Xbox 360 PS3

Midway released this trailer of Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe, showing the fighting mechanics in the game. It's planned to be released November 21st on Playstation 3 and Xbox 360.

Commented on 2008-10-17 18:12:07
I love the idea of this game, and I don't understand why so many people are complaining about it. Classic MK fighters vs DC characters is a pretty cool idea, and I love most of the designs they've chosen to use for each one.

But honestly, the combat system looks like it's from the early 90's, it's very slow, clunky and badly animated, and I really don't like the idea of "guessing" for the free fall/close range combat, it looks totally random and unfair - too much luck, and no skill.

Hopefully we get a demo.
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Commented on 2008-10-17 18:21:48
So game to get this.
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Commented on 2008-10-17 18:27:37
i think people (including myself) dont like it because its such a random, piointless merging of franchises. capcom vs SNK makes sense. marvel vs capcom makes sense, MK vs DC doesnt. the DC universe isnt a universe that i would think of when i heard the word "fighter" its just doesnt make sense. this is like the star wars character appearing in soul calibur. its "interesting" sure, makes sense? not so much. plus i think people are pissed thats it actually hurting the MK franchise, by ditching a lot of the violence that arguably MAKES an MK game a MK game. that and it reeks of desperation.

but my main isses are the same as yours, dated combat system, with dated visuals and dated animations. the MK guys are like RARE in many ways. they may have had the skills to product games back in the day, but times have changed, and their processes havnt evolved with the times so everything they produce ends up feeling either confused or dated.
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Commented on 2008-10-17 18:34:13
Button mash gameplay, no fatalities or gore, small roster, DC characters... Don't like anything about this one. Way more excited for the XBL/PSN release of MVC2.
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Commented on 2008-10-17 18:51:17 In reply to broman
Posted by broman
Button mash gameplay, no fatalities or gore, small roster, DC characters... Don't like anything about this one. Way more excited for the XBL/PSN release of MVC2.
Why talking without see and know a game???? Just in this video you can see a Fatality and so much blood...
small roster??? 22 warriors plus much other to be released like DLC???
Button mash??? Isn't Tekken 6 is MK... MK never has been a Button Smasher... LOL
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Commented on 2008-10-17 19:29:57 In reply to KORNdog
Posted by KORNdog
marvel vs capcom makes sense, MK vs DC doesnt.
So, what you're saying is that Mortal Kombat vs. Marvel would actually make sense?

Edit: Just to be clear here, one of the advantages of crossover fiction is that it actually doesn't have to make sense for it to work altogether.
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Commented on 2008-10-17 19:45:05 In reply to Foo
Posted by Foo
So, what you're saying is that Mortal Kombat vs. Marvel would actually make sense?

Edit: Just to be clear here, one of the advantages of crossover fiction is that it actually doesn't have to make sense for it to work altogether.
no, but marvel had 2D fighters before marvel vs capcom. they played very similar to street see, match made in heaven. DC however isnt a fighting franchise. it'd be like putting the simpsons alongside street fighter. they're both big franchises, but one works as a fighter, the other doesnt. its a missmatch. just like MK and DC is a missmatch.

some fighting franchises work together, but its very rare to see a fighting franchise merge well with a franchise outside of the fighting DC
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Commented on 2008-10-17 20:16:30
Terrible animation and horrible aesthetics coupled with the fact that no mortal kombat game ever has been a good fighter equals a huge bunch of shit for me. I just don't understand the appeal of this at all, and i like fighters a lot. Also the DC characters are lame, though i understand why the choice of DC was made what with batman being super popular again.

And the breakers are back, shittiest idea for a fighter EVER. The close and freefall combat doesn't exactly seem brilliant either. I just don't see how it contributes to the game in any way, other than showing off the rather shitty models. Are they even trying to make a balanced game? Oh wait, no i forget myself...this is Midway we're talking about.

This looks BAD.
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Commented on 2008-10-17 20:16:48 In reply to InsideMK
This message is in "Boulet Time" (TM), If you still *really* want to see it, click here
Posted by InsideMK
Why talking without see and know a game???? Just in this video you can see a Fatality and so much blood...
small roster??? 22 warriors plus much other to be released like DLC???
Button mash??? Isn't Tekken 6 is MK... MK never has been a Button Smasher... LOL
Why not just post in your native language?
Commented on 2008-10-17 21:23:05 In reply to KORNdog
Posted by KORNdog
no, but marvel had 2D fighters before marvel vs capcom. they played very similar to street see, match made in heaven. DC however isnt a fighting franchise. it'd be like putting the simpsons alongside street fighter. they're both big franchises, but one works as a fighter, the other doesnt. its a missmatch. just like MK and DC is a missmatch.

some fighting franchises work together, but its very rare to see a fighting franchise merge well with a franchise outside of the fighting DC
I did expect that you would bring up the previous Marvel fighting games. But I don't really think you answered my question. Well, technically you said no, but it could very well have been a yes. Never mind though, I'm not really in need to know anymore.

However, I think Mortal Kombat is about the same as Street Fighter, only with a higher grade of violence. Those Marvel games you kinda hinted at before is from my beliefs all developed by Capcom, which mean Capcom did design them with a similar style to Street Fighters (and the technical limitations ofc helped a lot), which I think fooled you to believe that they were a perfect match, much like your favorite feature film as child starring Bob Hoskins and Roger Rabbit*.

And as you can see, Midway has done their job to make Batman look much like a Mortal Kombat kombatant and vice verse. So what I'm getting at is that you by now should have grown up a tad, and therefore you don't buy their merging, while Marvel Vs Capcom is all in the past, and you feel too nostalgic and proud for reviewing their case and see the same type of mismatch there as you apparently see here.

Anyway, just my theory :)

I believe almost everything could make a crossover, and from what I've seen so far, I would say Midway have done some great work.

*That could have been my favorite film as a child.
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Commented on 2008-10-18 00:23:26
I think the main issue is the stylistic clash. Street fighter was hand drawn and comic-booky so the integration with comic characters makes sense. Mortal Kombat went for a more "realistic" look from the start. It is also very dark(obviously).
Sure, Batman has a dark, gritty feel, but superman? Also, alot of those "kombatants" don't make much sense as brawlers. The Joker? How about LOBO? That would make more sense. Besides wich, most DC characters are lame. The Green Lantern? I thought he was awesome when I was eight. Never mind the crappy, stiff animation. Mortal Kombat should have stayed with the style of the last couple games. It would have worked better...
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Commented on 2008-10-18 11:01:46
I don't really get what people are complaining about in terms of the universes, they're both pretty dark and gritty, in my opinion they go together fine. I don't see how it's any different than Marvel vs Capcom. How does Jill Valentine fit in with Spider-man, for example?

Again, I think the gameplay looks terrible, but I have no problem with the concept.
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Commented on 2008-10-18 18:52:01 In reply to WinterSnowblind
Hey bashing Jill Valentine. heh...seriously she's one of my favorite characters in MvC2.

On topic, this game just looks horrible...their whole animation team needs to actually go to a fight and watch how people really move. Oh...and touch-tone combos FTL.
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Commented on 2008-10-18 18:58:58
I think the animations are pretty cool. They've been improved significantly but still have that oldschool MK feel to them. Sure, looking at them objectively they're not all that impressive and much better animations can be found in other fighting games these days, but like I said...this has that oldschool MK vibe to it many oldschool gamers will digg for sure.

When I was a kid I used to play games like this all the time, loved them. Now, I can't stand them. So I don't really care for this game, but I just think the animations look really cool this way.
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Commented on 2008-10-18 22:42:44 In reply to Heywood
Posted by Heywood
Hey bashing Jill Valentine. heh...seriously she's one of my favorite characters in MvC2.
Not bashing, just questioning who the two fit together any better than Batman and Sub-zero.
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Commented on 2008-10-19 10:40:27
The game looks very good. I think i will pick it up.
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Commented on 2008-10-19 11:18:39
I personally don't think there's any problem with the universes meeting up any more than Marvel and Capcom. Potato, po-tah-to.

My beef is that it looks like a Mortal Kombat an awkward, shitty fighter.
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Commented on 2008-10-19 11:41:43 In reply to Ronsauce
Posted by Ronsauce
My beef is that it looks like a Mortal Kombat an awkward, shitty fighter.
I can agree with that. I just don't get how this particular franchise has any fans...must be pure nostalgia? Last MK game i tried was Armageddon and that was really, REALLY terrible. Took my buddy like 5 minutes to discover an infinite air combo. That's balance for ya.
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Commented on 2008-10-19 14:57:40
Awesome characters, might get it!
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Commented on 2008-10-19 15:38:03
I hated the idea of the game, the graphics and artwork of the characters are horrible, the handling of the characters is extremely repetitive. Do they entered the same school of dance? lol. This game for me, came without any reason, if it were other characters of the HQ's, all right, but put Super Man vs. Scorpion, Sub Zero? Nonsense. This game will stink a lot.
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SimonM7 - The other mod's bitch
Commented on 2008-10-19 21:32:51 In reply to Megido
Posted by Megido
...must be pure nostalgia?
I get into an annual Mortal Kombat phase when I dig all of the games out and get rediculously attached to the silly characters again, so for me this is absolutely true.

The thing with MK as a fighter is that it's so horribly balanced that at no point do you expect to be able to play it half properly. So, what you do is, you get someone equally dorky about the characters and you unlock all the crazy stuff in them and mix things up with the occasional versus round where you laugh yourself senseless at the mega violence.

Mortal Kombat Deception is easily the best Mortal Kombat game (from a pure entertainment standpoint) since MK Gold on the dreamcast (where you could throw katanas at eachother's faces for maximum hilarity) because it saw the return of some really cool classic MK fighters, plus it was online and had variations of chess and Super Puzzle Fighters but with MK characters. It was also a pretty great looking game at the time.

Armageddon cut everyone's moves list in half and spaced them out across like 60 fighters just to have everyone back in there, and gameplay/fun wise, that was a catastrophic decision. It ended up being a horrible disappointment, even during my most ardent of MK phases.

But in short, nostalgia is very much where its at. A really geeky affection for these martial arts pastiche characters that nobody *really* takes seriously (except 12 year olds maybe) and the sheer intensity of the silly "dark fantasy kung fu" atmosphere.

Which is sort of why this game is such a disappointment to me. It no longer tries to do a half assed tying everyone's storyline together like a soap ninja opera, but opts for a "fans of what, exactly, will enjoy this game?" experience. Fans of MK will surely be disappointed that you can't rip Superman's head off, and Superman fans won't get even a remote kick out of playing severely castrated fisticuffs version of the man of steel.

That said, I think the DC vs MK makes sense the same way Capcom vs Marvel did. DC is overall a grittier and darker universe with more realistic looking characters, whereas the comic book-ness of Hulk, Captain America, Spiderman, et cetera, fit the drawn art of Capcom's. I just don't see how the fighting engine of MK will do anyone justice though.
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Commented on 2008-10-20 02:29:06 In reply to KORNdog
Posted by KORNdog
no, but marvel had 2D fighters before marvel vs capcom. they played very similar to street see, match made in heaven. DC however isnt a fighting franchise. it'd be like putting the simpsons alongside street fighter. they're both big franchises, but one works as a fighter, the other doesnt. its a missmatch. just like MK and DC is a missmatch.

some fighting franchises work together, but its very rare to see a fighting franchise merge well with a franchise outside of the fighting DC
Actually there was at least 1 DC 1-on-1 fighting game and that was Justice League: Task Force. I don't know how well it sold though or if there were any 2D sequels let alone 3D ones. One of my problems with the 3D Mortal Kombat games is that they don't use photorealistic graphics like the 2D ones did. Half the appeal of the original games were that they use digitized graphics (that was basically an old term for photorealistic graphics back in the 2D days kiddies :D) which set them apart from most other games. The only 1-on-1 fighing games with photorealistic graphics these days I can think of are boxing games and wrestling games so I think Mortal Kombat could still stand out if it had them since the rest of the 1-on-1 fighting games use manga style graphics.
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Commented on 2008-10-20 10:55:25 In reply to WinterSnowblind
Posted by WinterSnowblind
I don't understand why so many people are complaining about it.
Posted by WinterSnowblind
But honestly, the combat system looks like it's from the early 90's, it's very slow, clunky and badly animated, and I really don't like the idea of "guessing" for the free fall/close range combat, it looks totally random and unfair - too much luck, and no skill.
Answered your own question.
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Commented on 2008-10-20 14:34:42 In reply to asphaltcowboy
He probably doesn't understand why people are complaining about the match-up...not the gameplay.
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Commented on 2008-10-21 10:24:49 In reply to KORNdog
Posted by KORNdog
no, but marvel had 2D fighters before marvel vs capcom. they played very similar to street see, match made in heaven. DC however isnt a fighting franchise. it'd be like putting the simpsons alongside street fighter. they're both big franchises, but one works as a fighter, the other doesnt. its a missmatch. just like MK and DC is a missmatch.
Capcom made all of those marvel games. SF characters actually never had a game that had super jump, block pushback, etc. mechanics before a VS game. So SF guys really didn't mesh well in terms of the system (hence the reason why most SF chars typically suck).

Midway skipped making DC only fighters.

This is not to say that MK vs DC will be good, on the contrary, it'll be total trash. A transparent mixup game that borders on near perfect 50/50 mixups, recently added 25/25/25/25 systems, and infinites. All due to their poorly thought mechanics, animation, and damage values.
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About the game
X360 PS3
Published by
Midway Games
Developed by
Midway Games

$135 of $400 per month

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