they add that new game+ thing in the game, or they have ALOT of side missions, sub missions...etc. just to keep you going.

And one thing they should add is alot of bonus content, like for example bonus outfits so we don't get bored of looking at the same outfit all the time.

But the demo is out within 3-4 weeks (21st) and I can't wait to try it out, hopefully the controlls are responsive and the gameplay is alot of fun.
it has something like 100 side missions (which i expect to be reletively repetative compared to the main story) and you have the shards to collect (which increase health and abilities much like agility orbs) so there IS stuff to do outside of the missions...but in terms of the wolverine/batman style additions like the challenge rooms. it wouldnt work too well in an open world game. what you get in exchange for that sort of confined room, is additional side missions. like in GTA you have assassination, police and taxi missions, things to divert your attention for a little while but dont necessarily hold much substance.

in terms of actual replayability, the only think infamous seems to offer is the good/bad options. personally i'll probably play through twice simply to experience the game with all good abilities completely maxed out, and then again with all evil abilities completely maxed out.
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Commented on 2009-05-02 20:53:53
lol Sony pulled a Kanes Wrath (Red Alert 3 beta)/ Crackdown (Halo 3 beta) with this one. The only difference is that Uncharted and Infamous are two good games, whereas in the other deals both games are shit :p
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2009-05-02 20:59:01
But they should atleast let us play it as a new game+ then I wouldn't mind that.
I know challenge mode COULD work, but it needs heavy thought of how to do it to make it fun and fresh.

I don't have enough money to throw around, so if I don't buy either inFAMOUS or Prototype (leaning more towards inFAMOUS at the moment) then I won't buy anything until NGS2 which is unkown when within fall.

So I have to know what kind of a replayvalue it has except the good and evil sides. I seriously don't think it will have around 100 side missions, but what is so interesting to me is it will have somewhat 70 powers.
70 unique powers within good and evil and its own twists.

What I want is once I finish the game I want to go back in there with a maxed out Cole and just have fun as hell!
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BlimBlim - Tyrannosaurus
Commented on 2009-05-02 21:33:01 In reply to skeetskeet
Posted by skeetskeet
lol Sony pulled a Kanes Wrath (Red Alert 3 beta)/ Crackdown (Halo 3 beta) with this one. The only difference is that Uncharted and Infamous are two good games, whereas in the other deals both games are shit :p
How about you don't go all fanboyish and me and don't start a console war? I love how you say that both Uncharted 2 and InFamous, games who are not actually released, are good games. Ther is little doubt that Uncharted 2 will be since it's the sequel to a good game, but InFamous is a complete mystery. For all we know it could be a pretty average title.
And I'm not even going to bother commenting about what you call shit games. But then seeing your post history, I don't even think you played any of these.
Consider this a warning.
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Commented on 2009-05-02 21:35:02 In reply to Sath
Posted by Sath
But they should atleast let us play it as a new game+ then I wouldn't mind that.
I know challenge mode COULD work, but it needs heavy thought of how to do it to make it fun and fresh.

I don't have enough money to throw around, so if I don't buy either inFAMOUS or Prototype (leaning more towards inFAMOUS at the moment) then I won't buy anything until NGS2 which is unkown when within fall.

So I have to know what kind of a replayvalue it has except the good and evil sides. I seriously don't think it will have around 100 side missions, but what is so interesting to me is it will have somewhat 70 powers.
70 unique powers within good and evil and its own twists.

What I want is once I finish the game I want to go back in there with a maxed out Cole and just have fun as hell!
i think it's already been confirmed it will have somewhere approaching 100 side missions.

as for a game+, the problem with that is that you will be continuing with your evil or good character. personally i'd rather start from scratch so that i can approach the game from the opposite if i complete it as a good cole, i can start a new game and approach the game as evil cole instead.

i realise the game lets you sway from good to bad and vice versa mid game. but i think it'd be kinda pointless if i ended the game as a good character, and then started a new game and was a fully maxed out good character again. i'd rather be a blank canvas to shape as an evil character instead.

i guess we'll have to wait and see. if they have some sort of impossibly hard mode in the game then a mode where you transfare your powers over would be needed, otherwsie i dont see much point in it, i'd rather start off as a completely different cole.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2009-05-02 21:57:41
Don't get me wrong, I am gonna do the same thing.
Going to start from scratch one time with evil and one time good.

What I am talking about is, once you complete both sides, there should be a mode/option to continue to play the game and fully max out everything and keep playing for fun and switch between good and bad.
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BlimBlim - Tyrannosaurus
Commented on 2009-05-02 23:48:03
This message is in "Boulet Time" (TM), If you still *really* want to see it, click here
Posted by droezelke
That's a pretty hard reaction for something that isn't necessarily a fanboy comment.
Saying that both Halo 3 and Crackdown are shit isn't fanboyism? It *screams* "I'm a diehard PS3 fanboy" to me.
I have no problem with people disliking both these games, but going around and calling them shit is an entirely different matter, especially the way it was told there (as a comparison to the great PS3 exclusives bundle). Add to this that they are widly different games whose sole common point is to be Xbox 360 exclusive...
Commented on 2009-05-03 06:47:48
This message is in "Boulet Time" (TM), If you still *really* want to see it, click here
Posted by droezelke
That's a pretty hard reaction for something that isn't necessarily a fanboy comment. Don't get me wrong, I dislike fanboyism, but I did not interpret it that way as an objective reader. About him calling some imo opinion average games shit, is not a political correct way to express the way he feels about those games, but still an opinion. If you are allowed to call a game awesome, you should also be allowed to call a game shit.
But that is only my opinion. I'm not choosing sides here, just trying to express how i read the comment.
You have to say it in a "nice" way. People here are delicate about their stuff . But even if you say it nicely, your opinion is still treated as blasphemy.
Commented on 2009-05-03 09:58:39
Crackdown on steroids? :P
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Commented on 2009-05-03 10:36:41 In reply to doopher
Posted by doopher
Crackdown on steroids? :P
Zap zap zap... Steroids? I don't think so.
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Commented on 2009-05-03 11:01:45
This message is in "Boulet Time" (TM), If you still *really* want to see it, click here
Posted by BlimBlim
How about you don't go all fanboyish and me and don't start a console war
Ya check my post history and notice how many times I say thank you for the vids GS. It's funny that you reply to my comment instead of all the comments "jesuschrist" has posted. You let trolls like that run rampant so hell yes I'm going to fight back.

By the way I own KW/RA3, play halo at a friend's house occasionally, seen numerous videos of infamous and crackdown, and I've played through uncharted 1 many many times so I know how high quality U2 will be. I also think prototype will be funner, but infamous is still a solid game. I own a fairly capable gaming PC and PS3. Sorry I can't own all the systems to make me not a fanboy.

You're overreacting a bit BlimBlim. Ban me if you want but it's irritating to click on a ps3 exclusive vid and see nothing but blatant trolling, which is different than expressing an opinion.

^^oh lol he's still here. Oh well guess I don't have to worry about you doing anything to me.
About the game
Published by
Sony Computer En...
Developed by
Sucker Punch

$135 of $400 per month

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