Our good friend DjMizuhara sent us this demo of Motorstorm Pacific Rift, looking nice as always. Too bad the demo is only available through the latest Qore episode though, since us Europeans can't even buy it...

Commented on 2008-09-12 19:53:53
I would rather play PURE then this. This is too much like the first one I was expecting as least one new addition or something. I hope they didn't do what they did for the one have the sames tracks over and over again but just increase the difficult as you progress changes are they did.
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Commented on 2008-09-12 20:02:37
Thanks guys. One of the rare times I actually wish I had a PS3.
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Commented on 2008-09-12 20:04:05
I'm living in Germany and I got an invitation to play the demo for free (via email) and also bought the Qore episode, so I had two options to get it just to have that said. The game is as good as I expected it to be! It's a must buy for me as I'm into offroad racing.
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Commented on 2008-09-12 20:05:21
The first Motorstorm is still one of my favourite racing games ever.
I have really high expectations on this one.
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Commented on 2008-09-12 21:30:00
Thanks blim, i didn't get a bloody invitation, how lame is that.
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Commented on 2008-09-12 21:31:04
A lot of Europeans have been emailed download codes, myself and a few friends got some earlier. They've sent out quite a lot today.
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Commented on 2008-09-12 21:52:21
intense, edge of you seat racing. and its hard as nails to boot (only came first once) game plays the same as the first which depending on how much you liked the first is either a good or bad thing. for me its good. i never expected it to play differently, just a few tweeks here and there. the AI is very rubberband but its also just as good as the first if not better. only thing im not too keen on is the handling, the monster truck is damn near impossible to win with and drifting in general is just a tough thing to pull off well. although i supose i'd rather it be like this then PURE which seems to drive itself.

overall im impressed, track wasnt the most exciting in the world, but some of those jumps made my stomache drop. the game holds up really well in split screen as well with no slow down or much compomise in terms of graphics.

this is what motorstorm 1 SHOULD have been if it wasnt rushed out for the ps3's launch.
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Commented on 2008-09-12 22:06:08
Looks like it's finally getting that level of polish it needed. Definitely looking forward to this one! Now if they only would've put in an incar view, I'd be all set.
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Commented on 2008-09-12 22:19:00
Looks just like excite truck to me, seems to have drifted from its predecessor more to an arcade excite truck styled variant with shiny bling graphics.
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Commented on 2008-09-12 22:20:33 In reply to met3or
Posted by met3or
Looks just like excite truck to me, seems to have drifted from its predecessor more to an arcade excite truck styled variant with shiny bling graphics.
its pretty much identical to motorstorm 1. its always been this crazy OTT arcade racer.
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Commented on 2008-09-13 00:50:01 In reply to INDIGO
Posted by INDIGO
Thanks guys. One of the rare times I actually wish I had a PS3.
I wish I could be so uncaring =( I desperately want a PS3.

Looks pretty great. The enviroments seem much bigger this time, though I only ever played the demo of the first so maybe thats just the one track or what ever. Although the crashes are a bit less attractive (in other videos I mean).
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Commented on 2008-09-13 01:13:27
I love this game, use the close view on the bike and it will blow to pieces, it's so fast and moves around like mad,making you feel like your bouncing around over the bumps. I have to compare to the pure demo,whilst I enjoyed that it feels really tame compared to this.
had to boost my tv colour to get the best out it (had my SOCOM settings on) but it looks amazing,and looks just as good in splitscreen.
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Commented on 2008-09-13 01:55:05
I got the demo, it's pretty much what I expected.

Lovely graphics, gameplay much the same as original motorstorrm. Bear in mind I love Motorstorm, so this demo is very pleasing.

looking forward to playing the full game now and seeing the new tracks and vehicles. A must buy for me, already preordered.
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Commented on 2008-09-13 01:58:13
The demo was amazing, certainly you can also notice the increased intensity and the improved AA, trust me it may not look like the graphics are better than Motorstorm 1 even though that would be a feat in itself as motorstorm 1 was and still is one of the greatest looking games ever but MS2 to is better graphically, most importantly I think if unlike me you dont clearly see this I believe the full game will have the track which fully emphasises its visual progress and prowess against its ealier counterpart.
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GangStarr - Inhibited Sony Lover
Commented on 2008-09-13 03:08:18
wow looks exactly the same as Motorstorm1 :S with more boring environment

this game sacrifices alot of fun for realism which i dont like. the only great thing about this game is the graphics
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Commented on 2008-09-13 03:38:01 In reply to GangStarr
Posted by GangStarr
wow looks exactly the same as Motorstorm1 :S with more boring environment

this game sacrifices alot of fun for realism which i dont like. the only great thing about this game is the graphics
realism, are you shitting me? if you landed a bike from the jumps in this demo's track alone, you'd end up with half a bike up your ass.
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Commented on 2008-09-13 10:37:31
^^^ what KORN said lol!

Yeah game is looking great and i did see some people complaining that the graphics looked crap and the game doesn't play like the first one!? I don't know where some gamers come from, obviously mongoville.
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Commented on 2008-09-13 11:13:33
Did not like the first, but i'll try the demo of this if i get a chance, but from the video i can see theres no way i'm paying £40 for that!.
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Commented on 2008-09-13 12:11:39 In reply to pythxvii
Posted by pythxvii
I wish I could be so uncaring =( I desperately want a PS3.

Looks pretty great. The enviroments seem much bigger this time, though I only ever played the demo of the first so maybe thats just the one track or what ever. Although the crashes are a bit less attractive (in other videos I mean).
I just got a PS3, not for this game but for Little big planet and the blu-ray player.
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Commented on 2008-09-13 13:28:52
So Qore is basically Sony's answer to Microsoft's XBL Gold in that you have to pay to get the demos first. Tsk tsk tsk, I knew it would happen eventually...

Oh, the game? Not too shabby. I'd rather see some Forza 3 though.
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Commented on 2008-09-13 14:11:13
heh as much as I want to see forza 3 way off topic, but the ground textures look awful and not hidden very well during the race, graphically underwhelming which I found the was the 1st's strong point although when i got round to playing it I felt underwhelmed by the graphics and gameplay, didnt have that adrenaline pump I expected and I just didnt enjoy the gameplay all too much so I'd probs say no to the second. I honestly don't see why this game is getting praised graphically doesn't look anything special or wow just decent...maybe I'm just too used to current gen graphics lol.
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Commented on 2008-09-13 14:35:40
The majority of Euro MS demo players were given a unique unlock code via email ;) and not by Qore.
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Commented on 2008-09-13 16:04:31
looks ok..same as the first..But I think I'm skipping this one and getting PURE instaed! that game is rad!
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Commented on 2008-09-13 17:18:30
agree with Blue Eagle, the texture work is horrendous. The handling of vehicles is completely wrong for what it aspires to be - an arcade racer, and they need to fix the issue of the camera wrapping around the monster trucks, which makes it unplayable at times. + the demo track was of an uninspiring design. Cancelled my preorder on the basis of it. Hasn't evolved like I'd hoped it would. Showboating physics aside, Pure leaves it in its trail of dust.

Hearing not so good things about the Resistance Beta too, so looks like the only truly worthwhile exclusive game on PS3 for the rest of the year is going to be Little Big Planet
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Commented on 2008-09-13 17:34:53 In reply to suburbanboy
Posted by suburbanboy
agree with Blue Eagle, the texture work is horrendous. The handling of vehicles is completely wrong for what it aspires to be - an arcade racer, and they need to fix the issue of the camera wrapping around the monster trucks, which makes it unplayable at times. + the demo track was of an uninspiring design. Cancelled my preorder on the basis of it. Hasn't evolved like I'd hoped it would. Showboating physics aside, Pure leaves it in its trail of dust.

Hearing not so good things about the Resistance Beta too, so looks like the only truly worthwhile exclusive game on PS3 for the rest of the year is going to be Little Big Planet
didnt you think PURE was a little...skill-less. im a huge fan of that type of game (ssx, freekstyle etc), but PURE almost controlled itself around the track. plus it was completely lacking in any sort of adrenaline or intensity. i should have loved PURE but i hated it.
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