Trailer PC PS4 Xbox One

Here it is finally in good quality on Gamersyde, the latest gameplay trailer of Mirror's Edge: Catalyst, giving a glimpse at the city of Glass and Faith's journey. You can sign up for a chance to play the closed beta. The game wil release on May 24 for PC, PS4 and Xbox One.

Commented on 2016-02-10 18:52:06
I like this plot, could be interesting
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Commented on 2016-02-10 18:58:57
Impressive! This and QuantumBreak and Uncharted 4 in the space of 2 months wohoooo!
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Commented on 2016-02-10 19:21:25
Thank you, awesome!! Surprising though that the file is so much smaller than the previous ones. It's the same framerate and length as the E3 2015 trailer but that one was 500MB! Different compression algorithm?
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Commented on 2016-02-10 19:26:19 In reply to psvp
No change in our compression method. Colors in this video compress pretty well, this is why.
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Commented on 2016-02-10 19:35:53 In reply to Game2k
Posted by Game2k
No change in our comression method. Colors in this video compress pretty well, this is why.
Interesting. Kinda makes sense I guess, the colors are super vibrant in this trailer so maybe they don't have the dynamic range they usually do.
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Commented on 2016-02-10 20:08:59
So cool!
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2016-02-10 20:53:32
Faith is such an fantastic female design and having parkour they screwed it up making it into a rollercoasting headache movement type of thing.

They should have made it like Assassins Creed, 3rd person parkour with nice character design and sceneries.
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Commented on 2016-02-10 21:17:23 In reply to Sath
Posted by Sath
They should have made it like Assassins Creed, 3rd person parkour with nice character design and sceneries.
No thanks. 1st person parkour was the entire selling point of first Mirror's Edge and one of many reasons it's on my all-time top 3 favorite videogames list. You've got enough third person action platformers, anyway.

Such a shame that after so many years of wishing upon the sequel it looks to be pretty disappointing so far. Pausing at the opening scene on top of "crane"(?) reveals an artistic direction towards high tech futuristic architecture and landscape. Mirror's Edge looked surrealistically vibrant and beautiful, but it also looked like something realistic, without flying giant ships and drones. It felt real. Also it's funny how despite the current trend of "strong independent womyn" ME1 Faith was more confident and strong of a character, judging by this particular trailer. Oh, and she looked 100% asian, not 50% negress interbreed.
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Commented on 2016-02-10 21:37:19 In reply to Sath
Posted by Sath
Faith is such an fantastic female design and having parkour they screwed it up making it into a rollercoasting headache movement type of thing.

They should have made it like Assassins Creed, 3rd person parkour with nice character design and sceneries.
As much as I like 3rd person perspective, I think it does not work here.
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Commented on 2016-02-11 01:57:11 In reply to Sath
Posted by Sath
Faith is such an fantastic female design and having parkour they screwed it up making it into a rollercoasting headache movement type of thing.

They should have made it like Assassins Creed, 3rd person parkour with nice character design and sceneries.
Then it wouldn't be Mirror's Edge. It would just be AC on rails. It's like saying that you like Mario's design, but you'd prefer it to be in 1st person.
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Commented on 2016-02-11 03:22:21
As with every modern game trailer, I'm left wondering what exactly they mean by "Captured In-Engine." Clearly the first person bits are gameplay, but what about the cutscenes? Are they being rendered in real time or were they rendered offline using the game engine? Hopefully it's all real time. I dislike pre-rendered in-engine cutscenes. Mainly because they always have a worse framerate than gameplay (you'd think developers would do their cutscene rendering on better hardware...) and usually feature heavy compression.
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Commented on 2016-02-11 05:32:50
looks good
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Commented on 2016-02-11 06:10:12 In reply to MinorDespera
You can hate the way she looks all you want but don't be a racist asshole about it.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2016-02-11 07:47:23 In reply to MrWhite
Posted by MinorDespera
No thanks. 1st person parkour was the entire selling point of first Mirror's Edge and one of many reasons it's on my all-time top 3 favorite videogames list. You've got enough third person action platformers, anyway.
I know but i prefer to see my character animation when they have such abilities, when its in first person its a shame you dont see it. But then again they can get away with jerky animations for the character when its in first person lol.
Posted by alimokrane
As much as I like 3rd person perspective, I think it does not work here.
I think it would work, but then they would have to animate tons of stuff to make it look good, so in first person its a lazy way to get away with such a thing for the main character and just focus on head bobbing and arms and hands lol.
Posted by MrWhite
Then it wouldn't be Mirror's Edge.
I know, i said its a shame it wasent from the start but the game is famous for what it is so thats all good.

Ah well, looks good for sure, much more improved over the first one so fans should be happy about that.
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Commented on 2016-02-11 08:47:01 In reply to AMDman18
Posted by AMDman18
Mainly because they always have a worse framerate than gameplay (you'd think developers would do their cutscene rendering on better hardware...) and usually feature heavy compression.
How pre-rendered cutscenes turn out doesn't really have anything to do with how powerful the hardware they're rendered on is. When you're pre-rendering something it is not meant to be viewed in realtime, you have all the time in the world to render it, it's just gonna be written to a file and the framerate is decided by whatever setttings you choose at the beginning. You could probably render it on a Pentium 133MHz if you wanted to, but it would take years, if not decades. In the end you would still get a perfectly good 60FPS video if that's what you asked the renderer for though. Take the Pixar movies for example, they can take months to render but you end up with maybe 2 hour 24fps (or whatever) movie.
I think this has more to do with the devs not wanting cutscenes to take up too much space (i.e. exceed the size of a bluray disc for console versions) by limiting framerate/quality. Obviously realtime rendering doesn't eat that much space but then you're limited to how many graphical effects you can have if you want the graphics to be better than the gameplay. If you want the same graphics as the gameplay though, I guess there's not much reason not to use it as it saves plenty of space.
Posted by Sath
I think it would work, but then they would have to animate tons of stuff to make it look good, so in first person its a lazy way to get away with such a thing for the main character and just focus on head bobbing and arms and hands lol.
It's not really about that, it's about immersion. Both devs from the first and the new game have stated this several times in interviews: They chose the first person perspective because it's absolutely vital to properly immerse you into the parkour experience. They don't want you to look at a character doing the moves you want to make, they want you to become that character.
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Commented on 2016-02-11 11:32:22
Love it. Enjoyed the first game, although it frustrated the hell out of me, so hopefully they've worked out the kinks for a more hassle-free experience :)
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Commented on 2016-02-11 13:30:06 In reply to RobinLD
Posted by RobinLD
You can hate the way she looks all you want but don't be a racist asshole about it.
How does one convey in non-racist form (by your standards) that one thinks she looks like 40% black 60% asian? Because I fail to see racism in that. "You keep saying that word. I don't think it means what you think it means."
Posted by Sath
I know but i prefer to see my character animation when they have such abilities, when its in first person its a shame you dont see it. But then again they can get away with jerky animations for the character when its in first person lol.
Well, there is 3rd person option via some dev debug fiddling (Faith has world model to render shadows and feet), but they of course look broken/weird most of the time. >_>
Posted by psvp
If you want the same graphics as the gameplay though, I guess there's not much reason not to use it as it saves plenty of space.
There is no excuse for some games to use prerendered cutscenes for in-engine footage (given there are no drastic back and forth changes of scenery that would take too long to load in realtime). Take Max Payne 3 for example, whopping 30+GB size just because they randomly use prerendered in-engine cutscenes for something that could have been easily pulled off in real time, and the difference shows.
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Sath - Missed the<br>hay
Commented on 2016-02-11 17:12:31 In reply to MinorDespera
Posted by psvp
It's not really about that, it's about immersion. Both devs from the first and the new game have stated this several times in interviews: They chose the first person perspective because it's absolutely vital to properly immerse you into the parkour experience. They don't want you to look at a character doing the moves you want to make, they want you to become that character.
I understand why they did it, thats usually why they do first person for games.
Posted by MinorDespera
Well, there is 3rd person option via some dev debug fiddling (Faith has world model to render shadows and feet), but they of course look broken/weird most of the time. >_>
Looks funky though lol
But yeah looks horrible, thats why i said doing it in first person also gives you less pressure to do proper main character animations during gameplay like AC games, with first person its alot of head bobbing and arms/hands animations.
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Commented on 2016-02-11 19:03:40 In reply to RobinLD
Posted by RobinLD
You can hate the way she looks all you want but don't be a racist asshole about it.
she looks HOT
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Commented on 2016-02-11 20:54:45 In reply to MinorDespera
Posted by MinorDespera
How does one convey in non-racist form (by your standards) that one thinks she looks like 40% black 60% asian? Because I fail to see racism in that. "You keep saying that word. I don't think it means what you think it means."
I imagine RobinLD's point is that "negress interbreed" may not have been the best way to word it.
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Commented on 2016-02-11 21:43:01
This may sound weird but I hope the game is not cinematically over the top too often.
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Commented on 2016-02-12 01:50:34
Anyone else kind of annoyed by the overly "preachy" characters in the trailer? And the first line makes me cringe.

" I once knew a young woman who would define anyone and anything in order to do what she 'felt' was right. "

Yeah. Don't use your head and actually think but use your feels. Sheesh, it's like written by a feminist.

Oh well. Maybe I'm just nitpicking.. :P
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Commented on 2016-02-12 02:08:26 In reply to MaxPower
Posted by MaxPower
Anyone else kind of annoyed by the overly "preachy" characters in the trailer? And the first line makes me cringe.

" I once knew a young woman who would define anyone and anything in order to do what she 'felt' was right. "

Yeah. Don't use your head and actually think but use your feels. Sheesh, it's like written by a feminist.

Oh well. Maybe I'm just nitpicking.. :P
Story was crap in the first as well so what else is new? Gameplay and art style comes first in Mirror's Edge for me and the dev seems to feel the same way.
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Commented on 2016-02-12 07:05:09 In reply to asdfg
Art style went to crap as well, though. No more vibrant colorful urban dystopia, we Killzone: Shadowfall now.
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Commented on 2016-02-12 19:00:04 In reply to MinorDespera
Posted by MinorDespera
Art style went to crap as well, though. No more vibrant colorful urban dystopia, we Killzone: Shadowfall now.
That's just hyperbole. The only off thing I saw is that there are blimp like aircrafts floating in the city. The rest is very reminiscent of the first game for me but looks even more beautiful with the new engine.

Lens flares and blimps doesn't make this Killzone.
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About the game
Published by
Electronic Arts
Developed by

$135 of $400 per month

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