Xbox 360

I know we are two days late with this video of Halo 3, but somehow it looks like Microsoft France thought it would be fun to give us our review copies of the game only today. Thumbs up! Anyway, the game will be released tomorrow officially in France so I guess we are not *totally* late. This video was recorded by myself, and by no means am I a good FPS player (that's usually Snoopers' job but he's on his way back from Japan) so I guess it will have to do. I don't think I was totally ridiculous, especially since I was playing in Heroic difficulty. Keep in my mind that this was done with the French version, and I had no choice but to use the French voices :(

Big thanks to Driftwood and Vincent for the failed attempt to record the video at home a couple of days ago. It COULD have worked. :)
Doom_Bringer - I have terrible taste
Commented on 2007-09-25 22:18:46
yay ^_^
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Commented on 2007-09-25 22:18:56
I'm tempted but going to wait. Only about 20 hours until I have my own copy.
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Commented on 2007-09-25 22:31:59
there's no freaking way i'm going to watch this,
picking up legendary edition tomorrow morning! after waiting 3 years to finish the bloody fight.....

arrrghhhh finger creeping towards download link....must contain myself only a few hours
to go...aaieeeee!
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Commented on 2007-09-25 22:33:40
i am getting mine on friday, man oh man the original Halo was my favourite game of all time, EVER, nothing comes close and this just reminds me of the original more then anything, even more then halo 2
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Commented on 2007-09-25 22:41:41
Tempted but waiting too for my copy ^^
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Commented on 2007-09-25 22:46:31
I can't believe reviewers are giving this game higher ratings than BioShock. Well actually I can. It just sucks being reminded that the publishers with the most money can get whatever scores they please.
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BlimBlim - Tyrannosaurus
Commented on 2007-09-25 22:51:18 In reply to synce
Posted by synce
I can't believe reviewers are giving this game higher ratings than BioShock. Well actually I can. It just sucks being reminded that the publishers with the most money can get whatever scores they please.
IMHO Bioshock was way overrated. I'm not saying H3 isn't, but Bioshock gets really shallow after a while.
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gmulis - blames poor<br>marketing
Commented on 2007-09-25 22:52:23
merci beaucoup blim
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2007-09-25 23:05:04 In reply to BlimBlim
Posted by BlimBlim
IMHO Bioshock was way overrated. I'm not saying H3 isn't, but Bioshock gets really shallow after a while.
Atleast BioShock has very nice and unique art design and its fresh to the first person genre with RPG.

Now I was a fan of Halo long time ago but the game started to fade away from me since Halo 2...I didn't find it entertaining anymore, from art design to its gameplay.

But between Halo 3 and BioShock, I say BioShock is the best one, considering its unique and fresh gameplay and art design.

But thats just me...I think Synce agrees...yes?
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Commented on 2007-09-25 23:14:35
Gonna play it in co-op at a friends house, not buying it myself..
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Commented on 2007-09-25 23:19:47
lol, productivity this week around the world will fall to nothing.
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Commented on 2007-09-25 23:25:04 In reply to BlimBlim

you seem to complain alot on here for no reason,
heres the proof

halo 3: 95.9%
Bioshock: 95.4%

not much differance eh!!!
but you think halo 3 is getting higher ratings from reviewers hahaha
yeah it is, but only 0.5%

some could argue that bioshock got better reviews then it should have because it had very little hype surrounding it, and its greatness came as a bit of a suprise

and that halo 3 had SO MUCH hype, that it was guarenteed by this generation of video games to fall short of the anticipation

as someone who kept an open mind about halo 3, especially after the dissapointment of halo 2, i personaly think halo 3 is a fantastic game

and althogh i liked bioshock alot, i just plain and simple LOVE halo.
its alot more FUN imo

now, please lets not turn this to a halo is overatted thread please.
at the end of the day

halo dosnt make people hyped,
those people CHOOSE to be hyped
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Commented on 2007-09-25 23:37:30
halo 3 has been pretty good so far. although still not as good as the first. but its a freaking jagg fest. its one of the jaggiest games i've played. i really didnt expect that at all. since the game doesnt throw about a lot of poly's or real time dynamic lighting or anything i kinda expected it to run really smooth and look really smooth, but it sufferes slowdown and jaggies...its weird. multiplayer actually looks and plays smoother and is pretty damn fun.
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Commented on 2007-09-25 23:39:59
Cool, I want to go out and buy an Elite 360 today because of this :D
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Commented on 2007-09-25 23:46:11
Sath your my pal and all :), but i have to tell you as you may not realise this, but everytime you come into a Halo thread its to say something negative, you may start with somthing like i used to like halo or i think halo is good, but you always end with negative after negative, the only reason i bring this up is because i have seen many people do this to you in threads of games you care about, and you tell them " if all you have to say is negative things then dont post in this thread as you dont care bout this game " and i have defened you in some threads as i thought you were right, but i just thought i would give you a heads up that your starting to sound exactly like thoes that continually post negative comments in threads of games you like.
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Commented on 2007-09-25 23:59:04
i watched 30seconds then closed it.

I dont care about my sanity!

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Commented on 2007-09-26 00:06:34 In reply to Sath
Posted by Sath
Atleast BioShock has very nice and unique art design and its fresh to the first person genre with RPG.

Now I was a fan of Halo long time ago but the game started to fade away from me since Halo 2...I didn't find it entertaining anymore, from art design to its gameplay.

But between Halo 3 and BioShock, I say BioShock is the best one, considering its unique and fresh gameplay and art design.

But thats just me...I think Synce agrees...yes?
you wont be saying that when bioshock 2 is released
its art design wont be so fresh and new then will it??
its gameplay wont be new then will it??

you see, 2 halo games later, and halo 3 is still an incredibley fun and solid experiance.
the art on halo was new when it was first released as halo 1.
but why would they change it?

if they changed anything major about halo i would have started a riot...
halo is perfect the way it is
sometimes change isnt needed

you see, alot of people here are bringing up such pointless arguements.
why cant we just enojoy the first 10 minutes of halo :)
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Commented on 2007-09-26 00:07:00
french accent is so sexy! especially when a female speaks it..

Don't worry halo fans, if you don' watch will be worth it when you do.

trust me, the sight of Master chief, the will make the hair on the back of your neck stand up.. that's a damn guarentee

I'm not a huge halo fan (more gears of war) but i still know how fans feel when they see master chief or when that music kicks in. I find MGS that way, so i can relate.. I'm sure every gamer will even if they aren't a fan. It's the way it is hyped and advertised, you can't escape it

I say you guys should wait when you have the game at hand..blast the music as high as you can and view it on your big screens the way it is intended, through your own hands ...well, through your own xbox360 lol
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Commented on 2007-09-26 00:11:26
Completed this yesterday, excellent end to the trilogy and all the new editions really add to the overall feel.

The forge is the best game mode ever. And all the new video, screenshots etc are all great.

Overall I love this game. I would judge this game compared to bioshock on 1 thing. I loved bioshock but will I be playing it in 2 years? probably not. But with halo 3 and its MP il probably be playing matches online for some time to come. And its halo 2 but much better graphics, lots of new weapons, powerups and new vehicles. So for me its worth a 9 or 10 for sheer replayability.
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Commented on 2007-09-26 00:13:05
yeah i saw videos of the forge and it just screams * halo 3 multiplayer for years to come* fans will eat it up, it's going to lead to a hell of lot of halo 3 addiction lol

I'm sure people are going to flood the net with halo 3 multiplayer kill videos within hrs. Slow motion and everything
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Commented on 2007-09-26 00:16:13
come bioshock 3 it will have the same problem as halo

people will be saying,
bioshock isnt new, its not fresh
its just like the previous bioshock but with new guns and plasmids
the graphics look weak because since bioshock 3 is so hyped i expected more

halo 3 is amaizing, if you love halo, you will love halo 3
if you loved bioshock
you will love bioshocks sequels
its simple as that
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Commented on 2007-09-26 00:19:45
alright jioann00, that's enough. youve made your point.
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Commented on 2007-09-26 00:23:29 In reply to jioann00
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Commented on 2007-09-26 00:24:09
sorry forum police :P :) heh#

but i wouldnt have to state the obvious if people wouldnt post such pointless hate on halo threads all the time

but thats all i have to say. :)
so il shh now
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Commented on 2007-09-26 00:27:51
listen man i know what its like when people are trying to piss on your parade, I know how frustrating it is, we all do, but Sath is really the only guy not raving about H3. That's pretty nice considering what happens when a Dark Sektor thread arises and every other person is saying "i liked the original concept better" or "this game is such a rip off of gears of war".

Anyways, this is off topic.

H3 fans, enjoy your day. :)
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About the game
Published by
Xbox Game Studios
Developed by

$135 of $400 per month

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